“Slow Living” Is The Fastest Growing Trend You Probably Have Not Heard About

Selali Onuoha
Authentic Pieces
Published in
5 min readOct 27, 2021


Photo credit: Kirk Wallace and Glenn Thomas

I came across this article late last year after seeing the term slow living trending on a few different social media platforms.

The article does a great job of elucidating the source of the fatigue we all felt when the pandemic lockdowns forced us all to take stock of our lives.

Faster is not necessarily better.

Most of us have come to this realization that the flurry of activity that characterised our pre-COVID lives is unneeded at best — and at worst injurious to our well-being.

Cue a spontaneous movement — an instinctive reaction to slow things down.

Marie Kondo’s burst into popularity in the last two years is no coincidence. Her message of simplifying life by purging excess resonated sharply with the mood of the times.

Many are taking steps to avoid regressing into a life of unchecked harried activity by resetting careers, relocating and even switching off technology.

So what exactly ‘is’ Slow Living?

It all begins in Italy with the slow food movement.

A movement that emphasizes traditional food production techniques in contrast to the craze of modern fast food preparation



Selali Onuoha
Authentic Pieces

Entrepreneur. Reader. Life-long Learner. I write to educate and inspire. She/her. Contact: mno22@cornell.edu