Amy C. Willis of HOL + WELL: “Why the narratives around addiction are incredibly antiquated”

Authority Magazine Editorial Staff
Authority Magazine
Published in
14 min readJun 19, 2020


…To be honest, I think the narratives around addiction are incredibly antiquated and narrow and part of my work and mission is to drastically change the conversation around addiction. We have very limited perceptions about how addiction presents as well as very extreme benchmarks that are used to assess whether someone has a problematic relationship to a substance or behaviour. For example, going to rehab, getting a DUI or losing your job/partner/family/home are viewed as primary indicators of problematic substance use or behaviours. In reality though, most people don’t go to rehab or have DUIs or lose everything. But that doesn’t mean there isn’t a problem. I think these benchmarks allow people to easily let themselves off the hook when it comes to examining addiction in their own lives and…



Authority Magazine Editorial Staff
Authority Magazine

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