Sofie Hon
Authentic Solopreneurs
Apr 1, 2021

Hi, I’m Sofie from Singapore. I’m an international coach and trainer in the MAP Method™, and Mum of two who switched from an unbalanced high-strung corporate life to pursuing purposeful work that nurtures a thriving family life.

I equip professionals, coaches, therapists, and parents with mind management skills so that they can be their own best version and in turn help others become their best too.

I love teaching, coaching, writing, and speaking about:

  • Work-life Integration (especially working Mums)
  • Mind Management Techniques
  • How to go from Good to Great
  • Nurturing Happy Healthy Children
  • Empowering your Mind to Create Your Best Life
  • Mental Emotional Wellness

I’d love to connect with you here on LinkedIn and Facebook.

Photo courtesy of the author.



Sofie Hon
Authentic Solopreneurs

Advanced international coach and trainer, the MAP Method (TM). I love equipping professionals, coaches, therapists and parents with mind management skills.