6 Things You Probably Didn’t Know About Being A TV Chef

Authority Magazine Editorial Staff
Authority Magazine
Published in
3 min readJul 31, 2018


Sure, it looks like it’s the easiest job in the world…

You’ve seen a cooking show, right. I’m sure the thought has flashed through your mind : “I can do that, that is such an easy job”. Well, I figured I would find out what its really like. I reached out to Lazarus Lynch, host of Food Network’s Chopped U. He shared with me 6 things that I never knew about being a TV chef.

I hope you enjoy.

They eat peanut butter & jelly

1.We’re not uptight and snobby about food. We eat “normal” food like peanut butter & jelly too.

Can they really cook?



Authority Magazine Editorial Staff
Authority Magazine

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