Actress & Filmmaker Kim Hopkins On Five Things You Need To Shine In The Entertainment Industry

An Interview With Edward Sylvan


This business, operative word BUSINESS, is a difficult road but it pays off. If you really want to be an actor, director, producer, whatever your lane all you have to do is do it. Do it every day, spend a minimum of 2 hours every day doing what you want to do, acting classes, writing classes, go to film school, I did. Take every opportunity to learn more! Keep yourself centered and balanced, meditate, journal and surround yourself with supportive people. You will reap the rewards if you are consistent and persistent, I promise.

As a part of our series about pop culture’s rising stars, we had the distinct pleasure of interviewing Kim Hopkins.

Kim Hopkins is an international award-winning actress, producer, director and writer who recently co-wrote, co-produced, co-directed and co-starred with Abigail Breslin in their new show The Cannibals. Kim is also the creator of The Working Actor Formula, Live In The Moment Acting, and Last Minute Audition programs, which help actors understand the business of the entertainment business and have the career of their dreams.

Starting with a modeling career at three years old, Kim went on to model in New York City to then become an international model and actress with a career spanning five decades. Paving the way for new generations, she helps aspiring and working actors create content-driven platforms that will bring recognition and booking opportunities. Kim’s clients have won multiple awards, signed with the industry’s top agents, and enjoyed successful careers.

Kim has been on the cover of many magazines and has appeared in over 300 commercials globally. She’s been a series regular and starred in cult films, such as Cheech and Chong’s Next Movie, The Hollywood Knights, and The Happy Hooker Goes Hollywood. She has also appeared on The Tonight Show, New Mom Who Dis, I Want To Know Your Story and many podcasts. A passionate performer, she has also directed and starred in her own films garnering over 35 awards, including Best Actress, Best Supporting Actress, and Best Director.

Thank you so much for joining us in this interview series! Can you tell us the story of how you grew up?

First, thank you for the opportunity. It is such an honor. My childhood was so full of joy and love! My beautiful mother, Lynn, and my father, George Hopkins who was the consummate entertainer, gave me so much support and encouragement throughout my entire life. My father was a comedian, drummer and actor which allowed me the golden opportunity to watch close up the business and meet so many lovely people in a way most people aren’t afforded. Frank Sinatra, The Ventures, Jerry Vale, Buddy Rich, Terry Gibbs and so many more. Eartha Kitt came up to me after my father’s stand up routine, at The Purple Onion, to tell me how talented and funny he was, Eartha was stunning, sweet and smelled like an angel! I was also privileged to see the behind-the-scenes of the business. So at three years old when my career started it just seemed normal. In my first interview, at 3 years old, I told the journalist that I wanted to be a comedian like my daddy, and did that before he passed. That was such a blessing for my father to see me do that and give me praise and tell me how proud he was. I miss my father so much, but I know he is always with me.

Can you share a story with us about what brought you to this specific career path?

Well, we were living in New York City and riding the subway when a man, Bert Stern the world-renowned photographer, approached my mother and said “that little girl should be in pictures”! That is where it began, the cover of McCall’s magazine and their Biggest Christmas issue ever campaign catapulted me into a meteoric modeling career in print and commercials. Some of my favorites were the Ivory Soap commercial and the Hunt’s Peaches ads. It was a whirlwind and my face was everywhere, as a child that is very exciting! I was cast in a film with Tony Curtis which I was unable to finish, which devastated me and I kept that script for years. I left the business to be a “normal” child and go to school. At eighteen I went to Judith Fontaine at Playboy Models and she signed me immediately, at 5’2” I was one of her most booking clients.

Can you tell us the most interesting story that happened to you since you began your career?

The most interesting thing that happened to me was meeting Richard Rush, the director, and having Richard mentor me. He was the one who believed that I would be a successful director and encouraged me to go to film school. Richard came to the set of my first short film, I was directing and starring in, because he wanted to be there for me if I bit off more than I could chew. After an hour Richard told me he was so proud of me and that he didn’t need to stay however he wanted to watch me. Richard was so pleased with my short film, ANIMALS, unfortunately, he passed away before he could see the 18-plus awards I won for directing, acting, writing and producing that short. I know Richard is by my side every time I direct.

It has been said that mistakes can be our greatest teachers. Can you share a story about the funniest mistake you made when you were first starting? Can you tell us what lesson you learned from that?

Ha! There was a commercial audition for a Japanese clothing commercial being shot with the talent of skydiving, I did not skydive. My agent told me it was being shot in a studio and that it would be fine. I booked that gig! Well, it wasn’t being shot in a studio! I was transported out to Perris Valley to a real skydiving experience where I did a tandem dive. It was terrifying jumping out of a plane from 14,000 feet. Lesson learned! And no, I would never do it again!

What are some of the most interesting or exciting projects you are working on now?

At the moment the most exciting project is THE CANNIBALS television show! This project is a dream come true. My partner, Abigail Breslin, and I co-wrote, co-produced, co-directed and co-star in this dark comedy. I went to Abbie with the concept in mid-October 2021, she jumped on board and we had the pilot in the can by Jan 24, 2022! I just finished the Bible for the show and we are sure to have it on the air soon! It was so much fun the two of us doing all the work and seeing the finished product.I was able to bring a very talented actor to play the role of Abbie’s boyfriend, Al Ortega to the show, he auditioned and won the role! Many of the actors I coach were a part of the show as well, which brings me so much delight. It isn’t just a comedy, it is about how families deal with love, secrets and conflict. Abbie and I have several other films and television shows we are working on, keep an eye on the two of us!

You have been blessed with success in a career path that can be challenging. Do you have any words of advice for others who may want to embark on this career path, but seem daunted by the prospect of failure?

Of course! First and foremost, be persistent! This is my first piece of advice to all the actors I coach from beginners to celebrities. This business, operative word BUSINESS, is a difficult road but it pays off. If you really want to be an actor, director, producer, whatever your lane all you have to do is do it. Do it every day, spend a minimum of 2 hours every day doing what you want to do, acting classes, writing classes, go to film school, I did. Take every opportunity to learn more! Keep yourself centered and balanced, meditate, journal and surround yourself with supportive people. You will reap the rewards if you are consistent and persistent, I promise. Make your own content, make it great! You can always reach out to me via my website or email and I will give you my best advice and help you if I am able. By the way there is no failure, just a learning moment.

We are very interested in diversity in the entertainment industry. Can you share three reasons with our readers about why you think it’s important to have diversity represented in film and television? How can that potentially affect our culture?

There are so many reasons why diversity in television and film is important. I believe that everyone deserves to tell their story, that promotes acceptance. What we see as we grow as humans becomes the norm. Heroes should be male and female, all shapes and sizes and people of color so that we can all relate to the characters and have unconventional role models. Diversity brings in bigger audiences and more success for all involved from producers to actors and the entire crew leading to more work for so many. Children need to see someone who represents themselves on television and in film, it gives them the opportunity to associate and to dream big! When we all start embracing our differences and learn to accept that any one of us can do or be anything we want, this world has the opportunity to be the kind of place each of us knows it should be.

What are your “5 things I wish someone told me when I first started” and why? Please share a story or example for each.

Which tips would you recommend to your colleagues in your industry to help them to thrive and not “burn out”?

Burnout is not an option if you love what you do! Keep your life rich, do things to expand your mind and help others. Volunteering is a wonderful way to stay focused on what is important. There are so many who need our love and support. Try an animal shelter, kittens, puppies, cats and dogs will take your mind off of everything!

Every morning before I get out of bed I meditate for at least 30 minutes. I visualize how the day will go and what my life will look like in 3 years. I forgive anyone that has upset me and ask for forgiveness. This practice has healed a lot of things for me without having to confront anyone.

Journaling is a key part of my life, first thing in the morning after meditation I write out 3–5 things I am grateful for and three things that will make this day amazing. Before bed I write 3–5 great things that happened that day. I have to tell you that when I started doing this I was skeptical but within a week the things I was writing down started to happen within days! I am grateful for journaling because it has changed my life.

I workout every day, right now I am addicted to Orangetheory and The Beat boxing classes! Also just got The Mirror so there is no reason not to do something for my body every day. That keeps my body healthy and strong. Walking in my neighborhood, just enjoying the trees and birds, dogs and cats and random people who walk by always gives me great pleasure and sense of peace.

You are a person of enormous influence. If you could inspire a movement that would bring the most amount of good to the most amount of people, what would that be? You never know what your idea can trigger. :-)

Be kind! One small act of kindness can change someone’s day or life and yours! If you go through your day being kind, giving someone a compliment, helping with their groceries, pushing their car to the side of the road (Abbie!) Be compassionate, be respectful even when someone seems not to be, you never know what people are going through. Help others and you help yourself and the world around you.

None of us are able to achieve success without some help along the way. Is there a particular person who you are grateful towards who helped get you to where you are? Can you share a story about that?

Richard Rush, my dear friend and mentor who passed away. Richard supported my dreams of returning to television and film and becoming a director. He mentored me through my New York Film Academy education and came to my first directorial debut, directing myself. Richard was kind, gentle, brilliant and gave me criticisms with a deft hand. Abigail Breslin who became a close friend and partner, we always have each other’s back, we went through so much making our show and we stuck together and made it happen. Abbie helps me and everyone she can, we are so alike in this respect, she is forever there for me no matter what. I feel beyond blessed to have this woman in my life, she is an example for any actor/director/human. Chris Allen at Buchwald, the best agent a girl could ever ask for.

Can you please give us your favorite “Life Lesson Quote”? Can you share how that was relevant to you in your life?

“Be the reason someone smiles. Be the reason someone feels loved and believes in the goodness in people.” — Roy T. Bennett

People need other people and it seems that in this day and environment there are not enough people helping others feel seen and loved. It is important to me to reach out, talk to strangers, and make someone feel special every day. Just a quick “you look nice today” or “that outfit looks great on you” can make someone’s day better. It is such a simple thing to do, so I do it all day every day! There was one day I wasn’t feeling great but had to go out. I threw on a funny little wig and everyone I ran into mentioned how they loved my hair, the haircut or how pretty I looked. That not only surprised me but lifted my spirit so quickly it changed my whole day!

Is there a person in the world, or in the US whom you would love to have a private breakfast or lunch with, and why? He or she might just see this, especially if we tag them. :-)

I would relish the opportunity to have lunch or preferably dinner with Guillermo Del Toro! I absolutely love his work, his mind and his film, “The Shape of Water”, is my all-time favorite film. It was as if all my fantasies had come to life. Also, Richard Rush, who was my dear friend and mentor, met Guillermo and said I should meet him! Richard made a short video for me to send to him!

How can our readers follow you online?

Oh, yes! I am on Instagram Kim Hopkins (@thekimhopkins), and Kim Hopkins (@liveinthemomentacting), @thecannibals_tvshow, Kim Hopkins — IMDb,

This was very meaningful, thank you so much! We wish you continued success!

Thank you, I am so grateful.



Edward Sylvan CEO of Sycamore Entertainment Group.
Authority Magazine

Edward Sylvan is an Entrepreneur and CEO of Sycamore Entertainment Group Inc. and SEGI TV, a streaming app that showcases niche Film, TV and live sports.