Rising Star Lanett Tachel: Why It Is So Important To Appreciate That You Are Your Biggest Asset

Misty Schwartz
Authority Magazine
Published in
7 min readJul 24, 2020

For any aspiring actors, writers, producers — my advice is follow your gut and know that you are your biggest asset. Your unique perspective, your way with words, your way with people, your look, etc are the things that will help you succeed. Do not change to fit into a norm or a status quo. Your individuality will attract the right people your way. Everyone will get their shot but we have to make sure we are prepared when the shot comes. Be diligent. Ask questions. Know your craft. Know your worth. We’ve all heard the saying that success is preparation meeting opportunity, so BE PREPARED- the opportunity will come. Finally, you will fail at something — you’ll botch an audition or under prepare for a meeting — it happens! But the only real failure is if you don’t learn from the process. Brush it off — keep going and in the words of Samuel Beckett, next time, “Fail Better.”

I had the pleasure to interview Lanett Tachel. Lanett is an actress, writer, and producer from Prince George’s County Maryland. She received her BFA from Howard University and performed lead roles on stages from DC to the Dominican Republic before moving to Los Angeles and transitioning to acting and writing for TV and film. After consulting and later landing a role on the show BELLE’s with legendary producer Ed Weinberger, Lanett found that she had a knack for creating and producing behind the camera as well as in front and she’s never looked back.

Thank you so much for doing this with us Lanett! Can you tell us the story of how you grew up?

As an actress, writer and producer, my journey started out of my love for the arts. I was born and raised in Prince George’s County, Maryland and immersed myself in the arts since the age of 7.

I first realized the power of ART when my mother would write and tell children’s stories to me and siblings and incorporate us in the stories. My imagination ran wild with possibilities. From elementary to HS graduation, I soaked up every area of the arts that I could. From school plays to recitals, I was versed in dance, step pantomime, spoken word, singing, writing, and my favorite until this day- Acting.

I received my BFA in Theater from Howard University, and immediately moved to Los Angeles, CA to pursue a career in ACTING. One thing LA quickly teaches you, is that being a multi-hyphenate is a plus. In between acting gigs and bartending gigs to pay the rent, I began to write and subsequently produce my own work. I found that the more I created opportunities for myself, the more external opportunities began to come my way.

Since being in LA, I have written, produced and starred in several feature films that have released theatrically and can currently be found on platforms such as Netflix, Amazon, Hulu, Syfy, Lifetime, BET, and more. My most recent work is featured in the comedic series, PUMP where I play a leading role alongside Ray J, Jennifer Freeman, Michael Jai White and more in a hilarious scripted show about a gym in Inglewood. You can stream it on Urbanflixtv.com

My journey is far from over, but what I can tell you so far, is that my journey has not mirrored that of any of my friends. It is uniquely mine. In this business, people will quickly try to put you in a box and label what you can and can’t do. The moment you believe those things, you’re playing into someone’s journey. Don’t believe the hype. Create your own path.

Can you tell us the most interesting story that happened to you since you began your career?

My most memorable experience has been completing the show “PUMP.” Up until then, I’d been excited to navigate different roles in front of and behind the camera, but they were mainly for film. As an actress, I’ve loved the opportunity to switch genres, from horror to comedy, to thriller, to drama and meet incredible people along the way. But serving as a writer, producer, and actress for a television series was a whole new world for me. The lessons I learned and the relationships that I formed during the process were as important to me as the outcome of the show. Until that moment, I’d never worked with a cast and crew that was so fiercely devoted to the same vision. I can truly say, I understand what it means to have a “Show Family” and I don’t take it for granted.

You have been blessed with great success in a career path that can be challenging. Do you have any words of advice for others who may want to embark on this career path, but seem daunted by the prospect of failure?

Some of the strategies that have helped me become successful in my journey are working toward attainable, measurable goals. (I wake up with goals for the day/week and actively work toward them.) It’s amazing to look back over your week and realize you have something to show for it. lol. Another thing is faith. I see myself in the roles that I want to play. I audition for the roles that may not have been meant for me, knowing that I may be opening up producers and directors to alternative casting possibilities. Finally, the biggest strategy has been creating work. Work begets work.

What drives you to get up everyday and work in TV and Film?

I am inspired most when I am around water. A drive to Venice, Malibu or the Santa Monica Pier can completely reset and refresh me to be creative. And when I vacation, you better believe I’m swimming with the dolphins. Water is infinite. So are the possibilities.

Which tips would you recommend to your colleagues in your industry to help them to thrive and not “burn out”?

For any aspiring actors, writers, producers — my advice is follow your gut and know that you are your biggest asset. Your unique perspective, your way with words, your way with people, your look, etc are the things that will help you succeed. Do not change to fit into a norm or a status quo. Your individuality will attract the right people your way. Everyone will get their shot but we have to make sure we are prepared when the shot comes. Be diligent. Ask questions. Know your craft. Know your worth. We’ve all heard the saying that success is preparation meeting opportunity, so BE PREPARED- the opportunity will come. Finally, you will fail at something — you’ll botch an audition or under prepare for a meeting — it happens! But the only real failure is if you don’t learn from the process. Brush it off — keep going and in the words of Samuel Beckett, next time, “Fail Better.”

Looking back, what’s one thing you wish someone told you before you got started?

Before I got started, I wish I studied the BUSINESS of this industry as much as I studied my craft. Key things I’d tell my younger self is that although what is meant for you will eventually be, a mind for business can only make the journey easier.

Do you have anything that you are most afraid of? Can you share that with us?

My greatest fear is selling myself short and letting fear guide a decision that should have been guided by faith. As much as I can, I try to take a mental inventory of why I make the choices I make. And it’s great to have people you trust to serve as a sounding board every now and then.

What keeps you going when things get tough?

My family and my supporters keep me going. It takes other people to put things into perspective sometimes. Just a phone call with family or a meetup with friends in the area, remind you that you are your own toughest critic. I might be in a rut because I wanted to book this acting gig, or write on a project that got put on hold but it’s nothing like family and friends to help remind you of how much you’ve already accomplished. In this industry, the finish line is forever shifting so it can be easy to lose track of how far you’ve run.

Are you on social media? How can our readers follow you online?

The easiest social media channel for me to navigate is INSTAGRAM. A picture can say a thousand words, and whatever the picture can’t convey, you can convey with video and captions (long or brief).

The best way for people can connect with me is on Instagram at Lanett_Tachel.

This was so informative, thank you so much! We wish you continued success!



Misty Schwartz
Authority Magazine

Misty Schwartz is a public relations and marketing guru, she also enjoys doing charity events in her spare time. https://schwartzentertainmentmedia.com/