5 Things You Need To Know To Survive And Thrive After A Divorce, With Shirin Peykar

Kristin Marquet
Authority Magazine
Published in
9 min readFeb 25, 2020


The movement I want to see happen is the sending of love from the inside out. It would start with each person feeling loved, valued, and worthy and sending that same attitude towards everyone around them regardless of what is said or done.

As part of my series about the “5 Things You Need To Know To Survive And Thrive After A Divorce Or Breakup” I had the pleasure of interviewing Shirin Peykar, Licensed Marriage, and Family Therapist and Founder of “Let’s Talk Divorce.” Shirin is a Los Angeles-based psychotherapist and a nationwide divorce coach. Her areas of specialty include Narcissistic Abuse and High-Conflict Divorce.

Thank you so much for doing this with us! Can you tell us a story about what brought you to this specific career path?

Growing up, I was set on the goal of becoming an attorney to practice family law. After some self-exploration, I decided that my personality was more aligned with helping couples stay together and overcome the difficulty in their marriage if that was still an option. I wanted to learn about marriage, what a healthy relationship looked like, what made it last…



Kristin Marquet
Authority Magazine

Publicist and author based in New York City. Founder and Creative Director of FemFounder.co and Marquet-Media.com.