“5 things I wish someone told me before I became a CEO” with Beatrice Feliu-Espada, CEO of The Honey Pot Company

An Interview With Phil La Duke

Phil La Duke
Authority Magazine


Take time to breathe. It can feel like everything needs to be done in two minutes and sometimes that is true but you need to take care of yourself in the process of running your company. Burning out and totally depleting yourself doesn’t do you or your team any good. Taking small breaks during the day and also small getaways every so often replenishes you!

As a part of our series about strong female leaders, I had the pleasure of interviewing Beatrice Feliu-Espada, founder and CEO of The Honey Pot Company, suffered with bacterial vaginosis infection for eight months. An ancestor gave her the ingredients to heal herself in a dream. From that insightful dream, she created the formula for a healthy, clean feminine wash. It worked! She launched The Honey Pot Company in 2014. The rest is history. With experience in pharmaceuticals, retail and natural foods, she has the insight and expertise to bring the innovative concept of a plant-based feminine care



Phil La Duke
Authority Magazine

Author of “I Know My Shoes Are Untied. Mind Your Own Business”, “Lone Gunman. Rewriting the Handbook on Workplace Violence Prevention”, and “Blood on my hands