5 Tips From A CryptoCurrency Expert — Stuart Duncan of Vice Industry Token

Eugene Swank
Authority Magazine
Published in
10 min readApr 11, 2018

I had the pleasure of interviewing Stuart Duncan, CEO of Vice Industry Token , the revolutionary and disruptive cryptocurrency that allows you to get paid to watch adult content.

Gene: Thank you so much for taking the time to speak with me. Please give us a brief overview of your background and how you got started in this industry.

Before getting into cryptocurrency, I’ve have been involved in the adult business for over twenty years. I created Hustler TV, Penthouse TV and Exxxtasy TV, among many others. I am friends with and know all the greats in the adult industry. I am recognized as the guy that started the world’s first explicit Exxxtasy adult channels back in the very early 1990s. Today I am one of the largest providers of adult cable TV channels in the world. At this very moment in time we are also the world’s first crypto currency token whose intention is to pay people to watch porn, and eventually television and media in general.

The adult industry has always been at the forefront of technology so getting into cryptocurrency was a no brainer for us. In fact, we have already signed deals with Playboy and Penthouse to use our token on their platforms because they understand the value in it.

Gene: Can you please tell us more about what your company does? I love learning about advancements in the crypto space, so please feel free to geek out with me on this.

Yes, sure! I conceived the idea along with a partner back in the fall of 2016 to create a cryptocurrency token that would pay people to watch porn. I trademarked “Get Paid To Watch Porn ™”. Up until VIT came along, cryptocurrencies involved touts who sold tokens so that people could buy things anonymously online. Bitcoin and Litecoin were tried. Didn’t catch on. Now a bunch of useless “privacy coins” is coming along. They will all fail. People at least get value from owning Bitcoin. We flipped the whole paradigm on its ear. We decided to create our own blockchain and applications we could stack on it to pay people to watch and interact with video, television and any sort of media. Probably 90% of crypto people have no idea how we are doing that.

Gene: Who are your competitors in this space? What makes your company stand out?

To be honest, we have no competitors and because of this we are a unicorn and believe me unicorns stand out. A competitor would be someone competing directly with us and our blockchain to do what we do in exact terms. We have no competition. We also have the top two iconic brands in the world working with our VIT (along with many others). Everyone recognizes that we are a unique value proposition and that there is nothing in the world like us. Not one site in the world is specifically designed to pay people to watch porn, or TV for that matter, and not one site in the world is creating a massive infrastructure like us to allow people anywhere on the planet to engage in getting paid to entertain themselves — no one.

What sort of traction have you guys gotten so far? Are you a well known brand? Still in the startup stage? Or somewhere in the middle?

I feel like a furry mammal going up against dinosaurs just before the giant asteroid hit Earth millions of years ago. We are going to be a household name soon because we are about to start the inevitable slaughter of some pretty big, old media dinosaurs. Adapt or die! We are just getting going really. Our name is spreading like wildfire through both the adult and crypto spaces. Some are visibly threatened just looking at what we are doing. If no one realizes it, or likes it, we are the future. We are out to disrupt and revolutionize over one trillion dollars of business including mediatv, print, telecommunications, education and just about any social media network you can think of off into the future.

We started our own social media and print and online media campaigns just before Christmas last December. We have caused a lot of controversy in the adult space and certainly caused a stir in the crypto space as well — probably because we have no competition, caught people unawares and completely off guard. Now we are at least a year and a half ahead of anyone else. I call it green fields. People — even technically minded — don’t really understand what we do.The whole concept that we can pay everyone in an attention economy is — well — also very hard for the human brain to grasp. If you are stuck on fiat currency and don’t understand Bitcoin then you will have trouble fathoming what we are. However, millennials and the cryptominded do by and large understand and they also understand what an attention economy utility token is and what it brings to the table.

Gene: What is the most innovative project that you have ever worked on?

I’ve worked on more than a few. I was the first person to broadcast adult TV from one country (Canada) to another (the USA). I was the first person to pass adult video over the internet at 1 Mb/s using MPEG-1. I was the first person to build a centralized broadcast network for adult using MPEG-2. I was the first to propose centralized internet tv broadcast back in the mid 1990s. Now I am the first person to propose a decentralized, global, attention economy utility token and blockchain that pays people to watch video — although our VIT blockchain is capable of being used for so much more.

What are some up and coming coins that we should keep on our radar?

Besides VIT I’d go with EOS, ETHOS. I’m heavily involved with growing VIT which I see as a mass use global utility token. EOS, I believe, (once it is finalized) is capable of disrupting Ethereum — even moreso than Cardano, or the other pretenders to the Ethereum throne. I believe ETHOS and its vision of a universal wallet will not only be first to market before Binance gets it done, but that ETHOS will be best of breed once it is released and fully functional. ETHOS and EOS are my top two picks.

What is your opinion on bitcoin? Is it still a good investment?

I’d be lying if I didn’t say yes. I believe Bitcoin is a good investment. Why? My reasoning is completely practical. Since January, and this never happened to me before 2018, I have been absolutely inundated with calls from all over the world from people who are looking to buy large tranches of bitcoin. I never fielded these calls in 2017. I regularly get calls from bonafide moguls, banks, investment houses, individuals, home offices and brokers looking not only for 5,000–40,000 BTC, I’ve had inquiries for 120,000 BTC, another for 300,000 BTC, and on and on. Its stupendous. There is a deep demand. If I am hearing these asks I can’t imagine real demand. I simply refer them on to others as I obviously can’t fulfill any orders like that, especially of that size and magnitude, but it goes to show you what the demand really is out there.

When you think about it the fact BTC is currently trading at about 7000 US dollars, it goes to show you the USD and other currencies around the world are not really worth much. I will say this though. Outside of Japan, if the USA finds a way to welcome with open arms all cryptocurrencies and support USD trading pairs with crypto and move to protect top exchanges then the US economy will absolutely BOOM. I don’t like protectionism. If the USA doesn’t “get with it” soon, and the USD loses its world reserve currency status to the Yuan over time, or the Euro, then the US is not just in trouble — it is finished. Crypto/USD could keep the party rolling a long time.

What sort of regulations do you think we can expect to see in 2018? How will it impact the industry?

The crypto industry or the adult industry? The adult industry is regulated, and to be honest, regulation did nothing to help it and only harmed it albeit in a minimal way.

Crypto needs to be regulated in the sense the bull**** artists and blatant con jobs need to be stopped. Bunny token to me, in my humble opinion, is an excellent example of a con job and what needs to be regulated out of existence. From the outrageous promises they make in online ads I’ve seen, some really stupid people must be getting fleeced of their money by Bunny token. I wonder how can people be so absolutely stupid as to put anything into Bunny token. Of course there are others too. I wish we could, as an industry, self-regulate. I suppose that wouldn’t really work. It is hard when you really have no good standard or guidelines and the lines in the sand don’t just move, they become a sandstorm of chaos because there is no regulation and there is no understanding. Good projects should not have to suffer because of the bad ones though. I just hope regulation in the future is fair and equitable to everyone. Regulators also need to get their act together when it comes to cross agency objectives and harmonized regulations. You can’t have a whole bunch of differing opinions on things and no firm or absolute guidelines.

Gene: Who is your hero (In your business or personal life)? How have they inspired you to become the person you are today.

My hero is me. I believe in me. I really do. I’ve noticed that Karma seems to work wonders in the world. I aspire to good Karma. I abhor indecision, fear, misunderstanding. I revere intelligence, questioning, and people being kind to one another and the planet and doing random acts of kindness for one another.

As for me, my new vision is for the VIT to completely help the planet overcome a lack of funds and resources. Remember — I can tokenize the attention of almost any resource, including media. I will work with others too who want to make their crypto dreams come true. If someone has a good idea I’ll help them.

Gene: If you could jump into a time machine, go back in time, and change one aspect of your past, what would it be, and why?

Not one thing except I would go back to the day my son came to me with a star wars tie on Father’s Day in 1992 and instead of playing with him, I went back to work … that memory kills me a bit each time I remember it. Advice? Always put family and pets before work.

Gene: How will the work your team is doing impact humanity in the future? For example, bringing people closer together, creating more jobs, create killer robots that will destroy all of humanity (joking), etc.

Like I said, I can tokenize almost anything. One of my desires is to use my global mass utility token to make the world’s first decentralized smart phone network and pay people to use the VIT smartphone.

Extrapolating that, I want to use the technology of display memory and apps on a smartphone to create global awareness for one another and to find a way to pay people to educate themselves through the use of that smart device. This becomes possible through the use of VIT and the magic of being able to bring the very best educators to people anywhere in the world through the internet and to help lift the world from collective poverty, disease and war. Not one of us buy a psychopath likes any of this but increasingly all of us have come to watch, see and expect the worst from our leaders and government officials. It’s sad. People are not inherently bad. They are good. It is mostly our systems, governments and religions that breed difficulties and problems. Honestly, governments and religion kill more people than anything else. We should stop listening to them really. Maybe someday we will have enough of a collective collaborative consciousness through global blockchain democracy that we can at least try. I’d work with anyone on this planet and if 7.5 billion of us could agree to work together, the world would be heaven.

Gene: Throughout our careers, we have all run into a few roadblocks. Can you please tell us about a time that you failed? How did you motivate yourself to keep going?

I hate the words NO and CAN’T. I feel terrible for people who live by those words. I’ve been told no many, many times in my life. I never believed it. You have to just keep trying. You negotiate something else. You make a new deal. You explore a new avenue. Find a new way. Nothing is impossible. Persistence is key. Never give up. Don’t harm anyone or anything along the way either. Misunderstandings you may have, but never play foul with Karma.

Gene: What are a your 5 tips that you would give to an inexperienced investor? Why?

The first thing I would advise any investor is:

  1. Only invest in what you understand.
  2. Only invest in what you like.
  3. Don’t invest in people you don’t like.
  4. Don’t invest in people you can’t trust.
  5. Watch, wait and learn before you invest in something — take your time and do it right.

Gene: If you could spend one day with any person (alive or not), who would it be any why?

My mom. I miss her. She taught me what I know, how I should treat people and how I should love people, the world and love life. One day wouldn’t be enough though. The decades I had with her were not enough. After that, I’d give days of my own life to spend another day with all the wonderful dogs I had, grew up with and loved since I was a young boy. I miss them all. They were all this man’s best friends — each and every one.



Eugene Swank
Authority Magazine

Gene Swank is a highly accomplished Senior Executive, C-Suite Officer and Managing Director @ Propellant Labs www.propellantlabs.com