This Is What No One Tells You About Writing Your First Book Draft As A Newbie Author

Rajat Chakraborty
Authentic Storytelling Tribe
3 min readFeb 2, 2024


Photo by Flipsnack on Unsplash

All right! The coffee is brewing at the backdrop, and its aroma feels refreshing.

The sunlight is filtering into your room through the window as you sit by it to bask on the photons.

You are bursting with those best selling book ideas and you begin to pen them down with excitement.

Half way through the story, you realize — No! This is not the way I wanted the story to be.. something’s missing!

Another paper goes into the dustbin.. then another.. and another.. sounds familiar?

Starting your first draft is like embarking on an epic quest where the path is strewn with myths of heroic word counts and tales of literary perfection.

But what of the truths seldom spoken? Let’s unfold the silent stories of writing your first draft.

Your first draft isn’t going to be beautiful.

The wilderness of your first draft is filled with stunning vistas of creativity and daunting valleys of doubt.

Unlike the structured advice from writing guides, your first draft is untamed and unfiltered.

Your first draft is one where raw thoughts spilled unchecked onto the pages.

Your first draft gives you the confidence that as a newbie, it is possible to write a book, and not as overwhelming as it seemed in the beginning.

But here’s the truth that you should also know as a beginner..

Every seasoned author knows this: your first draft isn’t supposed to be beautiful. It’s supposed to be alive, brimming with potential, a living testament to your creative spirit.

The First Draft Teaches You

No one really tells you that your first draft is as much a teacher as it is a product of your artistry.

Your first draft as a newbie teaches you

  • That you can write a book and reach the finish line.
  • Being imperfect is completely okay.
  • It takes courage and discipline to sit down and write when the interest wanes.
  • That consistency is more important than perfection.

It takes you to the point where you start off from a clean slate to someone who can generate ideas from the vacuum effortlessly.

It teaches you about your own writing rhythms, preferences, and your voice.

It’s a self-discovery journey disguised as a manuscript.

The Best Storytelling Was Never A Seamless Journey

When we come across stories that connect and relate to us, we often feel, how flawlessly simple it is for the author to do it.

We’re led to believe that great stories flow effortlessly from the author’s mind to the page.

On the contrary, it takes great effort to be authentic, vulnerable and yet simple all at the same time.

Especially, when you are writing a ‘non-fiction’ book such as personal growth for example, where you need to draw references and examples from your own life into a story, putting out the vulnerable parts of your own life into a story may not be easy.

The first draft is all about raw, uncensored creation — the place where your story feels its way through the dark, finding its form bit by bit.

Final Thoughts

When you start writing your first draft remember these few things that can help you get started without much overwhelm

  • Whenever in doubt, follow the KISS principle — Keep it simple, silly.
  • Do not hold it in. Allow the story to come out first, and then let it take shape.
  • It takes time to let go of the fear that people will judge your writing. That only happens when you write more.
  • Write everyday — especially on days when no ideas are coming and when its not the best day to write.
  • Be honest — brutally honest I mean! That creates the most impactful connect.
  • Create a mess — Have you seen children how they create one and enjoy doing it?
  • Embrace the chaos — for within it lies the true artistry of crafting a story.

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Rajat Chakraborty
Authentic Storytelling Tribe

Army Veteran, Travel Blogger, Amazon Best Selling Author, Entrepreneur