Mastering the Craft: Balancing Backstory and Action

Evan Swensen
Author Masterminds
Published in
3 min readMay 24, 2024

Navigating the ebbs and flows of a writing journey can often bring a mix of exhilarating highs and challenging lows. Writers often face moments where their stories don’t leap off the page with the zest they envision. It’s a familiar scene: a manuscript sprawled across a desk, filled with intricate backstories seemingly essential but somehow bog down the narrative.

Take a step back and consider the initial hook of your story. If the beginning feels sluggish, you might be intertwining too much backstory too soon. This common dilemma often stems from a rich tapestry of thoughts behind your characters, but sometimes, less is more, especially in the opening pages.

Imagine the scene: a quiet room, the soft hum of a computer, and the sound of keys tapping. Yet, despite the comforting atmosphere, frustration looms. The writer, deep in thought, realizes that their detailed character histories are overwhelming the story’s present. It’s akin to a painter adding too many colors to a canvas, creating a muddled picture instead of a masterpiece.

Here’s a thought: Perhaps the backstories are overshadowing the narrative’s present. A practical solution is to compartmentalize. Create a separate document or dedicated notebook for these histories. This can be your encyclopedia — your characters’ world at your fingertips, without weighing down the story’s onset.

Picture a well-organized workspace: a computer screen displaying the current manuscript, a notebook brimming with character details, and sticky notes plastered with pivotal plot points. This separation allows the writer to access essential background information without disrupting the narrative flow. It’s a strategy that many seasoned authors swear by, keeping the heart of their story vibrant and engaging.

Distill your protagonist’s pivotal moment of change into one concise, potent sentence. This isn’t just an exercise in brevity; it’s about finding the essence of your narrative’s propulsion. That single line can guide your story’s beginning, ensuring that your opening scene has the impact it deserves.

Consider a classic example: In Pride and Prejudice, Jane Austen begins with the line, “It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune, must be in want of a wife.” This sentence encapsulates the central theme and sets the tone for the entire novel. It’s a powerful technique — capturing the essence of the story in a single, memorable line.

Reflect on the last time a book grabbed your attention from the first sentence. It likely had a succinct, intriguing start that pulled you in. The magic lies in distillation, the art of saying more with less. This practice can transform your opening from a slow reveal to a captivating entrance.

A subtle irony often underpins this process: the more a writer knows about their characters, the harder it can be to leave details out. But this knowledge forms the foundation, a solid structure beneath the surface. It’s like an iceberg, where only the tip is visible, yet its massive base supports it unseen.

Embrace the challenge with a touch of humor. Picture yourself as a detective, sifting through clues and deciding which ones are crucial to reveal now and which can wait. This playful mindset can ease the tension and make the process more enjoyable. Writing, after all, is not just a profession but a passion — a journey of discovery and creativity.

In conclusion, balancing backstory with action is the key to a compelling narrative. By compartmentalizing character histories and distilling the protagonist’s pivotal moment into a potent sentence, writers can ensure that their stories start with the impact they deserve. This approach keeps the reader engaged and allows the writer to navigate the intricate dance of storytelling with grace and confidence.

So, next time you find yourself mired in the details, step back, take a breath, and remember: the heart of your story is waiting to be unveiled, one captivating sentence at a time.

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Evan Swensen
Author Masterminds

Book publisher, editor, author, Author Masterminds charter member, founder of Readers and Writers Book Club, and bush pilot.