5 Things You Need To Succeed in The Fashion Industry, With Fashion Stylist Sharon Stone

Authority Magazine Editorial Staff
Authority Magazine
Published in
9 min readOct 9, 2018

The fashion industry is evolving in a positive way. More and more I see designers and other fashion professionals who are not only looking to make a beautiful garment but also are exercising a moral and ethical interest in the final product . The green movement is an exciting and genuine response to the concerns of this world in which we all live.

I had the pleasure to interview Sharon Stone. Sharon is a fashion stylist and personal shopper based in Dallas, Texas. She’s got a flair for style that’s made her a top pick of celebs like Sarah Jessica Parker, Ellen DeGeneres, and Samuel L Jackson. Sharon blends her acute knowledge of high fashion with a love for vintage and offbeat finds, her work is always original and eye-catching, whether in her fashion styling or personal shopping for individual as well as corporate clients.

Thank you so much for joining us! Can you tell us a story about what brought you to this specific career path?

I am a third generation fashionista. As a child growing up in Boston, I was fortunate in that my parents exposed me to the arts: ballet, theatre, fine art, film & symphony. I had a mother who adored interior design, antiques and fashion, as did her mother before her, so at a very early age I found myself enamored of all things beautiful & theatrical. I became an avid vintage clothing collector from early on. I moved from Boston to Dallas in the middle of high school and found myself in “another dimension.” Texas was an exotic place, rich with new colors and textures. Fast forward to my college days at UT Austin where I chose Radio/TV/Film as my major. There, I found myself irrevocably drawn to set design and costuming. Upon graduation I went to visit a friend in New York (motivated by an inspirational meeting with Andy Warhol at a Dallas book signing). NYC was THE epicenter of the fashion world and that’s where I wanted to be. I started as an assistant to a seasoned fashion stylist, working in catalogue, commercials and fashion editorial. I was young and excited and ambitious and every day was a dream fulfilled. I discovered my true passion in fashion styling, which heretofore I hadn’t even realized that such a vocation existed.

Can you share the most interesting story that happened to you since you started?

In 1992 Basic Instinct came to the silver screen. Little did I know, that my life would be forever changed. I was the fashion stylist for a national advertising campaign for a sunglass company and our shoot was on location in Germany. On the day that we arrived at the airport in Berlin, (ladened with wardrobe trunks and exhausted from prepping for a 2 week trip), I became hazily aware that as I walked through the airport a cadre of photographers was following behind. I heard their clipped German conversation shouting back & forth to each other, but all of a sudden I heard my “Sharon Stone”. It was then that I realized that this was the paparazzi and they were actually looking for the “other” Sharon Stone. Word was that they had heard that Sharon Stone was on the plane. I guess you might say that my name actually got famous before I did!

Can you share a story about the funniest mistake you made when you were first starting? Can you tell us what lesson you learned from that?

Another location shoot, this time in L.A. for Tommy Hilfiger. It was in my earlier styling days when I was a hard working assistant , working 14–16 hours a day, and loving every minute of it. This particular shoot was an ad involving the children of celebrities. The talent included Kimberly Stewart the daughter of Rod Stewart, Kidada Jones the daughter of Quincy Jones, Balthazar Getty, J.Paul Getty Jr’s son . All of the assistants met at the car rental place before the crack of dawn to pick up our respective cube trucks which we basically “live out of” for the week, full of wardrobe & racks & steamers for me, it acted as an impromptu dressing room on location. Each department had their own truck. It was my job to follow the other cube trucks to location. It was 5:00am mind you when we met in the parking lot and when the others took off I hastily followed behind. Twenty minutes later I started to question the direction that we were heading. It was then that I looked up and saw 10 other cube trucks on the road, all around me and all the same and realized that I had been following the wrong truck!! The moral of this story: never leave home without coffee and always check the license plate of the guy you’re following.

What do you think makes your company stand out? Can you share a story?

What makes S2 The Style Agency stand out from the other personal shoppers & stylists around is my vast history in the industry. I was born with a love for art & design and then I came up in “the biz” experiencing so many of its facets. From styling music videos where I dressed hundreds of extras in ( The Winans), and alternately also dressing individuals in the most intimate & personal setting. I’ve shopped for men, women, children and even the occasional pampered pet. My “tool-kit” is overflowing and prepared for any fashion emergency.

Which tips would you recommend to your colleagues in your industry to help them to thrive and not “burn out”?

I think for myself that these are some keys to avoiding burn-out:

  1. I actively maintain a sense of levity and humor to make each work day both enjoyable & energizing. At the end of the day… it’s just fashion.
  2. I have found that the ability to say “no” if you feel that a particular client or job may not be the right fit for you, is an important lesson. I tend towards perfectionism, so in my view it is better to politely pass then to be unable to do your best work for whatever reason.
  3. I choose to cherish my weekends. They are filled with quality time with my husband & family & friends, art, nature, home improvement projects, road trips, etc. I try to not work on weekends unless it is absolutely unavoidable.
  4. I devote time for my yoga practice which really helps me stay centered, physically, emotionally & spiritually.
  5. Eating clean and drinking lots of water as well as renewing my gratitude daily are all integral parts of my regime as well.

How have you used your success to bring goodness to the world?

I have often joked that I make the world a more beautiful place, one person at a time. But in all seriousness, I volunteer for an amazing organization called “Attitudes & Attire”. It is a non-profit organization “dedicated to promoting personal growth for women seeking self sufficiency.” I have worked with so many amazing women of all ages there, and it is such an incredible experience. Working with their in-house boutique of clothing donated from the community I get to not only use my talents to style these women in great outfits and ready them for the workplace, but I also get to interact, and lift them up with praise and kindness. I always walk away from the experience with a special connection and a true feeling of sisterhood.

Do you have a favorite “Life Lesson Quote”? Can you share a story of how that was relevant to you in your life?

Great clothes open all doors. Thomas Fuller

I met one of my best friends because of my love & lifetime working in fashion. Jane and I were introduced through a mutual friend who felt certain we would have friends or experiences in common. Upon our first meeting, Jane had just opened a designer resale boutique. I stopped by one afternoon and we found ourselves talking for hours. As it turns out while I was busy styling & profiling in New York, Jane was the national sales director of Joan & David shoes in San Francisco. We both had Texas family; mine in Dallas & Jane’s in Houston. Jane went to North Texas & SMU and I attended University of Texas in Austin. But the most striking coincidence we found upon getting to know each other is that we were both at the exact same Andy Warhol book signing in Dallas in 1985! This is where Andy signed my soup can, that 30 years later would explode from the soup becoming botulism & left me with a smeared & blurry autograph. Jane suggested I contact her old college buddy Brian, who worked as the lighting director at the Dallas Museum of Art to see if perhaps he knew of an art conservator that could help me restore my soup can. Long story short I contacted Brian & we fell in love and he is my sweet husband today. When fashion and art collide…❤️❤️

Do you see any fascinating developments emerging over the the next few years in the fashion industry that you are excited about? Can you tell us about that?

In the past decade I have seen so many amazing advances in the use of technology as it relates to fashion. One striking example that comes to mind is Iris Van Herpen, a stunningly talented Dutch artist & fashion designer. She is considered to be “a pioneer in the use of 3D printing as a garment construction technique and an innovator in using technology as the guiding principles in her work”. Her creations are both mind blowing and beautiful.

What are your “Top 5 Things Needed to Succeed in the Fashion Industry. Please share a story or example for each.

An eye for design.

Not only do I style my client’s wardrobes but I also help with interior and home design as well. I am fortunate that my style is fluid in both mediums as for some it is not a natural projection.

Great timing

My favorite expression is “ When the student is ready the teacher will appear”. That’s how it’s always been for me. I’ve always seemed to be in the right place at the right time. And I have called an “ early nerd” as I am always a little bit ahead of where I need to be; poised & ready.

Perseverance, the fashion business is a very competitive industry.

15 years working in NYC has instilled a sense of confidence and intention that has gotten me far. I feel like there is always a solution, and I don’t stop until I find it.

Being a good listener-

The ability to listen and really hear your client and their needs is what makes one invaluable. Often times my clients are going through life changes; new jobs, new relationships, new waistlines and understanding their situation is the key to the most positive interaction.

A love & passion for your work.

Like any artist, that passion is easily translated & always well received.

Every industry constantly evolves and seeks improvement. How do you think the fashion industry can improve itself? Can you give an example?

I feel that in some aspects the fashion industry is evolving in a positive way. More and more I see designers and other fashion professionals who are not only looking to make a beautiful garment but also are exercising a moral and ethical interest in the final product . The green movement is an exciting and genuine response to the concerns of this world in which we all live.

You are a person of great influence. If you could start a movement that would bring the most amount of good to the most amount of people, what would that be? You never know what your idea can trigger. :-)

Very simply, I am a follower of the golden rule. If everyone subscribed to that very simple concept, the world would be a much better place for everyone.

How can our readers follow you on social media?

My website is S2thestyleagency.com. And, you may follow my art/fashion/lifestyle blog titled “The Script” on my website as well. I also share fashion & design inspiration & experiences on my Pinterest & Instagram both are S2thestyleagency as well!

This was very inspiring. Thank you so much for joining us!



Authority Magazine Editorial Staff
Authority Magazine

Authority Magazine is devoted to sharing in-depth interviews, featuring people who are authorities in Business, Pop Culture, Wellness, Social Impact, and Tech