“5 Things I Wish Someone Told Me Before I Became CEO of SOPHiA GENETICS” With Dr. Jurgi Camblong

Carly Martinetti
Authority Magazine
Published in
5 min readSep 22, 2019


…for me the hardest thing has been to accept how as a CEO you can sometimes feel alone. Alone in your decisions, alone with the board but also occasionally alone when you want to go for lunch and realize that nobody has waited for you while you’re busy working. Another thing I wish I had known was how much time I would eventually work and travel. There were weeks where I would sleep overnights at home but take planes daily at 7am, landing back at home near 11pm. I wouldn’t have a chance to say good morning or “sweet dreams” to my daughters

I had the pleasure to interview Dr. Jurgi Camblong, CEO at SOPHiA GENETICS. Dr. Camblong’s goal is to give medical experts Data-Drvien Medicine technology to accelerate the fight against cancer and rare diseases. As an accomplished Molecular Biologist, Camblong’s expertise has been published in Cell, Science & Nature. He is a member of the Advisory Council on Digital Transformation to the



Carly Martinetti
Authority Magazine

2x pet tech founder, publicist, writer, and dog mom. I love learning about what makes CEOs tick.