Are you ready for the Hybrid Career Phenomena?

By Sharon Lewis

Authority Magazine Editorial Staff
Authority Magazine


According to the McKinsey Global Institute, up to 375 million workers, globally, may need to switch occupational categories by 2030. This is mainly due to the impact of automation which is simultaneously eliminating legacy jobs and creating new jobs, all the while shifting talent requirements for the next generation of workers.

In a sparks & honey research report, specific to Gen Z, it was found that 60% of today’s teens anticipate having multiple careers by the time they are age 30. This is a huge paradigm shift from the linear career paths of older generations which comes with a new set of rules for employers and employees.

LinkedIn co-founder Reid Hoffman believes that careers are now simply “tours of duty,” prompting progressive company leaders to design their organizations differently, assuming people will only stay a few years. Company leaders need to be ready for the rise of the hybrid career phenomenon.

But as careers become less vertical and ladder-like, how will one define traditional benchmarks and practices like job promotions? And how will all this change relate to the overall identity that one derives from their professional role?

Managing these types of disruptions presents a new set of management challenges and…



Authority Magazine Editorial Staff
Authority Magazine

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