Actor Erik Fellows On The Five Things You Need To Shine In The Entertainment Industry

An Interview With Edward Sylvan


…You must find that special something in yourself that makes you stand out. It is a very competitive business and a very oversaturated business. Especially since social media and reality shows came into play, as an actor, you’re already amongst the hundreds of thousands that are already out there. It’s finding that one thing that gives you the edge over the next person, and sometimes that can be a very difficult thing when you’re first getting into the biz.

As a part of our series about pop culture’s rising stars, I had the distinct pleasure of interviewing Erik Fellows.

Erik Fellows is an actor most known for his role as Troy Winston in the long-running NBC’s daytime soap opera “Days of our Lives.” He’s also had lead roles in movies such as 2019’s “Being Rose,” “Texas Heart,” “American Cowslip,” “Jonny’s Sweet Revenge,” “Break Even.” And he is part of the long-time running television series “CSI NY” and “NCIS Los Angeles,” and his series regular roles in the multiple Emmy award-winning series “The Bay” as Damian Blackwell and his Best Lead actor win at the 2022 Indie Series awards — role as Bobby in the hit series Purgatory on Popstar! TV and now as the role of Jimmy Starr in his newest film “Starf*cker” in which Erik is already receiving praise for his dynamic and vivacious performance in the film.

Thank you so much for joining us in this interview series! Can you tell us the story of how you grew up?

Thanks so much for having me!

I was born in Silver Spring, Maryland as an only child in an Italian/ Swedish / English household. I was an active kid and loved athletics. At age eight, I gained a huge passion for basketball and my idol Michael Jordan! The love and passion I had for it eventually paid off, and I earned a starting point guard position on the Varsity High School basketball team. I played until going into my senior year when a severe injury to my ankle put a hold on my basketball career. At the time, I was being scouted by an international pro-club team from Italy, and it was a very promising deal for me at the age of seventeen. But with the injury, my basketball career came to an end, and I was unable to continue, which led to finding another passion, acting!

Can you share a story with us about what brought you to this specific career path?

I was babysitting a six-year boy for a friend with my girlfriend at the time. The boy’s mother came to pick up her son as I was leaving and stopped and asked me if I ever thought about modeling and acting. Her young son was into acting and did a lot of kid/ youth modeling for big companies. She asked if I was interested in trying it out because she thought I had a great look and an outgoing personality. I told her I hated drama class in high school and only had an interest in basketball. I never thought modeling would be good, as my friends would probably tease me. She explained they wouldn’t be teasing me if I made a great living as a model and/or TV/movie star. I wasn’t sure that was a possibility, but she introduced me to a modeling agency in Georgetown, DC, in case I wanted to consider it a career backup plan.

I did end up signing a contract and began work as a local model. Even though it wasn’t my first dream, it helped me pay the bills and make some extra cash while I figured out my next life goals. As I became more interested in the field, I relocated to New York City and decided to pursue a full modeling and acting career.

Can you tell us the most interesting story that happened to you since you began your career?

Well, it’s hard just to pick one, but since I must pick just one, I would have to say the time I got to work opposite to Mr. Val Kilmer in a dark comedy film called “American Cowslip.” The story goes like this: the way I got the role was very interesting; my manager at the time was sent an offer for Val Kilmer to play one of the main roles in the film, and my manager at the time used to be Val Kilmer’s life coach and publicist, which is already interesting. But my manager made a deal where, he said to them, “I’ll get Val to do the movie if you put my client Erik in your film.” Initially, after the director looked at my picture, he asked, “isn’t Erik just a model? I mean, can he be funny?” My manager said, “don’t judge a book by its cover. Just meet with him for coffee or lunch.” So, I met with the director, and his name is Mark David. We hit it off well. He said, “well, you’re not just a face; you have a personality too.” I laughed and said, “Is that what you thought I was? Just a face with no personality? Man, you need to get to know me then.” So initially, I was offered just one line in the movie if Val took the role.

So, we agreed, and once we got on the set and he saw how comfortable I was and then I was pretty crazy and funny, and I wasn’t fearful at all, he ended up re-writing the script and put me in about 35 minutes of the movie with about 30 lines which started a

great friendship. Now we’ve done six movies together, and I’m lead in three of them. I have to say this business is a very interesting life and proved you never can tell what will happen and when it will happen, but I have to say that this probably would be the most interesting thing that’s happened to me with the circumstances.

It has been said that mistakes can be our greatest teachers. Can you share a story about the funniest mistake you made when you were first starting? Can you tell us what lesson you learned from that?

Well I guess a funny mistake that I have made it would have to be when I went to a callback for Mr. Tyler Perry himself that was held at a hotel of a Sunset Boulevard there was just a handful of us that we’re going to the call back for this particular role I had worked on it very hard to lead all night long had all the verbiage in lines down the character down in my head basically to knock it out of the park within saying that I guess I was very confident going into the conference room is where it was held and in I see Mr. Perry it’s the first time I’ve actually ever met him in person and he had his entourage behind him ring camera just there I guess I was very confident going into the conference room is where it was held and I’ve always been told never to do what I’m about to do so when I walk in I see Mr. Perry it’s the first time I’ve actually ever met him in person and he had his entourage behind him ring camera just there so I proceeded to walk in to the conference room it’s this huge conference room and the camera is about 20 feet from where I’ll be standing for the audition which already made it very odd. So I introduced myself he introduced himself and I must say Mr. Perry is quite intimidating when you first meet him so I proceed to read the first page of the first scene very confidently mind you at this particular point I had left my sides about 15 feet from where I was standing on a chair when I first walked into the conference room because I was so confident that I didn’t need my sides to look off of! Well that quickly changed as it going to the second page of the first scene midway down through the page the reader began to read their lines and as I went to deliver my lines for some reason my nerves kicked in and I completely blanked from when I realized that I was paying too much attention to Mr. Tyler Perry because he wasn’t watching me he was staring at my headshot and hadn’t looked at his head up yet so that made me very insecure and maybe wonder why he’s not watching my audition which in return made me blank and space out completely! So as I spaced out my confidence pretty much left my body and this moment was about to be one of the biggest lessons I’ve ever learned as an actor in an audition room and just in general for being professional Mr. Perry looks up and says is there a problem and I said am I started stuttering and I said to the reader do you mind going back to that one line now mind you Mr. Tyler perry notice that I do not have my sides with me so he’s now watching which may be even 10 times more nervous the reader proceeds to read the line again and I went to delivery line and I was shaking so bad that I literally blanked again I started sweating profusely I actually started laughing out loud because I didn’t know what to do. At this very moment Mr.

Perry says to me what’s wrong and I said am I start stuttering he says is there something wrong and I said I can’t remember my lines he goes well that would be you

know funny because I happen to notice that you left your sides 15- 20 feet by the door when you first walked in the conference room now everyone knows not to do what you just did because these moments happen and then he said thank you so much for coming in have a nice day at this point I didn’t know what to do or say he was telling me I had to leave but the fighter in me but also I guess you could call it slightly cocking arrogant side of me told me to say to Mr. Perry I would like to get my sides and start over and do the audition yet and he proceeded to tell me five times a row that he’s seen enough have a nice day his voice started to get even deeper than it is which is impossible and a little scary but because I am so competitive I literally wouldn’t give in. So I said I would like to finish the audition. I worked really hard on this and I know I can do it and he said well you could’ve worked that hard on and you can’t even remember the next line I said I realize that but I would like to get my sights and he says I’m going to tell you one more time to please leave, as I am leaving I’m shaking And I’m thinking in my head oh my God I just blew my chance. So something in my brain told me one last time to turn around walked back into the room as I was leaving after he’s told me now at this .8 times to please leave embarrassed not knowing what to do I said I want to finish my other shit he looks at me and goes wow you don’t give up you have balls kid because I tell you what get over there and finish your audition , He goes I’ll give you one last chance you’re lucky that you’re talented , he proceeds to say get back over there I’ll give you one chance I literally was in shock I couldn’t believe what I just heard I thought he had hated me at that point and then he just gave me a compliment which put me in complete shock so now my shock turned into nervousness and freaking out because now I’m not sure what to do so I have the sides in my hand and the reader starts again but now I am you would think in the power position he just gave me a complement he told me that he thought I was talented he’s give me one last chance I literally was shaking so much of the papers were shaking that I couldn’t even read off the page he have the pages in your hand you know you could do this obviously already told you I think you’re great I’ll do it so that I will literally take the side and then throw them on the ground again like I didn’t have them with me in the first place he looks up and goes come on man you have the pages in your hand you know you could do this obviously I already told you I think you’re great I’ll do it so that I literally take the sides and then throw them on the ground again like I didn’t have them with me in the first place I just did it again and finally I got through it I left there shaking not even knowing what to think I thought he definitely hated me and as soon as I got in the car I found out that he love me and he put a pin in me and I was up for the role for about three or four weeks , unfortunately it didn’t go my way for the role but the fact that I didn’t give up the fact that I wouldn’t take no for an answer and the fact that I learned my lesson and was humbled during that moment made me realize you need to understand where you stand in life and you need to understand and respect how much work people put into things and you walk into a situation like that in almost take it for granted thinking that you’re better than that the best fall sometimes and this was a lesson for me and a very interestingly funny but also scary lesson to be learned and I’ve never once ever done that again and I have the upmost respect for the fact that I didn’t give up and he gave me a chance to prove myself so I will always remember that moment.

What are some of the most interesting or exciting projects you are working on now?

My most recent film called STARF*CKER that I play the lead actor and also serve as one of the producers on was just released Sept 9th on TUBI which tells the story about my character Jimmy Starr A wannabe celebrity makes “calculated” choices in order to slash and burn his way into the Hollywood scene. Using literally everything he has at his disposal to earn fame and power; he slowly climbs the ladder starting at the very bottom of the Z-list and working his way up via favors and one-night stands. But when his ex-fiancé and his brother come back into the picture, he’s forced to navigate real life and find out if there’s more to him than a narcissistic psychopath. I have a handful of very cool films coming out soon, especially my romantic comedy Divorce Bait that was acquired by Samuel Goldwyn Films, that will be releasing theatrically in the fall. Now I’m in the pre-production stage on a few other projects as well that I will be serving yet again in the lead role of Billy and also serving as one of the producers as well. I’m very excited about this horror / psychological/ thriller called “A Beating Heart”,

Where I have already attached my good friend and iconic actress Mrs. Cybill Shepherd in whom I met in 2016 on our film together BEING ROSE in which I played in the role opposite to her as her son in the film. A Beating Heart is About a young man (BILLY) who as a boy witnessed his parents’ bloody murder and he must confront the memory and threat from that horrific event when a dangerous spirit that caused it suddenly reappears. In the vein of HEREDITARY and WE ARE STILL HERE. So, I’m super excited in what I’m working on and what I have being released. Fun days ahead.

You have been blessed with success in a career path that can be challenging. Do you have any words of advice for others who may want to embark on this career path, but seem daunted by the prospect of failure?

There are many moments. The way that I look at it is when I started this business, I didn’t know anything about it or even think I would get to where I am. So, when I’m looking at it, there have been so many pivotal moments that helped me transition to this point. I got to work with some cool people. Working with Val Kilmer was awesome. The entire cast for American Cowslip was amazing. Working with J. Lo and people on that level. It’s about having actual conversations with people that I’ve looked up to and learning things about their life stories. It helped me realize the mindset that it takes to succeed in this business.

I’ve learned something from each of their success stories. It’s helped me say, “This is how I do it. This is how it can be done.” You must understand how to circulate yourself through this business. You must keep your head on straight and understand the situations you’re putting yourself in and what your worth is — how much you’re worth in this life. That’s where people fall off a bit because they start to question their worth and they lack that confidence. That’s where they fall apart. So, the advice I leave is if you are sure 150 billion % that this is love/passion in this life and that you are willing to take the knockdowns and are willing to pick yourself back up and keep swinging for your goals and passions and the love that you have in you for this business, then you will find yourself more powerful and that quitting thing that a large percentage of actors/ artists do when things get too tough and walk away from their dreams. You will find yourself in the golden seat and you will hold your destiny in your own hands.

Quitting has never been an option for me and when I felt like I couldn’t take it anymore and that I felt like I had no more fight to give, I remembered that quitting is the easiest thing to do but that fighting and winning, and success leads to fulfillment and gratitude and humility. Once you have learned this you will wake up on top.

We are very interested in diversity in the entertainment industry. Can you share three reasons with our readers about why you think it’s important to have diversity represented in film and television? How can that potentially affect our culture?

Well, I think diversity is a huge part of our history and is what makes us who we are. 1/ we were all human beings on this planet I think that each individual story is amazing in it’s on right. and I think they need to be told on films and in TV series and that is something that we were lacking a lot of for many years, so I think it’s something that was necessary and something that’s going to advance all of us Forward.

2 / I really do believe that bringing in the diversity to the level they have will only make for much better storytelling and will give us that knowledge and thirst to want to learn more and hunger to collaborate with one another in a way that we haven’t before.

3/ I think this also brings in a demographic and brings in history that we either don’t have much knowledge about or lack thereof knowledge that we were not interested in before. THIS now gives us a chance to learn more about other countries how others have grown up in their countries bringing in diversity opens the mind and the culture to a point of selflessness in which we were in a direction as a planet of full selfishness. This also opens the lucrative understanding of having more culture and diversity will also bring in more viewers with the content and opens the door for the interest level of other cultures and topics that had not been able to be expressed before in film or TV. Discussing topics that are very important and really allowing all of us to come together and collaborate our stories with one another and basically creating a unity amongst all of us instead of separating us and tearing us apart. This is what we as the people of this planet have needed all along and we will all have a different view on each other and in general. This was the missing piece of film and tv that now has arrived.

What are your “5 things I wish someone told me when I first started” and why? Please share a story or example for each.

If I were to choose five things, I wish someone had told me when I first started, # 1 would be how to accept the answer “NO.” No one prepares you for that “NO.” It is already hard enough going through life being judged on every little thing, from the way you look to the way you present yourself to the way you speak. From every little detail that you’re not even aware of that, you’re being judged by in this business! So that “No” isn’t something that you were ever prepared for.

#2 The amount of time and effort, and persistence it takes to achieve just getting a job, let alone working consistently. You come to realize very quickly that you’re not that special, or at least you’re made to feel that way. You must find that special something in yourself that makes you stand out. It is a very competitive business and a very oversaturated business. Especially since social media and reality shows came into play, as an actor, you’re already amongst the hundreds of thousands that are already out there. It’s finding that one thing that gives you the edge over the next person, and sometimes that can be a very difficult thing when you’re first getting into the biz.

#3 They never prepare you for the 24/7, 365 days a week nonstop, day and night hustle that it takes to be successful in this business. In most jobs, you work 9 to 5, and you get the weekends off. In this business, you never have a day off if you want to be successful; if you want to reach goals that you set out for, you must fight the fight. It is a never-ending fight. We were never prepared for that, and just when you think you’ve got there, you must do it all over again. This business is all about trends, moments, and maintaining consistency, and most of us weren’t raised to understand rejection to that level, so the fight is never over, it just continues, but it makes you stronger.

#4 We were never prepared for the scrutiny or able to handle the criticism even at our weakest moments. We were never prepared for the letdowns. Most of us were raised, hopefully by parents that love us and care about us, and always have our best interest. But again, they didn’t prepare you for this.

#5 We were never prepared for when success does come. The humbleness that you need to maintain and the inspiration you need to be for others. At the end of the day, as hard as you work to get to where you want to get to, the goals that you’ve tried to work towards, and you finally achieve are only as good as the human that you are.

Humility and the grateful understanding that comes along with even at the hardest times in your weakest moments you must maintain, but you always must remember this as they say you can’t love other people unless you love yourself. This is a business about self-reflection and understanding who you are and where you stand, knowing that you will not take “no” for an answer, that you will continue to fight, and you will continue to be stronger. You will continue to be better than you ever were before. It is something like no other. I am grateful and blessed that I never gave up, that I learned to love myself and love the ones around me. If the rejection comes and the criticism comes, you take that with humility and move forward because you will prevail; the confidence and love that you have for yourself can withstand all of that!

Which tips would you recommend to your colleagues in your industry to help them to thrive and not “burn out”?

Well, I would first say always think of your mental health and your well-being first you have to take care of yourself mentally and physically in general everyday life because I this business it take a lot of persistence a lot of perseverance it’s a 24/ 7 nonstop career that you always have to be in your best light and always thinking of yourself as someone who’s going to succeed not fail so health and physical health because

without those you don’t have a career or business or even life in general secondly I would say surround yourself around good people that help you thrive people that are very supportive and give you good advice that you can talk to you when you do have rough so number one to me is mental health and physical health because without those you don’t have a career or business or even life in general secondly I would say surround yourself around good people that help you thrive people that are very supportive and give you good advice that you can talk to you when you do have a rough moments. Ultimately this career is in your hands you have to love yourself fully you have to believe in yourself you have to have that never quit mentality but I really think you know at times getting out of your head a bit and going and doing something a hobby or something that keeps you know moving get your blood flowing and separating yourself at moments away from the business is a good thing . 1/ mental physical health 2/ sounding yourself around good people and very supportive friends and family and loving yourself is the most important because without that love you have nothing. 3/ having hobbies that can help you get away from the business whether be working out, reading, going on trips. playing with your pets, whatever that may be to alleviate the stress that accumulates over time in this business those are all three very important things that people have to keep in mind.

You are a person of enormous influence. If you could inspire a movement that would bring the most amount of good to the most amount of people, what would that be? You never know what your idea can trigger. :-)

I would love to start some sort of acting/self-worth and love program/school for kids from 6- 18 yrs. old that want to enter the entertainment business or, even if they don’t, allow them to take the class. It would be a charity non-profit. I would teach all the stuff they don’t tell you to prepare for and have positivity courses about how to steer yourself in the right direction in the entertainment field or in life. In general, to help kids find their passions in a positive way with not feeling insecure or judged. To really teach them self-worth and love for not only themselves but for their fellow peers and the negativities that they might come across in their journeys. I don’t feel that there are enough structured classes and courses for the youth to get what they need to venture out into the business or in life. I would give them pieces of what I learned along my 20- year career and hope to give them a bright outlook on life and entertainment and not feel scared and insecure about the rejection. Help them turn the intimidating idea of entertainment into a fun path and that they need not worry about failure because when they believe in themselves and know that love is all they need on both sides, that things will work out. Not to give them false ideas about how if this or that doesn’t work out, then they won’t succeed. To never give up on whatever passion they want to chase after. I wish someone would have sat me down like this and told me it’s going to be ok and that just believing in myself and hard work, and the love for myself would get me far in life. I would have spent a lot fewer days beating myself up and sitting in my depression and wondering why, instead of taking those negative energies and flipping it on them and making them realize that I’m worth every bit of a “yes” and that I have

more love for myself than they will ever know! This would be something I would love to offer to the youth, especially in today’s critical world we live in. They need it more now than ever! I’ve tried to be a good influence and an actor and humanitarian for my fans, friends, and family. A person they can look up to. I’ve worked hard on being as truthful to myself and others as I possibly can. I am doing charities, getting involved in organizations, helping people in need and the ones that are less fortunate. There’s nothing better than giving back. The one thing about this business, the more success you have; it gives you an outlet and a voice to help others. This is the one thing that is very important to me, and I think it should be important to the world if we can help change things and help get a positive understanding out to as many people as possible. Social media has made it even more possible. There’s nothing better than making someone’s day brighter!

None of us are able to achieve success without some help along the way. Is there a particular person who you are grateful towards who helped get you to where you are? Can you share a story about that?

Since I was an advocate for the game of basketball growing up, I didn’t just play the game; I lived and breathed the sport! The number one reason for this is because of the greatest ever, Mr. Michael Jordan! If I was to have breakfast or lunch with anyone, it would be Michael Jordan. He was the first person I looked up to besides my parents. He showed us what extreme hard work and dedication can do. I spent countless hours every day of my childhood into my teens, leading to my adulthood with Michael as an inspiration and a leader. He taught me to fight for what I wanted and have endless persistence and no fear to achieve greatness. Michael Jordan’s energy is something of a superhuman. I truly believed that his countless efforts as an athlete and leader helped scope my determination in my life. I believe he changed the minds of many young people during that time, and people wanting to be “Like Mike” he made us believe in ourselves. When you watched Michael, it was like watching your hero take the stage, and nothing else mattered.

Can you please give us your favorite “Life Lesson Quote”? Can you share how that was relevant to you in your life?

My favorite Life Lesson Quote, would have been “don’t ever take LIFE for granted’ well without sharing too much I had an out-of-body experience, and a date with what we perceive to be GOD or the energy of GOD/ Jesus AND CHANGED MY LIFE FOREVER. Something that I needed to experience and continue always REMINDING MYSELF HOW SHORT our THE Life iso need to always tell ourselves. We always must make the best of it.

Is there a person in the world, or in the US whom you would love to have a private breakfast or lunch with, and why? He or she might just see this, especially if we tag them. :-)

Yes, and that person would be the One the Only Michael Jordan used to watch all of his videos for motivation; it didn’t matter if it was before a basketball game or just to

get my day started! I would love to team up with MJ; not only would it be a dream of mine ever since I was a child, but it would also be an honor to collaborate with the man himself on helping our youth believe in themselves again, knowing that they to have the ability to lead a positive and motivating life and to be a leader themselves! It is crucial to learn these things early on in life! To be honest, I owe so much of my will to push forward and never give up and believe in myself even when times are tough, and things feel like they aren’t moving or going anywhere; Michael showed me early in my life what it was like to not be good enough and to get cut from his high school basketball team and within the following year to come back prove not only could he make the team, that he would go on in life to become what he is today! The amount of persistence and perseverance and belief in who you are as a human being and what you can achieve is beyond recognition! Michael helped me become who I am, and I would love to have that talk with him about how we can help our youth know that they too should never give up, we all have a fight in us, but sometimes you just need a face, voice, and leader to help you know you can do it too!

How can our readers follow you online?

They can follow me @

Instagram Verified account — erikfellowsofficial Facebook both accounts Verified —

Twitter Verified —

This was very meaningful, thank you so much! We wish you continued success! Thank you so much for your questions and having me a part of this series.



Edward Sylvan CEO of Sycamore Entertainment Group
Authority Magazine

Edward Sylvan is the Founder and CEO of Sycamore Entertainment Group Inc. He is committed to telling stories that speak to equity, diversity, and inclusion.