3 Myths about Self-Publishing Debunked

Rajat Chakraborty
Authentic Storytelling Tribe
5 min readJan 25, 2024


Photo by Colton Sturgeon on Unsplash

Yes, there are myths, prejudices and biases in self-publishing too.

No doubt, the self-publishing industry has exploded in recent years, democratizing the world of self published authors like never before.

Yet, with this surge in popularity come misconceptions that can deter potential authors from taking the leap.

We are humans and we try to generalize, so that it is convenient to convince ourselves when things somehow do not work!

When I started my self-publishing journey, it was filled with many unanswered questions. I had to look for answers along the way.

Some of them were tough questions. They could not be avoided, kept aside, or bypassed. I would need to go through them regardless, in order to become an author. And I admit, I also had my sets of wrong beliefs along the way.

So, here are 3 persistent myths about self-publishing that I debunk based on my writing journey.

Myth 1: Self-Publishing Is Meant For Experts

One of the most pervasive myths is that self-publishing is tough. Just because you have to do things all by yourself.

Somewhere from the start point to the finish line, the overwhelming thought of writing your manuscript, editing, designing a book cover, launching your own book, and reaching it into the reader’s hands until your book becomes popular looks so overwhelming that people give up even before they start.

Some of my earlier students preferred to outsource their editing to me rather than learning themselves without realizing that its the editing part for which publishing houses ask you tons of money.

If I had to make a business, I could have taken the same route as most publishing houses shamelessly do — charge newbie authors with lots of money to publish a book with no promise of book sales. It was not acceptable to me.

But here’s the thing — self publishing your book is fairly simple and most of all — fun. Its like seeing your own child grow in front of your own eyes.

And when I self published my first book, it filled me with a sense of accomplishment and happiness.

I had crossed the first line of completing and publishing a book. Most people are still struggling to cross that line yet.

Through the journey I learnt that you do not need to be an expert to start. You just need to start to become an expert.

Myth 2: Self-Published Books Are of Lower Quality

Photo by Nick Fewings on Unsplash

The stigma that self-published books are inferior in quality still lingers, tied to the idea that if a book was good enough, it would have been picked up by a traditional publisher.

However, this outlook fails to acknowledge the industry’s evolution.

With the advent of professional freelance editors, designers, and formatters, self-published authors can, and often do, produce work that rivals traditionally published books.

Also, with AI tools and software in place, the opportunities today are endless. It takes minutes to design and conceptualize a book cover, not to mention, the content of the book as well.

The caliber of quality depends less on the publishing route and more on the author’s dedication to excellence.

Many self-published books have not only garnered critical acclaim but also have been adopted into mainstream media.

At the end of the day, a real story will always make it to the top, whether it is self-published or done by a publishing house. Content will always be the king.

Myth 3: You Can’t Make Real Money with Self-Publishing

Photo by Alexander Mils on Unsplash

There’s a misconception that self-publishing is a labor of love with meager financial returns.

However, this is no longer the case. The traditional publishing model might offer advance payments, but royalties are often lower, and creative control is minimal.

Also, there are several platforms from where single point distribution of your books is possible.

This helps self-published authors to maximize their book reach and distribution with a single click of a button..

(More on it is a separate and detailed post altogether). This

Also, contrary to the belief, self-publishing on platforms like Amazon’s Kindle Direct Publishing or Barnes & Noble Press as well as Google Playbooks, offer royalty rates up to 70% of the sale price.

Coupled with the global reach and print-on-demand services, self-published authors have a realistic path to generating substantial income.

Many authors have seen significant earnings, especially those who have built an extensive catalog of work and cultivated a dedicated readership.


  • It’s essential to approach self-publishing with a clear understanding of what it entails.
  • It is not an effortless road to success, but a challenging venture that offers great autonomy and potential rewards.
  • The quality of self-published books can meet or exceed traditional standards if the author invests in the necessary resources.
  • Financially, self-publishing presents a viable model, benefiting from higher royalty rates and direct engagement with readers.

By dispelling these myths, we can appreciate self-publishing for what it truly is: an inviting realm of opportunity for authors willing to roll up their sleeves and navigate its waters.

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Rajat Chakraborty
Authentic Storytelling Tribe

Army Veteran, Travel Blogger, Amazon Best Selling Author, Entrepreneur