Adam Davis Of XGENIA: How AI Is Disrupting Our Industry, and What We Can Do About It

An Interview With Cynthia Corsetti

Cynthia Corsetti
Authority Magazine
22 min readApr 24, 2024


Fostering a culture of innovation is not just a strategy; it’s a necessity in the age of AI disruption, affecting areas as diverse as finance, marketing, design, development, service, and even legal sectors. In this rapidly evolving landscape, anchoring your team in a mindset of continuous innovation becomes crucial. It’s about creating an environment where questioning the status quo is encouraged, where every team member is empowered to think creatively about how AI can not only optimize existing processes but also uncover new avenues for growth and advancement.

Artificial Intelligence is no longer the future; it is the present. It’s reshaping landscapes, altering industries, and transforming the way we live and work. With its rapid advancement, AI is causing disruption — for better or worse — in every field imaginable. While it promises efficiency and growth, it also brings challenges and uncertainties that professionals and businesses must navigate. What can one do to pivot if AI is disrupting their industry? As part of this series, we had the pleasure of interviewing Adam Davis, CMO of XGENIA.

Adam’s professional journey started off in the buzzing world of NYC’s dot-com era. Life’s twists and turns led him to opening a digital marketing consultancy in Oslo, the online poker industry in Gibraltar, and the vibrant tech and startup scene in Barcelona, where he resides today. Over the past few years, Adam has been deep in the AI trenches with several pioneering projects. Currently he’s spearheading growth as CMO at XGENIA, an AI-first company set to shake up the iGaming industry. When he’s not busy mentoring local startups, in his spare time Adam enjoys getting his hands dirty with cars and motorbikes and is a competent DIY mechanic… usually.

Thank you so much for joining us in this interview series. Before we dive into our discussion our readers would love to “get to know you” a bit better. Can you share with us the backstory about what brought you to your specific career path?

Thank you for inviting me. I’m always happy to share a bit about my journey, as it’s been quite unconventional. My professional path began in the heart of New York City during the era of the dot-com boom. This period was a crucible of innovation and technology, setting the stage for my future endeavors. I landed my first significant role at one of the leading internet consulting firms of the time, where I specialized in branding and UX. It was a young professional’s dream, complete with a corporate credit card and a $50k credit line, which was quite something for someone in their early twenties.

Rather unsurprisingly in hindsight, the dot-com boom gave way to the dot-com bust. In the aftermath, I transitioned into freelance consulting before making a life-changing decision to move to Norway. This move marked a turning point, broadening my perspective and ultimately proving to be one of the best decisions of my life.

In Oslo, I took the plunge and founded my own consultancy, focusing on helping small businesses build their online presence. While I found a great deal of satisfaction in this work, I soon felt the itch for more professional growth, which led me to a role leading online marketing for a renowned Norwegian gaming company. This role was my first deep dive into global marketing strategies, at a time when digital marketing channels were emerging as pivotal platforms, and it significantly shaped my future career trajectory.

Years later, and desperate for warmer climates, I moved to Gibraltar for a stretch in the online poker industry, and then to Barcelona, Spain, where I led global customer strategy for a major ecommerce company. This role expanded my understanding of global markets and marketing strategies, and indirectly sparked my passion for startups as it led me to embrace the strong startup ecosystem in Barcelona, mentoring, advising, and eventually taking on several leadership roles.

Today, I am happily entrenched in the world of AI, leading growth efforts at XGENIA, an AI-first company at the forefront of merging AI with immersive technologies to redefine industries. My journey here has been anything but linear, marked by a series of pivotal decisions, each opening up new opportunities and pathways. It’s been a ride of embracing change, pursuing growth, and a deep belief in the power of innovation to drive us forward. This path has taught me the importance of adaptability, the value of diverse experiences, and the unending potential of technology to shape our future.

What do you think makes your company stand out? Can you share a story?

At XGENIA, we’ve cultivated a unique breed of AI agents that don’t just perform tasks; they think, learn, collaborate, and evolve. Imagine an AI team that’s not just coded, but crafted to adapt and grow together, offering operational intelligence like you’ve never seen before. But what truly sets XGENIA apart isn’t just our technology — it’s our vision and the unique way our team breathes life into this vision every single day.

Our journey to this point, like many startups, began on a different path. We had the ideas, the technology, but initially, we were spread too thin, trying to revolutionize many industries at once. It was challenging to say the least, and slow going. Then, a pivotal moment came from a conversation with our CEO, Mark Flores Martin, who like me has a background in the iGaming industry. Mark approached me with a game-changing idea, quite literally: What if we pivot towards iGaming? It was a sector that had seen little technological advancement over the decades and was crying out for innovation and disruption. It was a lightbulb moment.

Mark’s intuition was spot-on. It’s been less than a year since our pivot and we’ve not only attracted several beta clients, we’ve already caught the eye of major investors within the industry. This is the kind of validation that tells you you’re on the right path, that you’re not just dreaming big, but you’re also making those dreams a tangible reality.

Today, as we stand on the brink of revolutionizing iGaming, it’s clear that XGENIA is not just a company with one of the strongest entrepreneurial teams in the space; it’s a beacon of what the future holds. The power of our AI technology is set to redefine the operational and engagement models of iGaming platforms globally. It brings to mind a story I once heard about a well-known tech leader who, when asked why his company had succeeded in a space where so many others had failed, simply said, ‘We wanted it more.’ That’s the essence of XGENIA. Our drive to transform the global iGaming industry, to lead in the creation of AI-powered games and entertainment, offering unparalleled personalized experiences, is unmatched. We don’t just want it; we’re making it happen. And that’s what makes us stand out.

You are a successful business leader. Which three character traits do you think were most instrumental to your success? Can you please share a story or example for each?

First, there’s perseverance, which is what ‘wanting it more’ really boils down to. I’ve always been the kind of guy who chases after what he desires. But, it’s got to be something I’m genuinely passionate about. With a good dose of perseverance, you’ll eventually grab hold of your goals. As someone in a leadership position of a nascent technology company, I am passionate about our business and in constant pursuit of its success.

In the same vein, I don’t shy away from taking risks. Staying in your comfort zone can really put a damper on innovation, not to mention your own growth. When I packed up and moved overseas at the start of my career, with nothing but hope waiting on the other side, I was betting big on my future. But I had faith that, with perseverance, I’d find my way. And find my way I did, which has brought me to where I am today.

Lastly, and this feels even more crucial in today’s world, is forward-thinking. I keep an eye on the future, as much as one can, scouting out trends and figuring out how both XGENIA and I fit into the upcoming landscape. With AI evolving at breakneck speed, it is set to revolutionize nearly every if not all sectors, not to mention spawn entirely new ones. This shift presents risks for some and opportunities for others. Yet, with a forward-looking mindset, you can navigate through the upheaval and find new avenues for success.

Let’s now move to the main point of our discussion about AI. Can you explain how AI is disrupting your industry? Is this disruption hurting or helping your bottom line?

AI’s role in transforming the iGaming industry will be nothing short of revolutionary. It’s reshaping the field in profound ways, each of which will directly contribute to bottom lines in a positive manner. Let me give you a sense of how AI is not just disrupting our industry, but fundamentally enhancing it.

At XGENIA, an AI-first company, we’re at the forefront of this transformation, leveraging AI to create efficiencies and innovations that were previously unthinkable. For example, we’ve developed a suite of AI agents, each designed to handle specific aspects of the game development process. These agents work together seamlessly, communicating and validating decisions among themselves. This capability allows us to produce fully functional, unique games in a fraction of the time it used to take. Imagine condensing months of development into just minutes. That’s the power of AI for us — it’s a literal game changer.

The advantages of AI go farther than game development as well. We can use specialized AI agents to tailor gaming experiences to each player’s individual preferences, significantly enhancing player engagement and loyalty. Other AI agents can handle customer support inquiries efficiently, while another set can focus on detecting and preventing fraud.

AI’s disruption in the iGaming industry will extend far beyond just game development and customer interactions; it’s fundamentally reshaping how we approach the entire gaming experience and industry operations. By delving deep into the data generated from player interactions, AI helps us unlock valuable insights that guide our strategic decisions, from which games to develop next to crafting and executing marketing strategies that really hit the mark. These data-driven decisions don’t just affect our bottom line positively by enhancing operational efficiency; they also enable us to offer a more personalized and engaging experience to our players. Tailored marketing messages and offers, based on player behavior and preferences, mean we can be far more relevant. We’re able to connect with our players in a way that feels genuine and rewarding, significantly boosting our conversion rates and player loyalty.

Moreover, AI’s role in ensuring safety cannot be understated. Its ability to detect fraudulent activities and addictive behaviors allows us to intervene early, fostering a safer and more responsible gaming environment. This not only helps us meet regulatory requirements but also builds trust with players, ensuring they feel secure and valued. In essence, AI is not just a tool for innovation in the iGaming industry; it’s becoming the backbone of how we operate, innovate, and engage with players, driving us towards a future where gaming is safer, more personal, and infinitely more engaging.

So, is AI’s disruption hurting or helping the bottom line? The answer is unequivocally that it’s helping. By enhancing player experiences, streamlining operations, and opening up new realms of creativity and efficiency, AI is setting the stage for a brighter, more innovative future in iGaming. It’s an exciting time to be in this space, and at XGENIA we’re fully committed to leading the charge in leveraging AI to not just meet but exceed the evolving expectations of players and stakeholders.

Which specific AI technology has had the most significant impact on your industry?

The influence of AI technology on various industries has been profound, and iGaming is no exception. Across sectors like finance, analytics, marketing, and customer support, advancements in AI have been pivotal. Particularly, generative AI, which excels in creative, content creation, and coding tasks, is revolutionizing how we approach game development and user engagement in iGaming. This shift isn’t unique to our field, as these technologies are impacting multiple industries globally.

However, at XGENIA, we’re taking a specialized approach that I believe sets us apart and could be the most transformative for the iGaming sector. We’re developing AI agents that are not just generalized tools but are specifically trained and tailored for roles unique to the iGaming industry. This targeted strategy means we’re not just applying AI; we’re embedding it deeply into the fabric of how games are developed, how customer interactions are managed, and how fraud is detected, among other applications.

Our focus on industry-specific AI agents positions us to potentially redefine the operational landscape of iGaming. By harnessing AI tailored to the unique needs and challenges of our industry, we’re poised to offer unprecedented efficiencies, innovations, and personalizations. This, in my view, is where the true disruptive power of AI will be felt in iGaming, setting new standards and pushing the boundaries of what’s possible.

Can you share a pivotal moment when you recognized the profound impact AI would have on your sector?

Witnessing our first prototype come to life was a definitive moment for me, driving home the impact AI was about to have on the iGaming industry. Seeing our AI agents, which we had meticulously designed and trained, actively communicate and collaborate to address a simple prompt request was nothing short of revolutionary. But the true moment of realization came when, within just a few minutes, they produced a complete, fully functional, and playable game. This wasn’t just an incremental improvement; it was a leap into a new era of game development.

That experience was profound, not only because of the technological achievement but also because of the implications it held for the future of iGaming. It demonstrated that we were on the brink of something truly big, something capable of fundamentally transforming how games are conceived, developed, and brought to market. This AI-driven approach promised to expedite development processes from months to minutes, revolutionizing our operational capabilities and the speed at which we could innovate and respond to market demands.

It was a clear signal that AI was not just an auxiliary tool but a transformative force capable of redefining the landscape of the iGaming industry. From that point on, I knew that our focus on developing and refining these AI agents was not just a strategic choice but a visionary one, positioning us at the forefront of a significant industry shift.

How are you preparing your workforce for the integration of AI, and what skills do you believe will be most valuable in an AI-enhanced future?

Given XGENIA’s status as an AI-first company, we inherently embrace having AI agents as a part of our team. These AI agents will be specially crafted to handle specific roles, streamlining our operations and fostering innovation at every level. As we expand, the addition of human talent, particularly in strategic and leadership positions, will remain essential to guide and complement our AI capabilities.

Looking ahead, we anticipate maintaining, and likely increasing, a high AI-to-human workforce ratio, starting with a 2:1 ratio in the short term. This approach not only optimizes efficiency but also allows us to remain agile and innovative as our industry quickly evolves.

In terms of skills, the future is bright for professionals who can bridge the gap between technology and strategy. Skills in AI management, ethical AI use, and strategic innovation will be invaluable. Additionally, as AI takes on more routine tasks, there will be an increased demand for creative thinking, problem-solving, and emotional intelligence skills. These human-centric skills will become more critical as we leverage AI to handle data-driven and analytical tasks, ensuring our team can focus on innovation, strategy, and the nuanced understanding of our customers’ needs. We’re not just preparing for an AI-enhanced future; we’re actively shaping it.

What are the biggest challenges in upskilling your workforce for an AI-centric future?

Especially in an AI-first startup environment like XGENIA, where AI is not just a tool but the very foundation of our operation, adapting to an AI-centric future poses unique challenges. The most significant hurdle isn’t necessarily about technical upskilling; it’s about shifting mindsets and embracing an AI-first approach in everything we do. For individuals like myself, who hail from the pre-internet era (it hurts just saying that), this shift can feel particularly profound. It’s not just about learning new technologies but fundamentally altering how we conceptualize problem-solving and project execution.

The journey from viewing AI as a handy tool to recognizing it as an integral partner in our work requires a deep change in thinking. It’s about moving beyond the traditional ways of tackling tasks and opening up to the immense possibilities that AI integration offers. This encompasses everything from efficiency gains to the generation of innovative ideas and gaining new perspectives on challenges.

For our team, and particularly for those of us who might not instinctively turn to AI for solutions, the challenge lies in continuously cultivating an AI-first mentality. This involves fostering a culture of innovation where AI solutions are not just welcomed but are expected.

However, this challenge also presents an exciting opportunity. By embracing AI as a partner, we’re not only streamlining our operations but also enhancing our creative capacities. AI offers us the chance to look at problems differently, to explore solutions we might not have considered before, and to achieve outcomes that were previously out of reach.

We’re navigating these challenges by fostering a work environment that strongly encourages innovation, experimentation, and a proactive approach to leveraging AI. This not only helps us stay at the forefront of innovation in the iGaming industry but also ensures our team remains adaptable and prepared for the future. In embracing AI, we’re not just future-proofing our business; we’re also unlocking new realms of creativity and efficiency, making AI much more than a tool — it’s becoming our most valuable co-creator.

What ethical considerations does AI introduce into your industry, and how are you tackling these concerns?

The introduction of AI into the iGaming industry, much like any other sector, brings forth a spectrum of ethical considerations. At XGENIA, we’re acutely aware of these challenges and are committed to addressing them head-on to ensure that our advancements in AI are responsible and beneficial to all stakeholders.

One of the most pressing ethical challenges we face is the risk of AI contributing to addictive gaming behaviors. It’s a concern we don’t take lightly. Our approach involves leveraging AI itself as a tool for good, implementing sophisticated AI-driven systems designed to proactively identify and mitigate potential harm. These systems are capable of recognizing patterns of behavior that may indicate a risk of addiction. Once detected, our platform can automatically initiate supportive interventions. This might include setting personalized gaming limits or offering options for self-exclusion, all in an effort to uphold our commitment to responsible gaming.

At the heart of XGENIA’s mission is a commitment to the ethical deployment of AI. This commitment transcends compliance or risk management; it’s about forging a path to a future where iGaming is not just more engaging and efficient but also safer and more responsible. We’re dedicated to leveraging AI in a manner that not only respects individual rights but also actively promotes the well-being of our community. This balanced approach ensures that our advancements in AI will benefit all stakeholders, aligning with our vision of a sustainable, inclusive, and ethically responsible iGaming industry.

What are your “Five Things You Need To Do, If AI Is Disrupting Your Industry”?

1 . Embrace AI as an Indispensable Tool

I like to equate the proliferance of AI with the integration of the calculator in the late ’60s and early ’70s. The calculator’s introduction sparked debates over dependency, skill dilution, and the potential for societal regression, mirroring contemporary concerns surrounding AI. Yet, the adoption of the calculator proved not only benign but profoundly beneficial, advancing academic and professional fields significantly. Indeed, today it’s hard to imagine not having the use of the calculator available to us.

The same holds true for AI. Embracing it as a tool can significantly enhance efficiency and innovation across industries. When we first developed AI-driven game development at XGENIA, the speed and efficiency with which we could produce games were akin to the leap from complicated manual calculations to using a scientific calculator, though on a much larger and more complex scale. Embracing AI allowed us to streamline operations and, importantly, focus our time and energy on innovation and strategic consideration of how we could use AI to advance not just development, but all areas of our work.

Just as the calculator evolved from a controversial tool to an essential instrument, AI is steadily becoming integral to the fabric of various industries, offering unparalleled opportunities for efficiency and innovation. Our experience at XGENIA has underscored the importance of adopting AI, not just as a technological advancement, but as a cornerstone of competitive advantage.

2 . Evaluate your Pivot Opportunities.

For businesses willing to reassess and adapt their models, AI’s disruption opens a plethora of opportunities. For XGENIA, recognizing the potential to pivot towards using AI in iGaming marked a significant milestone in our journey, aligning us with the forefront of market trends and establishing our position as innovators within the iGaming industry. This strategic shift transcended mere technological adoption; it was an insightful recognition of AI’s capacity to revolutionize industry norms and consumer expectations. Our pivot not only aligned us with emerging trends but also underscored the importance of agility and foresight in leveraging technology to redefine market spaces.

This journey into AI-driven innovation highlights the criticality of remaining adaptable and visionary in a landscape punctuated by rapid technological advancements. For businesses, the disruption brought by AI unveils unprecedented opportunities to redefine their offerings and carve niches within their sectors. Embracing these pivot opportunities necessitates a deep dive into AI’s potential applications and an acute understanding of market dynamics. Ultimately, it’s about identifying and seizing the chance to disrupt and lead, ensuring that the business remains not just relevant but pioneering in its approach to leveraging AI for transformative outcomes.

3 . Think Bigger.

The opportunity to leverage AI far exceeds the current hype around its capabilities in creating imagery, composing text, or writing code. It invites a broader, more holistic consideration of how AI can be woven into the fabric of entire business operations rather than just enhancing isolated tasks. At XGENIA, this ‘think bigger’ approach recognizes AI as not merely a tool for incremental improvements but as a transformative force capable of redefining entire industries. By challenging ourselves to think bigger, we identified new opportunities for growth and diversification that were once beyond our imagination. As we continue to explore and expand the boundaries of AI’s capabilities, our commitment to thinking bigger remains a guiding light, promising a future where AI-driven innovation continues to drive our success and redefine the landscape of our industry. This expansive approach has unveiled opportunities for innovation and diversification that previously seemed unreachable, proving that the real value of AI lies in its potential to create new pathways for growth.

As XGENIA continues to navigate the evolving landscape of AI, our commitment to ‘thinking bigger’ guides our exploration, ensuring that we remain at the cutting edge of technology and industry leadership. This journey into the possibilities offered by AI reaffirms our belief in its capacity to not only advance our current offerings but also to pioneer entirely new ones, fundamentally altering the competitive dynamics of the iGaming industry and beyond.

4 . Foster a Culture of Innovation.

Fostering a culture of innovation is not just a strategy; it’s a necessity in the age of AI disruption, affecting areas as diverse as finance, marketing, design, development, service, and even legal sectors. In this rapidly evolving landscape, anchoring your team in a mindset of continuous innovation becomes crucial. It’s about creating an environment where questioning the status quo is encouraged, where every team member is empowered to think creatively about how AI can not only optimize existing processes but also uncover new avenues for growth and advancement.

This culture of innovation means looking beyond the immediate functionalities of AI to its potential to fundamentally transform how we work, engage with clients, and develop and advance our products or services. Encouraging your team to explore AI’s capabilities fully allows for the identification of unique applications that could offer competitive advantages, enhance customer experiences, or streamline operations in ways previously unimagined. It’s about harnessing AI not just as a tool for incremental improvements but as a catalyst for significant breakthroughs and industry leadership.

Create an environment where experimentation is celebrated, and failure is seen as a step towards innovation. Providing resources, time, and encouragement to experiment with AI applications can spur creativity and lead to groundbreaking solutions. This approach requires leadership to actively support and participate in innovation initiatives, setting a clear vision that aligns AI-driven innovation with the organization’s broader goals. By doing so, you not only prepare your team to navigate the challenges of AI disruption but also position your organization to lead the charge in redefining the future of your industry.

5 . Commit to the ethical use of AI.

Committing to the ethical use of AI is not simply a guideline; it’s a foundational principle for businesses navigating the complexities of AI disruption across industries. As AI continues to evolve, its capacity to process and learn from vast datasets presents unparalleled opportunities for innovation and growth. However, this power brings with it a responsibility to ensure that AI systems operate within ethical boundaries, safeguarding against outcomes that could harm consumers or society at large. The potential for AI to inadvertently perpetuate biases, infringe on privacy, or prioritize profit over wellbeing underscores the need for a steadfast commitment to ethical standards.

At XGENIA, this commitment has shaped the way we develop, deploy, and manage AI technologies. For instance, in our use of AI for personalizing gaming experiences, we’ve been meticulous in ensuring that our algorithms not only enhance user engagement but also recognize and act on signals of problematic behavior. By implementing rigorous data governance and algorithmic accountability measures, we aim to set industry benchmarks for ethical AI use. This approach extends beyond compliance with regulations; it’s about fostering trust among users, stakeholders, and the broader community that AI will be used to enrich experiences and solve problems without compromising ethical values.

What are the most common misconceptions about AI within your industry, and how do you address them?

The fear that AI will lead to widespread job displacement is prevalent. While it’s true that AI can automate certain tasks, it’s equally important to recognize its potential for job transformation rather than outright replacement. At XGENIA, we emphasize AI’s role in creating new opportunities and enhancing job quality. By focusing on the synergy between human intelligence and AI, we aim to demonstrate that AI can augment human capabilities and open up new career paths, rather than simply replacing jobs.

Another misconception concerns the impact of AI on the workforce, particularly in creative and software development roles, where there’s a fear that AI could diminish human creativity. Contrary to this belief, our experience shows that AI acts as a catalyst for creativity and efficiency. It enables our teams to tackle higher-level tasks and innovate in ways previously unattainable, illustrating the complementary relationship between AI and human creativity.

Furthermore, a common misconception is the overestimation of AI’s capabilities, viewing it as a one-stop solution for all challenges. It’s crucial to understand that AI, while powerful, has its limitations and is best utilized as part of a broader strategic approach. At XGENIA, we recognize AI’s potential to solve complex problems while acknowledging the need for human oversight, ethical considerations, and continuous refinement of AI models.

Lastly, skepticism about AI’s applicability to complex solutions persists. I myself have come across articles concluding the infeasibility of creating complete, functional games solely through AI. Contrary to these doubts, XGENIA has successfully leveraged AI to develop fully functional games from simple textual prompts, challenging the notion that AI cannot handle the complexity of game development. By continuously pushing the boundaries of what AI can achieve, we aim to dispel these misconceptions and lead the way in demonstrating AI’s transformative potential across all sectors.

Can you please give us your favorite “Life Lesson Quote”? Do you have a story about how that was relevant in your life?

“Never underestimate your power of influence.” This maxim has ingrained itself as a cornerstone of my belief system, reinforcing the notion that every individual holds within them the capability to catalyze change. It’s a testament to the power of voice, the strength of conviction, and the undeniable impact of our words and actions on the world around us.

This has been particularly relevant to me in scenarios where the tide of opinion seemed against me, or where the voices of experience and authority had opposing views to mine. In such moments, the reminder that my perspective has the potential to redirect discussions and outcomes has been empowering. It has encouraged me to speak up, articulate my ideas with confidence, and engage in dialogue that can alter the course of a project, a strategy, or even a corporate ethos. Conversely, this wisdom also serves as a guide in situations where the roles are reversed. As someone who may hold influence or seniority, the responsibility to wield that power with consideration and empathy becomes paramount. Recognizing the weight of our words means understanding that they can uplift, shape, and inspire, but also that they have the potential to discourage or diminish.

“Never underestimate your power of influence” is a reminder of the collective responsibility we share in shaping our environments. Whether in leading by example, fostering open communication, or simply listening with an open heart, we all play a part in creating a culture where every voice is valued and every contribution is recognized as a potential catalyst for change. Influence is not merely about leading; it’s about empowering others to find their voice and ensuring that the cycle of positive change continues.

Off-topic, but I’m curious. As someone steering the ship, what thoughts or concerns often keep you awake at night? How do those thoughts influence your daily decision-making process?

I suppose in the back of my mind is always the lingering question — are we moving fast enough? Mark asked me this exact question one day, and I replied ‘No, we aren’t.’ As a startup, especially in our space, no matter how fast you move, you simply can never move fast enough. The pace of technological change we see today, particularly when it comes to AI, is unprecedented. Breakthroughs are happening daily, and a world once relegated to sci-fi novels is not-so-slowly, but surely, entering our daily reality. We not only have to keep pace, we have to stay ahead. I think about this on a daily basis, as I know our team does, and it drives us to deliver as much as possible every day..

You are a person of great influence. If you could start a movement that would bring the most amount of good to the most amount of people, what would that be? You never know what your idea can trigger. :-)

Given that impending government regulations around AI and their potential to stifle innovation are of great concern to me, I suppose I would start an independent, non-profit organization dedicated to crafting and maintaining a set of ethical and practical usage guidelines for AI. The organization would serve as a beacon for responsible AI development, as well as encourage businesses to voluntarily adhere to these guidelines, ensuring that their AI advancements benefit society without overstepping ethical bounds. By working alongside government bodies, the goal would be to influence the creation of regulations that protect consumers and society while still allowing for the free flow of innovation. Essentially, the organization would strive to harmonize the interests of businesses, governments, and the wider community in the AI landscape.

How can our readers further follow you online?

You can feel free to connect with me on LinkedIn.

Also, you can check out what we’re doing at XGENIA at, and follow us on LinkedIn, Instagram and Twitter.

Thank you for the time you spent sharing these fantastic insights. We wish you only continued success in your great work!

About the Interviewer: Cynthia Corsetti is an esteemed executive coach with over two decades in corporate leadership and 11 years in executive coaching. Author of the upcoming book, “Dark Drivers,” she guides high-performing professionals and Fortune 500 firms to recognize and manage underlying influences affecting their leadership. Beyond individual coaching, Cynthia offers a 6-month executive transition program and partners with organizations to nurture the next wave of leadership excellence.

