Solidity CTF — Part 3: “HoneyPot”

Alexander Wade
10 min readJul 1, 2018


“Verified” contracts can be misleading…

This article is part 3 of a series of Solidity wargames designed to demonstrate some of the low-level behavior of Solidity through the exploitation of vulnerable code. Each round will attempt to present some unique functionality or combination of functionalities which must be isolated, understood, and exploited in order to complete the challenge. Additionally, each round released will contain a thorough explanation of the previous round.

Part 3: “HoneyPot”

Part 3 has been deployed to Ropsten. It’s pretty straightforward — just empty the contract’s balance!

Feel free to participate in this Reddit thread and ask questions!

Good luck!

Explanation — Part 2: “Safe Execution”

Part 2 was released in the previous article and broken by address 0xef045a554cbb0016275E90e3002f4D21c6f263e1. The challenge was to become owner of the contract, which was deployed to Ropsten here.

Just like the last round, we’re going to review the code step-by-step (Compiler version 0.4.24, no optimizer):

As previously stated, the goal of this round was to make yourself the owner of the contract. There are 2 functions in this contract that can change state, and are visible externally: execute(address) and setOwnerExt(). Because those are the only functions we can call, let’s start there.

Right off the bat, it’s pretty apparent setOwnerExt() is a no-go. While it does call setOwner(), it does so only if false == true, which will never happen. Instead, let’s examine execute(address):

bytes4 internal constant SET = bytes4(keccak256('Set(uint256)'));

function execute(address _target) public noOwner {
) == false, 'unsafe execution'

(bytes4 sel, uint val) = getRet();
require(sel == SET);
function () func;
assembly { func := val }

At first glance, this function may appear incredibly unsafe. execute requires a single parameter — an address, to which a delegatecall is sent with a small payload. If we review the Solidity documentation for delegatecall, we will see why: “…only the code of the given address is used, all other aspects (storage, balance, …) are taken from the current contract.” (

Plainly, when contract A sends a delegatecall to contract B, the code in contract B gets to act on the storage of contract A. This means that regardless of what functions, safeguards, and careful planning went into contract A, a delegatecall can alter its storage without any checks in place. In the following example, we see just how easy it is to take control of a contract that allows arbitrary execution via delegatecall:

Vulnerable has done everything correctly — the withdraw function is the only function in this contract that can transfer the contract’s balance out of the contract. It’s protected by the onlyOwner modifier, which ensures that only the creator of the contract is able to access withdraw.

However, Vulnerable has one fatal flaw — while arbitraryExec does not contain inherently malicious code, it does contain an unprotected delegatecall to a passed-in address. Deploying both Vulnerable and Attacker, and feeding the address of Attacker into Vulnerable, we see that the balance of Vulnerable is emptied, and the owner address set to the sender.

This is why allowing anyone to delegatecall contracts through your contract can be incredibly dangerous: you have no control over what they are able to see, modify, and do. It’s also why at first glance, execute(address _target) appears so unsafe. Didn’t we just go over the practice of allowing users to delegatecall arbitrary contracts, and how it leaves a massive hole in your contract?

execute, however, has a slightly different pattern.

When a delegatecall returns to the calling contract, it returns either a true or false, signifying whether the delegatecall reverted or not. What’s awesome about reverted calls is just this — the calling contract can verify whether or not a call reverted. In the case of execute, we know the delegatecall is performed safely(!) because we enforce the returned value to be false. Note that this returned value is not any product of the contract that was called; a contract cannot spoof this false return value by returning false. It is only returned if the call reverts.

The following example is a naive solution to “Safe Execution:”

Soln1 will correctly set the owner as msg.sender when it receives the delegatecall. However, upon returning to SafeExecution, it will return true, as it has not reverted, causing SafeExecution to revert.

Soln2 does the same, but this time also calls revert();. While this will correctly pass the check in SafeExecution.execute(address), it passes only because SafeExecution was able to observe this revert and ensure that no state changed. owner was set to msg.sender, but the call to revert(); removed this state change.

As a result, while SafeExecution.execute(address) allows anyone to delegatecall to an external contract, it does so in a manner that allows it to ensure that no state is altered in an unintended fashion.

Instead, execute defines its own protocol for further execution. To understand what happens next, we need to go over memory and storage locations in Solidity.

Data locations in Solidity

In short, the EVM can be thought of to have 4 different locations in which data is stored. The two most often referenced are memory and storage, the former being the memory available to the EVM during runtime, and the latter being the actual, persisting state of the contract. For example, a struct initialized during runtime and used to hold a few values will, unless using the storage keyword or being assigned to a member in storage, exist only in memory and only for the duration of the transaction. On the other hand (and as another single example), a mapping will reference contract storage and updates to the mapping will be reflected in the contract’s state even after execution is complete.

The other two locations are special memory locations: calldata, and returndata. The former location is the location to which is stored. This is read-only, and will be different for each called contract. Data stored in calldata is by default ABI-encoded, so that it can be interpreted correctly by the compiler. The Solidity documentation gives an excellent specification of ABI-encoding here.

returndata is another such special location that contains the returned data of the most recent external call. Like calldata, it is typically ABI-encoded, save that it does not contain a function selector. This location is also read-only: we cannot directly alter returndata, just as we cannot directly alter calldata. This may seem a little odd — can’t we assign values to named parameters in a Solidity function?

The answer is yes — but these values are not located in calldata. Instead, when a public function is called, the named parameters of the function are pushed to the stack. Assigning to them does not change the value of calldata, but instead, the value stored on the stack. The following snippet contains a few examples of both calldata and returndata, and will hopefully clarify the two:

The first contract demonstrates that even though we can directly assign to the values on the stack representing calldata, we are not able to change calldata itself. ignoreCalldata(address,bytes) assigns new values to _a and _b and returns those values. returnCalldata(address,bytes) does the exact same, but instead of returning altered values, proves that calldata remains unchanged by returning the originally sent values copied directly from calldata.

Similarly, the second contract demonstrates that we can assign to values on the stack representing returndata, but we cannot assign directly to returndata.

Calldata.sol uses calldatacopy, which directly accesses calldata and copies it to a target location. Returndata.sol uses returndatacopy, which does the same for returndata.

Great! But how does that help us? Let’s return to SafeExecution, and this time look at what happens when execute(address _target) calls getRet():

sel := and(
mload(ptr), 0xffffffff00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
val := mload(add(0x04, ptr))function getRet() internal pure returns (bytes4 sel, uint val) {
assembly {
if iszero(eq(returndatasize, 0x24)) { revert(0, 0) }
let ptr := mload(0x40)
returndatacopy(ptr, 0, 0x24)
sel := and(
mload(ptr), 0xffffffff00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
val := mload(add(0x04, ptr))

Similarly to the above examples, this code snippet uses returndatasize and returndatacopy. It’s safe to assume we’re accessing returndata here and copying it — but to where?

if iszero(eq(returndatasize, 0x24)) { revert(0, 0) }                                     
let ptr := mload(0x40)
returndatacopy(ptr, 0, 0x24)

The first line is simply checking returndatasize. It seems a requirement of the returned data is that it is exactly 0x24 (36) bytes in size.

Next, we’re initializing a variable and setting it to point to free memory. 0x40 is Solidity’s free memory pointer — the compiler ensures that each function allocates adequate space in memory for execution prior to execution, and then sets the free memory pointer, 0x40, to point to the first free unused slot. By loading 0x40, we are getting a memory address where we know no important data is currently being stored. From there, we use returndatacopy to copy all of the returned data (0x24 bytes) to memory at ptr.

sel := and(
mload(ptr), 0xffffffff00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
val := mload(add(0x04, ptr))

sel and val are referenced directly from the return parameters, returns (bytes4 sel, uint val). Because sel is bytes4, we ensure the remainder of the bytes are clean when we load from ptr. val takes up 32 bytes, so there’s no need to clean bytes — we just load val from the location 4 bytes after ptr.

From this, we can tell what the structure of the returned data should be: 0x24 bytes, with the first 4 bytes and last 32 bytes likely containing our key values.

It might be worth it here to mention that revert and return work the same way, in that they can both return data to the caller. The difference comes in the status of the call itself — revert will have a status of false, as state remains unchanged, while return will have a status of true, indicating that the call succeeded and that state changes may have occured. These values are what we see as the direct ‘return value’ of the delegatecall, which may be slightly misleading as this value is actually the status of the call. The actual returned data from a delegatecall must be accessed via returndatacopy, as seen above.

So: after _target is sent a delegatecall, getRet() checks the returned data and returns it as separate bytes4 and uint values. Because getRet() is an internal call, returndata persists. To make that more clear: returndata can be accessed within the same contract from any function during the same call — as long as another external call is not made, it will be the same (and the same properties hold true for calldata).

Continuing execution:

require(sel == SET);                               
function () func;
assembly { func := val }

This section is fairly simple, tying in what we know from the previous challenge to assign our function variable, func, with a destination to jump to. To wrap up what we know about the data that must be returned (or, ‘reverted’, as it were):

returndata must be exactly 0x24 bytes long. The first 4 bytes must be equal to SET, defined as bytes4(keccak256(‘Set(uint256)’));. The last 32 bytes must be a position to which we would like to jump. Using methods from the previous challenge, we can determine that to jump directly to the setOwner() function, the returned uint should be 1134. This is mirrored in the contract used by 0xef045a554cbb0016275E90e3002f4D21c6f263e1 to solve the challenge, located here. Take note of how small the contract is — this was not written in Solidity, but instead as ~10 discrete opcodes, which are executed from top to bottom when called (it may help to click ‘switch to opcodes view’). Briefly, this is a single-purpose contract — it sets the appropriate function selector and jump destination in memory, and reverts those values back to the caller (‘fd’ is revert— etherscan seems not to know this). Very elegant! I’ll cover some of the nuances of working directly with opcodes in a future challenge.

Here’s a high-level solution, written in Solidity (as opposed to the version used by our solver):

In order to get revert to return exactly what we want, we do need to revert (sorry) to using assembly. Otherwise, revert('message'); will return an ABI-encoded value with the function selector for Error(string) at the front. More information can be found in this section of the Solidity docs:

What have we learned?

  1. Both revert and return can return data to the caller in exactly the same way.
  2. revert and return differ in that their status is set differently. Calls that revert have a status of false, while calls that return have a status of true.
  3. There are two special memory locations, calldata, and returndata, both of which are ‘read-only’, and which persist through internal function calls within the same contract. The former holds, while the latter holds the returned data from the last external call.
  4. Contracts can safely use delegatecall with untrusted contracts, as long as they enforce a revert to avoid malicious state changes.

Force-revert delegatecall:

I’d like to expand on the last point a bit more, as I think force-revert delegatecall (‘FRD’) has implications for contract design that are worth mentioning. At Authio, we’ve been working on a smart contract development platform (auth_os) for the past few months that uses FRD (among several other techniques) to allow several applications to share a single storage contract with each other without any risk of overwriting. This is done by registering an application with the storage contract, assigning it a unique id, and hashing all of the locations it stores to with that id.

Initially, applications shared storage with each other but did not use delegatecall. Instead, they used staticcall, which, while also ensuring that no unexpected state changes take place, do not allow the called application to read from storage locally; they had to call a function in AbstractStorage as an external call, which quickly racked up gas. FRD was developed as an efficient method by which applications could read from storage (without needing to use an external call to do so), while still allowing AbstractStorage to verify that no malicious state changes took place.

The architecture used by applications in auth_os expands on the popular ‘upgrade by proxy’ architecture, but uses these unique mechanisms to allow applications to live in the same storage contract (facilitating much more efficient upgradability and interoperability of applications). I propose that FRD should be able to be used in other contexts as well — as an efficient method for safely running external code not known to the developer at compile-time.

Further challenges will cover other unique mechanisms used in the development of auth_os, as well as expand on the current topics covered in the hopes that this series provides a sufficient primer for learning about what’s going on at the base level when compiling and running a contract.

