Authoreon’s Community Update: The Summer Edition
Published in
6 min readAug 16, 2018

Like all forward-thinking companies, we at Authoreon are never satisfied with our achievements and are always looking to improve. From internal procedure to the way we collaborate with external partners, all our operations are put under the microscope to work out ways to improve for our customers and staff.

A lot has been going on behind the scenes recently, and we thought it was best to reach out and keep you in the loop of our advancements. You might not find everything relevant for you, so we have written up and separated a nice roundup of our updates:

Who are our New friends?

Making friends is great, and we have made some good ones over the recent months. We have significantly expanded our network through many events. We went to the likes of the Pioneers GovTec in Vienna back in May and attended a fruitful workshop led by the Austrian Ministry of the Interior. We’re still in touch and a pilot project in the coming months is quite likely. We also attended other events such as the Pioneers main event, the Year of the X, Munich Geekettes, Female Tech Leaders Night, Fit Tech Summit Munich, the Royal Jungle, Blockchain meetups and the Werk1 InsurTech Cashwalk. All of this socializing paid off too. We have made many new connections with startup brands, investors, corporations and even government officials. We’re working hard to turn these new connections into blossoming partnerships and rewarding relationships.

Aside from the free tea and cake at these events, what have we taken advantage of?

We are now in cooperation with a number of new companies to deliver on an array of excellent goals. We have signed an agreement with a soon-to-launch cryptocurrency platform to start accepting AUN as another method of payment. We are more than confident that these sorts of deals will materialize in the coming months.

We are also in close communication with other organizations to get deals over the line and place our valued customers and us in a prime position to create opportunities and build on success. For example, we are discussing potential cooperations with the South Korean Government and Smart City Dubai; as well as being in talks with the German Blockchain Association and the European Blockchain Foundation to see of how we can work together.

We also applied for an open call from the Flemish Government, Digipolis and the City of Antwerp. Good news, we were selected for the pitch day! On Monday, August 13th Lout and Terry presented our solution in Antwerp. Fingers crossed that we get invited to submit a formal proposal in September.

On Friday, we submitted our solution to HEINEKEN’s reusable crate tracking challenge. Lastly, we are preparing bids for two other open calls regarding supply chain enhancements, one in the food industry and one in aviation.

What Is a Good Business Without a Good product?

We have got our first tools out recently and started rebuilding our product. Developing our ideas is a continuous process and rewarding task for us and we are excited by the upcoming changes that will impress our clients. We are focused on usability and aiming to provide a better interface to our product by removing them unnecessary boundaries. Even those that are not blockchain savvy will be welcomed into our system and be able to navigate through it easily. Additionally, we aim to implement a staking mechanism, an affiliate, and a bug bounty programme. Not to mention some code to be published on GitHub in the very near future. You will not have to wait long to feast your eyes on these positive changes as our product enhancement stage is set to be completed on September 17th.

Our Launches, Relaunches and Updates

We are giving our website a bit of a revamp and will have a new homepage in the coming weeks, as well as updating our whitepaper. If you have not managed to catch it yet, then also check out the early stages of our Medium Blog that will continue to be full of captivating and interesting content. You can also check out our new Support Center which provides expert information and will host a discussion platform.

That’s not all! We are in the process of adding the finishing touches to the script of our first ever explanation video, which will be sent off for production very soon. All of these developments are on top of our continuing strides to maintain and develop growth hacking ideas and preparing a framework for relevant and productive brainstorming sessions.

On top of these exciting developments, we are also working hard in the company’s engine room and evaluating every inspiring idea.


AUN is currently trading on IDEX, Forkdelta, Etherdelta & Tokenjar. We’re in talks with more exchanges; the listings will take place after the product launch in September.

Additions to the Team

We are ecstatic to announce the addition of four experienced professionals to our team, who will be charged with helping us in marketing and developing our business. Having their talents on board is going to be a substantial asset to our operations and we could not be happier that they have decided to jump aboard the Authoreon ship. Say hello to:

Weekly Tasks

All of the developments we’ve mentioned in today’s article-come-newsletter are the things we are doing from a wide lens. They do not include the plethora of daily activities and tasks completed to help our business grow for the benefit of everyone connected to us. We believe big changes start small and that is why we put the same amount of effort into those first meetings with partners, startups, brand, organizations, and corporations.

We are always interested in what our candidates say and run countless interviews to find the diamonds of 21st-century entrepreneurship. We understand diamonds aren’t found easily and it’s why we pour time and effort into our marketing strategies to attract a wealth of talent from all niches. Included in this is our dedication to running effective social media campaigns and connecting with everyone connected to us.


During the past months, most of the project discussion took place in our Telegram group. Instead of weekly updates ibidem, we will switch to extensive monthly updates on all channels.

It is a truly exciting time for Authoreon and your patience will soon be rewarded; stick around to see our next chapter unfold!



Protecting Authenticity & Trust in the Blockchain