“I Pride Myself On Being Actively Involved With My Fans” 3 Strategies For Independent Artists With ScribeCash

Kage Spatz
Authority Magazine
Published in
3 min readApr 5, 2018

“As an artist I want to do what I can to inspire teens to go against the grain, stay away from opioids, and resist committing suicide.”

Today I’ve had the pleasure of interviewing ScribeCash an upcoming female rapper, songwriter, and singer from Corona California.

What is the biggest challenge for you as a female rapper coming up in the industry’s current climate?

I think the biggest challenge for me as a female rapper is to overcome the negative connotation that has been put on female rappers. If I introduce myself as a female rapper it seems to me that most people automatically assume my content is overly sexual and explicit, when in fact I don’t curse in my lyrics and I try to have a positive message in all of my songs.

What single piece of advice has made the biggest impact on your life and why?

When I first started rapping there was a lady at my church who’s son had been in the industry for a long time. She told me “ The best advice I could give you about the music industry is that it’s a waiting game. You’re going to have to wait, wait, and wait some more.” I’ve always kept this with me, and it’s probably been the most honest advice I received. Even as I continue to gain momentum in my career there is always something bigger that I’m waiting for, so thus I just try to be humble and patient at all times.

What inspired you to write a song related to depression and suicide?

I pride myself on being very actively involved with my fans, and recently I’ve felt like a lot of them have told me they’ve been experiencing depression. I wanted to write a song that spoke directly to these teens who are faced with the challenges of how to deal with their depression. We’ve all gone through depression at one point or another and I’ve been blessed to have music as an outlet. Thus, as an artist I want to do what I can to inspire teens to go against the grain, stay away from opioids, and resist committing suicide. I know that there are other artist out there who are presenting opioids to their fans on a silver platter, but in this video I wanted to show the true effects of popping pills. There’s truly only one outcome, death.


What 3 strategies do you feel have been most important to your success as an independent artist? Please share a few tips to help aspiring artists jumpstart their music careers.

I would say that my life motto “Dream It. Plan It. Execute” has helped me the most. My theory is that everyone has dreams, half of the people in the world know how to plan, but legends execute their plans. Anything that I’ve achieved in my career has been the result of me dreaming, planning, and then executing these plans. As a new artist it’s super important to use this method, you have to make goals and continuously take steps to achieve those goals. Start out by setting daily, weekly, monthly, and then yearly goals. Before you know it you’ll look up and be right where you want to be.

Thank you for that! Where can people go to connect with you and follow your journey?

You can follow @therealscribe on twitter/instagram and subscribe to my YouTube channel.



Kage Spatz
Authority Magazine

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