“You’re Not In Kansas Anymore” The Setting Takes Us There.

Patricia A Faber
Author With Training Wheels
5 min readJun 25, 2019


L. Frank Baum took us to the land of Oz and the Emerald City in his Oz series with only the written word.


One of the most important skills we can learn as writers is to use words, clear descriptive words to paint a picture for our readers of the world we want them to enter. I have a 9 step exercise that helps me and might help you practice that skill.

But first, why is it so important?

“The key to immersive story experiences is convincing readers they’re right there with characters. They’re smelling the ash in the air, tasting the rain, feeling the churning gut, seeing all the same colors, hearing all the same notes. When narrative writing accomplishes that . . . it has the ability to move readers beyond their comfy reading chairs, beyond even the movie projectors in their heads, and right into a deeply visceral experience.” by K.M.Weiland “8 Quick Tips for Show, Don’t Tell.”

Setting answers the question of “Where”.



Patricia A Faber
Author With Training Wheels

When I retired I felt at loose ends without a job to go to each day. I needed something to do. So I decided to write a novel. But I didn’t have a clue.