Authoreon Community Update — Winter Edition
Published in
2 min readFeb 12, 2019

Dear Authoreon Community

Things may seem silent recently, however we’re working 24/7. With this short newsletter we’d like to update you on the latest developments.

Development Progress & Upcoming Releases

The development is on track — in March we will release our mobile apps including all staking and verification functionality, as well as the web app that enables users to securely store assets on the blockchain as described in detail in our Whitepaper. With the following monthly product releases we expect Authoreon to gain momentum.

Brand Protection & Potential Customers

Back in June 2018 we launched the Brand Protection Alliance and invited brands and solution providers to collectively tackle the biggest problems in Brand Protection.

While the alliance was widely ignored by the solution providers, many brands joined and exchanged information on various topics. Through the platform Authoreon created several leads, feedback from which has told us that they are considering partnering and investing after our successful live product testing period.

Austria & Switzerland

With our presentation and meetings during the Pioneers GovTech and main event in May 2018, we seem to have made a lasting impression. Several public and private organizations are trying to convince us to (partially) move to Vienna. They rightly cite the outstanding startup ecosystem, access to government funds and a promising investors and corporate partner network.

We’re currently being advised regarding the legal compliance framework, so we can eventually open a branch in Vienna later this year.

We were also invited by several investors and companies to meet in Switzerland in early March. We will present our solutions and do our best to close more partnerships.


With all these prospects it’s time for Authoreon to evolve to the next level. Once the product is live we will need to invest in marketing and sales. With that being said, we’re announcing a classic funding round starting April 2nd — after we have presented a working product and paying customers.

On Tour

We will be speaking at the Elogistics World in July in Munich and you can meet us at the Pioneers GovTech and Main event in April/May. Via we closed several media partnerships with blockchain event organizers, so you will be able to meet us at several more events this year.

Outlook & Announcements

We will increase our PR/Social Media activities shortly and we will announce all Partners, Pilots, Customers and Investors in April.

Stay tuned!

Thank you
The Authoreon-Team



Protecting Authenticity & Trust in the Blockchain