Ann Jadown of EnsembleIQ: 5 Ways To Attract & Retain Top Talent

Kage Spatz
Authority Magazine
Published in
12 min readJun 17, 2022


Taking the time to hire the best talent instead of rushing to fill a position is critical when putting together a high-performance team.

As part of our HR Strategy Series, I’m talking with top experts in the field to teach prospects what hiring managers are actually looking for, while also supporting business leaders in their hiring and retention strategies. Today I had the pleasure of talking with Ann Jadown.

Ann Jadown leads all aspects of people strategy at EnsembleIQ, a North American business intelligence company delivering insightful information and actionable connections in retail, retail technology, consumer goods, healthcare, and hospitality.

As Chief People Officer, Ann oversees talent acquisition, leadership development, performance management, employee engagement, benefits, diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives — and company culture enhancements driving and supporting business growth.

Thank you so much for doing this with us! First, please tell us what brought you to this specific career path?

When I was in high school, I decided I wanted to be a psychologist. I was curious about human behavior and motivation, and I really…



Kage Spatz
Authority Magazine

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