“5 Things I Wish Someone Told Me Before I Became CEO of Kinetica,” With Paul Appleby

Carly Martinetti
Authority Magazine
Published in
9 min readFeb 19, 2020


…I wouldn’t give them advice so much as respect and trust. I respect the people on my team to decide how to do their jobs well and to use me as a sounding board. And I trust them to determine how they will structure their team, their territory, and their time. The latitude that comes from that respect and trust ultimately acts as a bulwark against burn out.

As part of my series about the leadership lessons of accomplished business leaders, I had the pleasure of interviewing Paul Appleby.

Paul is CEO as well as a board member of Kinetica in San Francisco, a startup that analyzes billions of data points continuously to make dynamic business decisions. Paul has successfully built and led global teams across the United States, Asia, and Australia, as President of Worldwide Sales and Marketing at BMC Software, EVP of Global Sales at Salesforce, CRO at C3 IoT, Managing Director of EMEA and APJ for Travelex, and in senior executive positions in the Asia Pacific region at both Oracle and Siebel Corporation. Earlier in his career, Paul was CEO of



Carly Martinetti
Authority Magazine

2x pet tech founder, publicist, writer, and dog mom. I love learning about what makes CEOs tick.