“5 things I wish someone told me before I became a CEO of The Helm” with Lindsey Taylor Wood

An Interview with Phil La Duke

Phil La Duke
Authority Magazine


Everything I do is driven by the idea that if women had more money they would have more power. And if women had more power we would live in a far more equitable, just, and inclusive world. That’s my north star.

As a part of our series about strong female leaders, I had the pleasure of interviewing Lindsey Taylor Wood. Lindsey one of the White Ribbon Alliance for Safe Motherhood’s 20 Young Champions for Women, brings over 15 years of experience as a leader in the gender equality movement to The Helm — a lifestyle brand and venture firm elevating and investing in female entrepreneurs. Since 2018, The Helm’s venture fund has invested close to $1.5 million in 11 of the most promising female CEOs in the country. This Spring, they launched an eCommerce platform that connects you directly with your favorite female-founded companies, products, and services. An expert in the empowerment of girls and women, Lindsey was the Founder & President of LTW, an impact studio with an emphasis on contemporary feminism. Her ability to use philanthropy and culture symbiotically, and with a gender



Phil La Duke
Authority Magazine

Author of “I Know My Shoes Are Untied. Mind Your Own Business”, “Lone Gunman. Rewriting the Handbook on Workplace Violence Prevention”, and “Blood on my hands