A New Name, A Bold Journey:

Published in
3 min readApr 19, 2024

Authentick will be…

Jovo! — Get the Scoop!

Big News: We’re Turning Over a New Leaf as Jovo! 🍃

Singapore 24 April 2024

We have some thrilling news to share with our valued community and partners. After much consideration and, most importantly, listening to the feedback from you, our customers, we’ve decided to make a significant change. As of 24 April 2024, Authentickator will be renamed to Jovo. This decision comes as a direct response to your invaluable insights, highlighting the need for a name that is not only easier to pronounce but also simple to remember. We understand the importance of accessibility and recognizability in the digital age, and with the name Jovo, we’re embracing a brand that stands out and resonates more effectively with our audience.

Why the change, you ask?

The name Jovo embodies our ethos of clarity, efficiency, and approachability. It’s a name that signifies our commitment to providing an effortless and engaging experience to our users. We’ve heard your thoughts on having a brand that’s easily referable in conversation, and your voices have been loud and clear: you wanted a name that rolls off the tongue, sparks joy, and sticks in the memory. And we listened.

Enter Jovo. It’s snappy, it’s friendly, and it’s us, just with a shiny new badge. This change is all about making our journey together smoother and more memorable — because what’s in a name? Well, everything, if it brings us closer to you.

What’s Jovo All About?

Imagine stepping into a world where digital assets aren’t just transactions; they’re adventures. 🚀 Jovo is that leap into a future where technology isn’t just about the bits and bytes but about laughter, community, and the magic of connection. We’re here to break the mold of what a tech company can be — think of us as your dependable, innovative pals, building not just a marketplace, but a playground for your digital escapades. A place where you feel safe to conduct your digital transactions through our platform.’

Our Mission as Jovo

With Jovo, we’re holding the torch high for innovation, reliability, and, most importantly, togetherness. As we navigate the thrilling world of digital assets, our promise to you is a journey that’s not just about leading the charge but about bringing everyone along for the ride. We’re crafting a space that’s inclusive, fun, and downright delightful because we believe the future of tech is not just about what we create, but about the smiles we share along the way.

So, here’s a massive thank you 🙏 for being the spark behind this change. Your insights, comments and feedback have been the north star guiding us to Jovo. This is more than a new chapter; it’s a whole new story we’re writing together, and boy, it’s going to be an exciting one!

Keep your eyes peeled for what’s coming — because with Jovo, the sky’s not the limit; it’s just the view. ✨

Let’s make some waves,

Your pals at Jovo

About Jovo

Jovo is not just a technology company; it’s a revolution in the digital asset world. Through innovation, reliability, and a deep connection with our community, we’re not just facilitating transactions; we’re creating a vibrant marketplace that’s fun, trustworthy, and accessible to all. Jovo was co-founded by Menyala and backed by Temasek.

For more information, visit Jovo on our Website, Shop Page, Twitter, TikTok, YouTube, and LAZADA.

For media inquiries or further information, please contact:
Amanda Tan



Editor for

Official Jovo account. Making the digital space easier to understand for everyone. https://linktr.ee/authentickator