5 Strategies To Grow Your Private Practice, with Dr. Arkady Lipnitsky.

Krish Chopra
Authority Magazine
Published in
5 min readFeb 28, 2019

As a part of my interview series with prominent medical professionals about “How To Grow Your Private Practice” I had the pleasure of interviewing Dr. Arkady Aaron Lipnitsky.

Dr. Arkady Aaron Lipnitsky, DC, DACRB, CICE, is a highly experienced chiropractor, having been in practice for more than 20 years. His undoubted expertise has earned him the honor of being named a 2015, 2016, 2017 and 2018 Top Doctor in New York.

Dr. Lipnitsky along with holistic health and wellness specialist, Dr. Natalya Fazylova, launched NYC-based one-stop holistic health and wellness center, www.ReBalanceNYC.com, in October 2018 offering a 360 degree approach to patient’s total wellness.

Thank you so much for joining us! Can you tell our readers a bit about your ‘backstory”?

Both Dr. Natalya Fazylova and I had our own practices that were concentrated on our individual areas of expertise. One day, Dr. Fazylova became my patient and was pleasantly surprised by how quickly we were able to resolve a physical problem that had been bothering her for years. She asked me to help write a chapter in her book, Health and Wellness for Busy Women. Shortly after, I was challenged with my own health problem and in a search of a more natural and comprehensive way to resolve it. So, I sought her expert opinion in integrative and functional medicine. To my amazement, she was able to find the true root of the problem instead of masking it with medication using the conventional approach. Understanding that both of our strategies and methods of treatment are completely unconventional, we decided to combine our expertise to create truly unique programs that would enhance the total wellness and longevity of our patients. And that’s how ReBalance NYC was born.

What made you want to start your own practice?

I was always in search of a more comprehensive way of treating my patients, traveling around the world to learn new methods and practice them. It would be very difficult for someone like me to work for somebody else and be restricted of this entrepreneurial spirit.

Managing being a provider and a business owner can often be exhausting. Can you elaborate on how you manage both roles?

The key in managing both doctoral and managerial roles is to find and train a great group of people that share the same vision, compassion and desire to help others.

As a business owner, how do you know when to stop working IN your business (maybe see a full patient load) and shift to working ON your business?

I was always a strong believer that in the business of helping people, doing the right thing in your business (AKA doing the best you can to help) ultimately propels your business forward. Finding a unique niche and specializing in a more narrow field is also a great tool to take your business out of competition and swim freely in uncharted waters.

From completing your degree to opening a clinic and becoming a business owner, the path was obviously full of many hurdles. How did you build up resilience to rebound from failures? Is there a specific hurdle that sticks out to you?

The hurdles are typically consistent of trial and error. Following and mimicking the best, working very hard to become one of them, taking a great idea that was successfully implemented, making your own modifications that you truly feel would improve that idea, owning the skills and making it your own are some of the tools that one would need to build a successful practice. Occasional failures are inevitable but with every fall, it’s important to get up with even more desire and ambition.

What are your “5 Things You Need To Know To Grow Your Private Practice” and why?

  1. Always strive to be the best you can in your field: A good master should have many tools to perform their job, only then one will be able to create their masterpiece.
  2. Find a niche that is not only unique but is truly interesting to you.
  3. Surround yourself with people that have the same desires and ambitions to not only cheer you on but also help you along your journey.
  4. Know your market and make necessary changes or alterations based on your unique environment.
  5. Money should never be your primary focus and will restrict you from following your dreams

What do you do when you feel overwhelmed?

Treating patients and dealing with many people, in general, can be very physically and mentally exhausting. It is important to have hobbies and interests in life that can take your mind off things and put you in a better mental state. I personally like traveling around the world and spending time with my girls (wife and daughters).

I’m a huge fan of mentorship throughout one’s career — None of us are able to achieve success without some help along the way. Who has been your biggest mentor? What was the most valuable lesson you learned from them?

One of my biggest mentors was and still is Dr. Craig Liebenson who I had the pleasure and honor to study with and still follow him professionally. The most valuable lesson that he taught me is to be a “sponge”. Take from everyone, absorb, analyze, experiment and make it your own.

What resources did you use (Blogs, webinars, conferences, coaching, etc.) that helped jumpstart you in the beginning of your business?

Writing professional articles, educating the public through blogs, interviews and professional presentations helped me spread the word about ReBalance NYC.

What’s the worst piece of advice or recommendation you’ve ever received? Can you share a story about that?

The worst piece of advice I have ever received was to do what everyone else is doing whether it’s professionally and personally interesting to you or not.

Please recommend one book that’s made the biggest impact on you?

Blue Ocean Strategy by W. Chan Kim and Renée Mauborgne is the book I recommend for everyone starting their own business to read.

Where can our readers follow you on social media?

Instagram: @rebalancenyc

Facebook: ReBalance @rebalancenyc

Website: rebalancenyc.com

For other incredible interviews, please check out our podcast: Healthcare Heroes.

A special thanks to Dr. Lipnitsky again! The purpose of this interview series is to highlight the entrepreneurs, innovators, advocates, and providers inside Healthcare. Our hope is to inspire future healthcare providers on the incredible careers that are possible!

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Krish Chopra
Authority Magazine

2x entrepreneur and Founder of NP Hub. Let's discuss leadership, scale, and relationships to serve communities that need more support! In ATL.