Authoreon Community Update — Summer Edition — Mobile App Beta Release
Published in
2 min readJun 10, 2019

Dear Authoreon Community

We’re happy to announce that the Authoreon A-ID generator & reader App for Android and iOS is now available on the Play/App Store.

You can now generate and read an A-ID for some basic features (e.g. generating an A-ID for your wallet address), while we will have constant updates (minor bug fixes, improvements to the UI/UX and the code recognition algorithm).

With the Code Management System (CMS) and the Mobile Apps completed we can now launch our main products on a very fast pace. We’ll start our biweekly releases of the actual products in the coming days (starting with the verification of original products).

See all Upcoming Releases

Scope: Authoreon for Retail

Brand Protection & Consumer Trust

Authoreons’ A-ID and optical scan technology allows Original Product Verification, Authorized Retailer Verification, Identity Verification, Supply Chain & Ownership Chain Tracking — securely on the Blockchain.

Learn More

Scope: Authoreon for Personal Use

A self-managed Identity

The A-ID will enable users to store all their personal data securely on the blockchain while granting selective access to verified and authorized instances only.

Learn More

Pilots, partnerships, paying customers, pr, marketing, and more exchanges are in process. Details will be announced soon.

In the News

For more updates and insights, please visit

Thank you for your patience and trust, we’re looking for forward to your feedback!

All the best
The Authoreon-Team



Protecting Authenticity & Trust in the Blockchain