Alice Laura of Alice Laura Models: Five Things You Need To Know To Succeed In The Modern Beauty Industry

An Interview With Jilea Hemmings

Jilea Hemmings
Authority Magazine
14 min readSep 15, 2021


Help others: do not only think of yourself but collaborate with others. Help each other grow and create a support network. I believe that this is the best way to grow and learn constantly and it makes it much easier to be successful. I personally enjoy collaborating with many other modeling agencies, modeling schools and other businesses. We have organized some amazing networking events and are in constant communication and collaboration. In my opinion that this is the best way to grow and to stay human at the same time. As human beings, we need to think more collectively in general since we all share this planet and, in the end, all want the same: to live peacefully with our loved ones, have financial security and freedom.

As a part of our series about “Five Things You Need To Know To Succeed In The Modern Beauty Industry”, I had the pleasure of interviewing Alice Laura.

Alice Laura is the CEO and Founding Executive of the international modeling and premium staffing agency “Alice Laura Models”. She has worked for major modeling & staffing agencies herself on many national and international conventions, events and trade shows throughout Europe and Latin America. She did this while completing her Master degree in Political Economy and International Relations at the Free University in Berlin and fluently learning six foreign languages apart from her mother tongue, German. Her broad live marketing experience and talent for foreign languages has allowed her to understand exactly which proficiency is demanded of a model to best promote a product or brand.

Thank you so much for doing this with us! Before we dive in, our readers would love to learn a bit more about you. Can you tell us a story about what brought you to this specific career path?

I launched my agency in Dallas around 5 years ago, but have been in the industry since I was around 17 years old. While in university, I worked for major modeling & premium staffing agencies on many national and international conventions, fashion shows and premium events throughout Europe and Latin America. It was a great side income to have as a student and allowed me to finance my travels. Thanks to my modeling jobs, I was able to focus more on my university studies, since I did not have to work a “fixed” job. Especially, the work at international trade shows and events allowed me to gain insight into all kinds of different industries and networks. While working as a model myself, I noticed the need for intelligent, beautiful and hardworking people. Many times, models would just stand around and smile, but would not engage potential clients. With my agency, I want to provide value for the companies we work with. I want our models to be proactive, hardworking and not to solely rely on their looks. Beauty is great and opens doors, but one has to be able to hold a conversation, be educated and have a good heart to really make an impression. With Alice Laura Models, I look for models that are hard-working, classy and willing to grow and learn constantly.

Can you share the most interesting story that happened to you since you began your career?

Since starting the agency, I have been meeting a lot of amazingly inspiring entrepreneurs, models, artists and business people. One of the most interesting people I met was the artist & Dr. of Psychology, David Henderson. Since we met we have done several collaborations together, worked on 2 film projects with our models and on other photographic art projects, as well as interactive artistic live events. I find it fascinating to combine beauty and arts to convey messages that hit deep, make you think and reflect. It is shocking that a lot of people think that only because the model (woman or man) is beautiful, there is nothing beyond their beautiful shell. So many of our models are so much more than beautiful faces and I would like the world to know that and break down this prejudice.

Are you able to identify a “tipping point” in your career when you started to see success? Did you start doing anything different? Are there takeaways or lessons that others can learn from that?

Starting a company is always a challenge, more so, if your background is not in business. From creating a logo, a website, building valuable connections and scouting talent, to making sure strict quality standards are kept, in the beginning, you are basically doing everything. You feel every success and failure that comes across and it is a ride of emotions. More and more I started delegating tasks in order to focus on growing the company. Otherwise, you are loaded with work and have no time to think about the bigger picture. It is a challenge and a constant learning process. People see only the iceberg of success, not the late nights, sacrifices, rejections, doubts, risks, persistence and hard work that come with it. Once I started delegating tasks and automatizing work flows is when we reached a tipping point. Finally, I had the time to think about the bigger picture and was able to focus on making valuable connections, as well as communicating the essence, vision and mission of the agency. While telling my story, people were getting to know me and what we are all about. Models identified with our message and clients were attracted to our high service quality and the value that we created for their businesses. I believe that it is crucial to be your authentic self and to only do what you believe in. You are the most inspiring when you stick to your values and do what you are passionate about. As a consequence, work starts feeling differently. It gives you a sense and fulfillment in life. You do not just work for the “money” or “success” but for having a positive impact on others and changing the narrative of the beauty and modeling industry.

None of us are able to achieve success without some help along the way. Is there a particular person to whom you are grateful who helped get you to where you are? Can you share a story about that?

My greatest supporter is my business partner, Salomon. He is always there for me when I am at my lowest, feeling sick or just need someone to give me support and strength. He believes in me and is a very loyal person in my life. He is a great entrepreneur himself and has taught me a lot about life in the US and about being a business owner and the entrepreneurial mindset in general. I would not be where I am without his constant support. We actually own another business together and he is the Executive Director at Alice Laura Models. Usually, especially in Europe, you do not grow up with an entrepreneurial mindset. I actually studied Political Economy & Cultural Anthropology and wanted to work as a diplomat. Salomon encouraged me to further expand the business I had started and to think more like a business woman rather than an employee.

Ok super. Let’s now shift to the main part of our discussion. The global beauty industry today has grown to more than a half a trillion dollar business. Can you tell us about the innovations that you are bringing to the industry? How do you think that will help people?

What we bring to the industry are models that go beyond beautiful faces and are being valued for what they bring to the table. For me, it is extremely important that our models are treated respectfully and are being appreciated for the value they create for our clients. Our team wants to encourage young people to focus on their education, learn new languages, travel abroad, open their minds and learn from different ways of living. We hope to be an inspiration for a lot of young people and actually have already inspired a lot of our models to work on their foreign language skills and to feed their minds apart from taking care of their outward appearance. We are receiving a lot of letters from parents thanking us for our work. This is the best reward I can get and gives sense and meaning to the work I do.

Furthermore, we care about which type of companies and clients we work with and we would like to mainly work with ethical businesses and sustainable & organic brands. We only have one planet and that is why we want to use the tools of beauty and intelligence wisely, supporting a good cause.

Can you share 3 things that most excite you about the modern beauty industry?

What most excites me about the modern beauty industry is that it is constantly changing and evolving. A few years ago you would have never seen “normal bodies” on a magazine or in a beauty campaign. I love the fact that it is starting to be more authentic and also more inclusive for all types of backgrounds and ethnicities. There is not this “one” standard anymore. Furthermore, the modern beauty industry gives you a lot of space for creativity and allows you to collaborate with all types of industries. Just recently I have assisted a fashion runway walk in which the models were wearing food inspired items in support of the restaurant industry. There are a lot of other collaborations of artists and models. It motivates me to see that beauty is a great tool for influence and, if used wisely, can create a lot of positive change and impact people’s life.

Can you share 3 things that most concern you about the industry? If you had the ability to implement 3 ways to improve the industry, what would you suggest?

The three things that most concern me about the industry are fast fashion, superficiality and the ongoing demand for either extremely skinny or extremely big body types. In terms of fast fashion I completely understand that a lot of people simply cannot afford sustainable fashion and are still socially pressured to always wear new and fashionable items. That is why we need to find a way to make sustainable fashion more affordable and stylish. For that reason I love brands like “Reformation” or “Angela Roi”. They are extremely stylish, elegant, fashionable and sustainable at the same time. I believe once the demand increases for these types of products the prices will also decrease, like it happened with the organic food industry. Another aspect I would like to be changed in the beauty industry is the superficiality. I believe we need to highlight the importance of human connections and collaboration before competition and value each other on a deeper level. Finally, what I would like to address are the still ongoing expectations for specific body types in the beauty and fashion industry. While I was modeling myself I had friends who would literally only eat one apple a day. This definitely needs to be tackled. Nowadays, we have plus size models as well, but I believe that the main focus should be on health and healthy bodies rather than to glamorize either extreme.

You are an expert about beauty. Can you share a few ideas that anyone can use “to feel beautiful”?

I believe that a healthy lifestyle is a key factor for beauty and feeling beautiful. If more people would care about what they put into their bodies, physical exercise, spiritual health and well-being most of us would “feel beautiful” in and out. I personally try to use only natural and clean beauty products apart from essential oils. My favorite cosmetic company is the French company “Caudalie”. I also love “evanhealy”. I think it is important that we put only organic pure products on our skin since we do not know all the health consequences of the chemical ingredients in the conventional beauty products.

My diet is mainly an organic plant based vegan diet. I avoid any processed foods or foods with any artificial additives. I also mainly drink water and avoid soft drinks and am working on cutting down coffee and alcohol. You are what you eat and you look like what you consume.

As much as we want to be successful in life, I think that it is extremely important for your health, beauty and well-being to have work and life balance. We need to take breaks and spend time with our loved ones. It is important to travel and enjoy life and not be caught up on the constant treadmill. Life is very short and without our health we are not able to do anything. I believe that you can be even more productive if you take breaks or go on a vacation for some time. This gives you inspiration and boosts your creative energy. Furthermore, you take care of your beauty and start to glow.

In addition to that, I would recommend staying in touch with nature. Nature gives us balance and helps us unwind. We are all interconnected and part of it. Taking a “forest bath” or spending time close to the ocean works wonders for your general health, beauty and happiness.

As far as exercise, I believe that it is important to do something you are passionate about. For me, it is dancing. It makes me forget about everything and live the moment. I can spend hours moving my body without even realizing that I am doing a physical exercise. This is the most fun way to keep in shape, healthy and fit. Pick something you love doing and you will start enjoying working out your body!

Beauty sleep is crucial as well. I personally try to sleep at least 7 hours at night. I am unable to be productive without getting enough sleep and it helps me look young and well rested. If you have a healthy sleep rhythm you generally get sick less often are able to stay at a healthy weight and lower your risk for serious health problems, like diabetes and heart disease. Furthermore, it reduces stress and improves your mood. I am able to think more clearly, have a beautiful smile on my face and be kind to people around me.

Here is the main question for our discussion. Based on your experience and success, Can you please share “Five Things You Need To Know To Succeed In The Modern Beauty Industry”. Please share a story or an example, for each.

  1. Have personality, be authentic: I believe in the modern beauty industry it is very important to be your authentic self and not to fake or pretend to be someone you are not. People want to identify with you and your story. They will follow and support you when you are real. I think that to pretend your life is always perfect and that you do not have any flaws or problems is something that might have been asked for in the past, but this will definitely not bring you success these days. Amazing examples for authentic personalities in the beauty industry are Ashley Graham or Pamela Reif. Both do not fake anything, they show themselves as who they truly are and share their beauty advice and secrets with their audience. I love seeing these kinds of success stories, they are a true inspiration.
  2. Be persistent: Do not expect to be successful from one day to the other. Successful people work hard for their dreams and do not give up even when falling, facing rejection or experiencing failure. The most important is that you learn to stand up again after falling. Take some time to gain strength again and start over. Ana Wintour, for instance, did a lot of shoots, while a junior fashion editor at Harper’s Bazaar. These shoots were being rejected by Tony Mazalla, who found them too edgy, so she got fired after 9 months. She did not give up and later became fashion editor at Viva. Today, she is the most influential personality in the fashion industry. I personally believe that anything is possible if you believe in yourself, do what you are passionate about and put a lot of work into it. Never stop believing in your passion and dreams and thinking big.
  3. Provide value for the industry, be a game changer: I believe that it is important to not follow the crowd but help with the evolution of the industry. If you are just like everyone else you will not stand out or help to improve the industry and our society as a whole. Think about the kind of value you could add to the industry and do not let people tell you that you need to follow the rules. The most successful people are the ones who provide change and new ideas. The industry, its people and rules/ideas are not static or cemented in stone. One great example is Victoria Tsai. She is the CEO and founder of Tatcha, a skin-care company based on ancient Japanese traditions. After a decade of working for large corporations, Tsai was not fulfilled and craved a change and a more authentic and natural life. On a trip to Kyoto, she found a world of pure & natural beauty wisdoms. After this trip she was so inspired, that she created a pure organic beauty line. She suffered from acute dermatitis herself and therefor was aware of the importance of pure and safe ingredients used on the skin.
  4. Take care of your health and fitness: As mentioned above I believe that you are unable to be productive or do anything successfully if you do not take care of your personal well-being mentally as well as physically. Follow some of the advice mentioned above for inspiration and always put yourself and your well-being first. Otherwise, if you do not enjoy the ride of life and the path towards success, it is not worth it. Life is so short!
  5. Help others: do not only think of yourself but collaborate with others. Help each other grow and create a support network. I believe that this is the best way to grow and learn constantly and it makes it much easier to be successful. I personally enjoy collaborating with many other modeling agencies, modeling schools and other businesses. We have organized some amazing networking events and are in constant communication and collaboration. In my opinion that this is the best way to grow and to stay human at the same time. As human beings, we need to think more collectively in general since we all share this planet and, in the end, all want the same: to live peacefully with our loved ones, have financial security and freedom.

You are a person of great influence. If you could inspire a movement that would bring the most amount of good to the most amount of people, what would that be? You never know what your idea can trigger. :-)

I think especially in the fashion & beauty industry it is important to think sustainably and go back to nature as much as possible. I believe that this is the only way to guarantee a future for the industry. Let’s think about clean & all natural ingredients, fabrics and materials that are supporting our general well-being and are protecting our precious planet earth at the same time. Let’s incorporate innovative technologies and educate the consumers. In the end, we are all interconnected and part of nature and what is most important is that, while doing business, we do not destroy our own “home”.

Can you please give us your favorite “Life Lesson Quote”? Can you share how that was relevant to you in your life?

“There is no rule that says I have to live life like everyone else”

This is my one of my favorite quotes because it definitely describes me and my way of thinking. I have always followed my unique path and focused on my personal and spiritual growth. It is good to question the way we live. It is the only way to create improvement. I followed and still follow my passions and try to create value and new opportunities for others. I have the great advantage to be able to share my ideas freely and try out something completely new. I am able to grow with my mistakes. It is a permanent learning process.

How can our readers follow you online?






Thank you so much for joining us. This was very inspirational.

About the Interviewer: Jilea Hemmings is a staunch believer in the power of entrepreneurship. A successful career revamping Fortune 500 companies was not enough for her entrepreneurial spirit, so Jilea began focusing her passion in startups. She has successfully built 6 startups to date. Her passion for entrepreneurship continues to flourish with the development of Stretchy Hair Care, focusing on relieving the pain associated with detangling and styling natural black hair. For far too long, people with tender heads have suffered in pain. Until now.



Jilea Hemmings
Authority Magazine

Founder Nourish + Bloom Market | Stretchy Hair Care I Author I Speaker I Eshe Consulting I Advocate For Diversity In Beauty