AgTech: Alex Ganshin Of Meteum On The New Technologies That Are Revolutionizing Agriculture

An Interview With Martita Mestey

Martita Mestey
Authority Magazine


“Don’t hesitate to hire people more skilled than you.” No one can be an expert in everything, and it’s vital to gather a team with diverse skills and knowledge. Surround yourself with experts who excel in their respective fields. Our team comprises fantastic meteorologists, machine learning engineers, and other specialists who each bring their unique expertise.

The agriculture industry is undergoing rapid transformation as innovative technologies are being developed and implemented, from precision agriculture to vertical farming, and beyond. In this series, we are speaking to leaders, innovators, and experts in the AgTech space who are playing a pivotal role in shaping the future of agriculture. We aim to explore the latest developments, discuss the challenges and opportunities that these technologies present, and showcase the impact of AgTech on the industry as a whole. As a part of this series, I had the pleasure of interviewing Alex Ganshin.

Alex Ganshin is the CEO of Meteum, a company specializing in hyperlocal AI-based weather forecasting for both personal and professional use. Meteum provides valuable weather insights to individuals and businesses, helping them adapt to the ever-changing climate and minimize operational risks.

With a PhD in Atmospheric Physics, Alexander has been actively involved in scientific research, with a particular focus on greenhouse gases and the transport of pollutants in the atmosphere.

Thank you so much for joining us in this interview series! Before we dig in, our readers would like to get to know you. Can you tell us a bit about how you grew up?

Thank you for having me! I’d be happy to share a bit about myself and my journey. Growing up, I was passionate about understanding the natural world around me. This curiosity led me to pursue a PhD in atmospheric physics, where I delved deep into the fascinating realm of weather patterns and atmospheric phenomena.

After my studies, I co-founded an eco-startup, merging my scientific expertise with a strong desire to create a positive impact on the environment. A few years later, together with a dedicated team, we conceptualized a groundbreaking weather forecasting technology that today powers Meteum, delivering accurate weather forecasts to numerous businesses and over 80 million users worldwide.

Can you share the most interesting story that happened to you since you began your career?

Certainly! For some context, the Meteum technology is based on a set of weather models and our own AI solution that takes in all this raw weather data, supplements it with radar and satellite measurements and historical records, and outputs forecasts that are much more accurate than any of the inputs.

So, one event that stands out is when we recognized the untapped potential of user-submitted reports to enhance our AI-driven nowcasting service. We had just introduced our live precipitation map and were enthusiastic about its promise. However, we hit a roadblock when we had to tackle quality evaluation, as we received differing data from weather models, radars, and weather stations. Our solution? We turned to our users, inviting them to share real-time weather conditions through our app. We ensured these prompts appeared subtly when users viewed the precipitation map or checked the current weather status, minimizing disruption. This tactic brought in a wealth of user reports, offering a fresh perspective on the accuracy of Meteum’s forecasts in various regions.

As we began to analyze this user feedback, we found that it was more than a tool for evaluation. We realized we could use this data to refine our measurements and train our AI models. And just like that, user reports became an integral component of our technology, contributing to a unique nowcasting solution. This experience underscored the transformative power of user feedback, showing how even the simplest forms of interaction can drive technological innovation and improve the precision of our weather predictions.

You are a successful leader. Which three character traits do you think were most instrumental to your success? Can you please share a story or example for each?

Reflecting on my journey, three character traits stand out as key contributors to my success: industriousness, passion, and discipline.

Industriousness has always been at the core of my approach. There’s no room for complacency in the competitive worlds of science and business. My philosophy has been that while you’re taking a break, your competitors are making strides. This mindset has prompted me to persistently put in the effort, despite not always achieving the desired results. Persistence and hard work, in my experience, yield genuine progress, whether in research or business.

Passion has been a driving force in my career. The love for what you do is instrumental in producing meaningful outcomes. My deep-rooted fascination with atmospheric physics and commitment to environmental conservation have motivated me to explore uncharted territories and develop novel solutions. When you are genuinely passionate about your work, overcoming hurdles and remaining dedicated to your goals feels more like a mission than an obligation.

Discipline has played a significant role in maintaining my focus and preventing burnout. Juggling various responsibilities can be challenging, and it’s easy to get overwhelmed. A routine, such as waking up early for a morning run, instills discipline, a trait that extends to other aspects of life. These activities promote a sense of achievement and well-being and provide valuable time for introspection and mental clarity. They help strike a healthy work-life balance, enabling us to reflect on pressing matters and make thoughtful decisions.

Are you working on any exciting new projects now? How do you think that will help people?

Absolutely. We have several fascinating projects underway for AgTech, retail, and green energy. These ventures aim to harness the power of cutting-edge technologies to tackle pressing challenges and make a real difference.

Our work in AgTech is driven by our recognition of weather’s critical role in agriculture, influencing everything from irrigation schedules to pest management. Given that agriculture profoundly affects our daily lives, we aim to leverage technology to promote sustainable growth and efficiency within the industry.

Ok super. Thank you for all that. Let’s now shift to the main focus of our interview. How did you become involved in AgTech, and why does it matter to you?

That might sound somewhat cliché, but my driving force is a genuine desire to improve the world we live in. The weather has widespread impacts, but they’re especially significant in agriculture. Our desire to help farmers is among the main reasons we built our platform with ease of use in mind, and I believe Meteum’s weather insights can be a huge boon for everyone involved in agriculture.

To illustrate this further, my own parents are avid gardeners: they tend to a range of fruits and vegetables on their land. Observing their work, it’s clear to me how weather dictates many aspects of gardening, from when to water the plants to the types of pests that might show up. Our goal is to develop products that serve businesses and simplify the lives of people like my parents, while also not requiring any special tech skills to operate.

What are the most transformative technologies currently in use in AgTech, and how are they revolutionizing the industry?

Agriculture has historically been a labor-intensive industry. However, the advent of AI has brought about a major shift. The trend of digitization within the agriculture sector has paved the way for the application of machine learning, satellite data, drones, and autonomous machinery, such as self-driving tractors and harvesters. These technologies are revolutionizing the industry by enhancing efficiency, optimizing resource utilization, and enabling data-driven decision-making.

How do these technologies contribute to sustainable agriculture practices and the fight against climate change?

Adopting these technologies can significantly contribute to sustainable agricultural practices and the fight against climate change. Farmers can optimize irrigation and fertilization processes with precise weather data, and unmanned equipment helps reduce fuel consumption. These adaptations result in minimized water usage, decreased reliance on chemicals, and the preservation of natural resources. Together, these steps enhance efficiency, lower greenhouse gas emissions, and promote more sustainable agricultural practices.

What are the challenges in integrating these technologies with existing farming practices?

Incorporating these advanced technologies into existing farming practices is challenging. For example, unreliable cellular data coverage in remote agricultural areas can hinder the integration of cutting-edge tech. Limited connectivity prevents farmers from fully utilizing the real-time data and insights of advanced AgTech solutions. Therefore, expanding high-speed mobile data coverage to rural areas is a priority.

Another challenge pertains to the availability and customization of weather data. Farmers have traditionally relied on general weather apps or consulting services, which offer rather broad information. In response, we’ve created a platform delivering data tailored to specific crop fields or farms. Meteum provides detailed, actionable insights, considering each location’s unique conditions.

What emerging technologies do you see as having the potential to disrupt the AgTech industry in the next 5–10 years?

The prospect of a fully integrated IT ecosystem tailored for agriculture could dramatically disrupt the AgTech industry in the next 5–10 years. Envision a Google-like platform for agriculture, merging various data sources like weather patterns, market trends, and geospatial information. This integrated approach would offer profound recommendations and insights for farmers. Fusing diverse data sources would equip agrarians with detailed and highly accurate information, forever reshaping their decision-making processes.

What kind of policy changes would be beneficial for the growth of the AgTech industry?

One area needing reform involves rigid regulations based on regional thresholds established by government satellites in certain countries. For instance, in some Latin American countries, farmers can only plant specific crops once the regional temperature hits a set mark. Given the considerable temperature variations across individual crop fields, such a broad approach can be counterproductive. More flexible, localized policies that consider the unique conditions of each farm or field would be far more beneficial. This would enable farmers to make informed decisions based on precise data tailored to their circumstances.

What advice would you give to someone looking to start a career in AgTech?

To anyone looking to start a career in AgTech, I’d suggest proactively connecting with agricultural companies. Understanding the challenges they face firsthand will enable you to develop solutions that provide genuine value. Moreover, gaining practical experience and “speaking the language” of the industry is an absolute must. For instance, try cultivating something simple, like tomatoes. This will give you a sense of what plant care involves and foster a sense of kinship with farmers who do the same thing but on a much larger scale.

Ok, thank you. Here is the main question of our interview. What are the “5 Things I Wish Someone Told Me Before I Started Meteum” and why?

1. “First identify what the market needs, then develop your solution.” As a scientist, I often found myself creating solutions first, only to grapple with finding their practical applications. It is crucial to speak to potential customers, understand their pain points, and only then propose your solution.

2. “Don’t hesitate to hire people more skilled than you.” No one can be an expert in everything, and it’s vital to gather a team with diverse skills and knowledge. Surround yourself with experts who excel in their respective fields. Our team comprises fantastic meteorologists, machine learning engineers, and other specialists who each bring their unique expertise.

3. “Don’t be afraid to take risks and experiment.” Rather than focusing on one hypothesis and risking failure, consider multiple hypotheses. Having several options on the table increases your chances of success. For example, while developing our nowcasting product, we simultaneously pursued four prototypes, selecting the most promising one based on performance metrics.

4. Be open to criticism, but don’t let it overwhelm you.” I’ve faced criticism from various sources throughout my career — research advisors, work partners, and customers. It’s incredibly important not to take criticism personally. Instead, see it as an opportunity for growth and improvement. Challenges and critiques are an integral part of the journey, but they shouldn’t hinder your progress.

5. “Don’t be afraid to involve close friends or family.” There’s a common belief that building a successful business with friends or family is impossible. However, my experience suggests otherwise. Working with people who share your vision and connect with you on a personal level can be incredibly rewarding. I co-lead Meteum with my brother, Evgeny Ganshin, and our diverse expertise makes our partnership productive and enjoyable. He handles the business side of things, while I’m responsible for the product and technology. This partnership can be likened to agricultural businesses, which often build off strong familial and generational ties.

You are a person of great influence. If you could inspire a movement that would bring the most amount of good to the most amount of people, what would that be? You never know what your idea can trigger. 🙂

If I had the opportunity to inspire a movement, I would seek to create a community that unites weather professionals with weather enthusiasts — including hobbyists, who have tons of potential. I envision a collaborative platform where both professionals and amateurs who share a passion for weather can exchange data, knowledge, and insights. Such a community would improve our collective understanding of weather and change how we navigate weather-related challenges, regardless of national borders.

How can our readers further follow your work online?

The best way to do so is to track how our product evolves! Follow Meteum on LinkedIn and Facebook and check out our blog at We regularly share valuable insights about our cutting-edge weather forecasting technology and its applications, providing a fascinating look into our work and progress.

This was very inspiring and informative. Thank you so much for the time you spent with this interview!

