Don’t Abandon Your Sixth Sense

Lisa Y.
Authentically You.
Published in
3 min readNov 14, 2020

10 Simple Ways to Increase Your Intuition

We all have had that moment when we knew something without knowing how we knew. Maybe it was a “bad vibe” when meeting someone for the first time, or a “gut feeling” that something was wrong, or an “inner knowing” about a particular situation. This subtle voice or feeling that we’ve experienced is our intuition and believe it or not — we all have it — and every one of us can use it!

I was always fairly aware of my inner knowing, but didn’t understand what it was until I began my spiritual journey twelve years ago. Since that time I have come to understand and appreciate that intuition is real. Now, I accept, and believe, that it isn’t reserved just for mediums or psychics. We all have this sixth sense, and just like everything else, the more we develop it, the stronger it will become and the better it can serve us.

Here are ten simple steps to increasing your intuition.

1. Meditate. Spending a few minutes calming the mind makes space for your highest self to begin speaking. Unlike the ego, your higher self, or your inner voice, is often quiet so you’ll need to practice listening in order to “hear” the intuitive messages.

2. Get Creative. Focusing on a creative outlet quiets the mind and makes space for your intuition to speak.

3. Pay close attention to your best-known senses. Raising your awareness of your sense of sight, smell, taste, touch, and sound will also boost the sensitivity of your sixth sense.

4. Reflect on your dreams. When you’re asleep your cognitive mind rests while your subconscious mind comes alive! Keep a notebook near your bed, and jot down the headlines. Look for trending topics and underlying meanings, as this is a way to decode the intuitive messages you’re receiving.

5. Go Outside. Spending time in nature is a great way to connect with the earth’s energy and with our intuition. Take note of your instinctual behaviors as you explore the outdoors.

6. Clear Your Schedule. Slow down, life isn’t a race. Take a day for yourself. Break free from your daily routine . Filling your schedule and staying busy makes it difficult for you to hear the highest and best version of yourself.

7. Stop thinking and start feeling. The monkey mind is always thinking. Intuition feels. If you’re unsure of which one your hear, ask yourself, “Am I thinking or feeling this?”.

8. Move your body. When your body is engaged in (safe) repetitive motion you calm your cognitive mind and expand your capacity to hearing your intuition. Take a walk, go on a run, ride a bike, or dance — and listen to the subtle messages that only you can hear.

9. Ask questions. Be clear about what information you are seeking. Ask specific questions and record the answers you receive, immediately. Our monkey mind is always eager to take center stage, and if you don’t record your responses, the information will get lost and you won’t have the resource to reference later.

10. Trust yourself. The more belief you have in your intuition the stronger it will be. Trusting your intuition builds trust in yourself and the more you trust yourself, the more success you’ll see!

Intuition is a powerful and beautiful tool that we can use to help us make better decisions. Whether you are on a spiritual journey or just exploring who you are on a deeper level, strengthening your intuition will help you build confidence and live an authentic life. As you find yourself wanting more, consider working with a coach or spiritual mentor to explore your hidden gifts and innate strengths so that you can take your life to the next level.

Take a Second Look

Lisa is a transformational life coach who is passionate about helping others build their confidence in order to play big, own who they are, and step into their authentic selves. Lisa believes that behind those that have it all, is a coach dedicated to their success. She works with the hustlers who are open to exploring their true nature and live their best lives.



Lisa Y.
Authentically You.

Coach, Brand Builder, Communicator, and Spiritual Explorer.