Ashlie Price Of zant On How Simplifying & Decluttering Your Life Can Make You Happier

An Interview With Drew Gerber

Drew Gerber, CEO of Wasabi Publicity
Authority Magazine
12 min readNov 17, 2023


Mindful Consumption: Be conscious of your consumption habits. Before acquiring new possessions, ask yourself whether they genuinely contribute to your well-being or serve a practical purpose. Mindful consumption reduces the accumulation of excess and fosters contentment.

We live in a time of great excess. We have access to fast fashion, fast food, and fast everything. But studies show that all of our “stuff” is not making us any happier. How can we simplify and focus on what’s important? How can we let go of all the clutter and excess and find true happiness? In this interview series, we are talking to coaches, mental health experts, and authors who share insights, stories, and personal anecdotes about “How Simplifying and Decluttering Your Life Can Make Us Happier.” As a part of this series, I had the distinct pleasure of interviewing Ashlie Price

Ashlie Price is a professional life coach and personal development expert with a background deeply rooted in the fitness industry. She has leveraged her diverse educational experiences and personal growth journey to empower others. Ashlie’s career trajectory shifted when she embarked on her life coaching journey in 2019, stemming from her own challenges and a desire to provide guided support to those seeking personal and professional transformation. Today, she is known for her impactful work in life coaching, guiding clients on their unique paths to success and fulfillment.

Thank you so much for doing this with us! Before we dive in, our readers would love to “get to know you” a bit better. Can you share your “backstory” with us? What was it that led you to your eventual career choice?

I appreciate this opportunity. I am a mother of two from St. Bernard Parish, a suburb near New Orleans, Louisiana. My professional journey is deeply rooted in personal development, commencing in the fitness industry and evolving into life coaching, even venturing into psychedelic-assisted therapy.

My career drive has been shaped by a blend of my educational background, diverse work experiences, and personal growth opportunities that have come my way. I’ve carried a lifelong passion for positively impacting others. I firmly believe that, in order to make an impact as a coach, guide, or teacher, life first offers us its most profound lessons by placing us in the role of a student.

In 2014, I faced one of life’s lowest points: navigating a low-paying job, relationship challenges, postpartum depression, and the pursuit of a fitness competition. Overwhelmed and in a true season of change, I recognized the need for guided support in life.

This realization initiated my personal growth journey, and in 2019, I embarked on my professional life coaching career to extend support to others on their unique paths.

Can you share the most interesting story that happened to you since you started your career?

Without a doubt, my career journey has been filled with remarkable experiences and unexpected opportunities. Among these, there’s one encounter that still astounds me to this day.

One of the most transformative moments in my professional life happened when I decided to enroll in an online course led by a mentor who would ultimately have a profound impact on my career. This course turned out to be a true game-changer for me, providing invaluable knowledge and guidance that allowed me to develop new skills and gain fresh perspectives, ultimately becoming a masterful coach.

Throughout the course, I was not only inspired by the content but also deeply impressed by my mentor’s teaching style and approach to coaching and mentoring. Their mentorship was not only instructive but also incredibly supportive, fostering my personal and professional growth. It was during this course that I had a profound realization, I was inspired to serve and support my clients in the same way my mentor did.

Upon completing the course, I took the next big step by enrolling in my mentor’s very first coaching certification program, which was launched in 2020. During the interview process for this program, I was asked about my aspirations for the future. Without hesitation, I declared, “I see myself working for you.” Fast forward to today, and I am proud to say that I am an integral part of their team.

Working alongside my mentor not only allowed me to hone my skills but also opened up new doors and opportunities in my career. The journey, from being a course participant to becoming a mentee and eventually joining their team, has been an incredibly rewarding one. It stands as a testament to the immense power of mentorship and the potential for personal and professional transformation that educational experiences and the relationships we build along the way can offer.

This story underscores the lifelong importance of learning and mentorship, highlighting how the wisdom and guidance of a mentor can profoundly shape one’s career trajectory.

Are you working on any exciting new projects now? How do you think that will help people?

I have a few interesting projects that I am working on. I’ll list a few below:

  1. The zant app: Through this app, I am offering a select amount of sliding scale sessions to help those who may be struggling but desire support in their personal development.
  2. Mindbloom: As an integration coach and guide for over two years with this amazing company, I am supporting clients in their healing journey through the support of their integration using ketamine-assisted psychotherapy.
  3. Soul-Purpose + Self Love: Using the Mastery Method (™) and The VITA Method (™), I am helping those looking to embody their own leadership qualities, while also forming a deeper connection to themselves using these two potent methodologies.

Can you share with our readers a bit about why you are an authority on the topic of “How Simplifying and Decluttering Your Life Can Make You Happier”?

My authority on this subject comes from a combination of personal experience, professional qualifications, and a dedication to helping others find happiness through simplification and decluttering.

1. Personal Experience:

  • My journey into the world of simplification and decluttering began with a personal transformation. In my earlier years, I found myself overwhelmed by the demands of a busy life, both personally and professionally. The clutter in my physical surroundings, the chaos in my schedule, and the mental burden of constant distractions were taking a toll on my overall well-being.
  • Determined to make a change, I embarked on a journey to simplify and declutter my life. It was during this process that I discovered the profound impact it had on my happiness and overall contentment. I realized that by streamlining my possessions, clearing my mind of unnecessary clutter, and prioritizing what truly mattered to me, I could experience a profound sense of peace, happiness, and fulfillment.

2. Professional Qualifications:

  • In my field of work in personal growth and development, I continue to gain a deeper understanding of the psychological aspects of decluttering and simplification and how they relate to one’s happiness. This includes mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual clutter, etc.
  • I work closely with individuals seeking to transform their lives through simplification, providing guidance and support tailored to their unique circumstances.

3. Advocate for Lasting Happiness:

  • What truly distinguishes me as an authority in this field is my unwavering commitment to advocating for lasting happiness. I firmly believe that the benefits of simplification and decluttering extend far beyond mere organization. These processes have the power to transform lives, foster personal growth, and create a sustained sense of joy and contentment.

Ok, thank you for that. Let’s now jump to the main focus of our interview. We live in a time of excess. We have access to so much. But studies show that all of our “stuff” is not making us any happier. Can you articulate for our readers a few reasons why all of our possessions are not giving us happiness?

Of course, let’s delve into the heart of the matter. In our modern world, it’s undeniable that we have unprecedented access to an abundance of material possessions. However, studies consistently reveal that our happiness isn’t intrinsically linked to the sheer volume of things we own. The pursuit of possessions often leaves us feeling unfulfilled for a variety of reasons. First, the thrill of acquiring something new is usually short-lived, and we quickly adapt to it, leading to a cycle of constantly seeking the next “fix.” Second, the clutter and excess in our lives can create mental and physical chaos, causing stress and distraction rather than happiness. Lastly, true contentment is derived from meaningful experiences, relationships, and personal growth, not from the accumulation of material items. By understanding these factors, we can begin to redefine what brings us genuine happiness and embark on a path of meaningful, intentional living.

On a broader societal level, how do you think this excessiveness may be harming our communities and society?

The culture of excess in our society can have far-reaching detrimental effects on our communities and society at large. This excessiveness contributes to environmental degradation through overproduction and overconsumption, leading to pollution and resource depletion. Financial stress and unsustainable spending habits arise as people strive to keep up with this lifestyle, leading to anxiety and financial instability. Social isolation is perpetuated as individuals prioritize material possessions over meaningful relationships. Economic inequality is exacerbated, as the pursuit of luxury can perpetuate disparities. Paradoxically, the relentless quest for more often results in decreased well-being, fostering feelings of emptiness and anxiety. Additionally, our values may erode, as materialism overshadows empathy and community engagement. Overworking to sustain this lifestyle further compounds stress and burnout. Addressing these issues requires a shift towards mindful and sustainable consumption, emphasizing meaningful experiences, and a reevaluation of our societal values and priorities.

The irony of struggling with happiness in modern times is glaring. In many places in the world today, we have more than ever before in history. Yet despite this, so many people are unhappy. Why is simplifying a solution? How would simplifying help people to access happiness?

The irony of the modern pursuit of happiness is indeed striking. In this era, we possess more material wealth and conveniences than any previous generation, yet widespread discontent persists. The key to understanding this paradox lies in the power of simplification. By simplifying, individuals can shed the excess that often burdens them, be it material possessions, unmanageable schedules, or mental clutter. Simplification enables people to redirect their focus toward what truly matters: meaningful relationships, personal growth, and fulfilling experiences. It’s through this process that individuals can access happiness, as they free themselves from the relentless pursuit of more and instead cultivate contentment and inner peace. Simplifying offers the clarity to identify one’s values and priorities, allowing for a greater sense of purpose and fulfillment, ultimately leading to a happier, more balanced life.

Can you share some insights from your own experience? Where in your life have you transformed yourself from not having enough to finally experiencing enough? For example, many people feel they don’t have enough money. Yet, people define abundance differently, and often, those with the least money can feel the most abundant. Where in your health, wealth, or relationships have you transformed your life?

Drawing from my own journey, I’ve experienced a significant transformation when it comes to my financial outlook. In the past, I used to grapple with a scarcity mindset, always feeling that there was never enough, particularly in terms of money. It seemed like an endless pursuit to acquire more, and work more, thinking that financial success equated to a fulfilling life. However, my limited financial resources often left me feeling anxious, dissatisfied, and burned out. Over time, I realized that the pursuit of material wealth alone was an unsustainable path to happiness. As I began simplifying my financial goals and focusing on what truly mattered to me, I found a new perspective on abundance. Shifting my focus from acquiring possessions to nurturing meaningful relationships and cherishing life experiences allowed me to feel wealthier in ways that truly mattered, even though my financial resources remained modest. This transformation in my approach to abundance, coming from a place of lack and the desire for more, has been a pivotal turning point in my life and a valuable lesson that I now share with my clients as a life coach. It underscores the idea that abundance can be redefined and achieved by aligning our values with our actions, regardless of our initial financial limitations.

People, places, and things shape our lives. For example, your friends generate conversations that influence you. Where you live impacts what you eat and how you spend your time. The “things” in your life, like phones, technology, or books impact your recreation. Can you tell us a little about how people, places, and things in your own life impact your experience of “experiencing enough?”

Certainly, residing in Louisiana has instilled a deep appreciation for community in my life. The value placed on close-knit relationships and quality time spent with family and my children has taught me that even brief conversations or check-ins with loved ones offer a wealth of connection and fulfillment, far surpassing the need to immerse myself in larger committees or congregations. Technology has played a pivotal role in this balancing act. My digital Audible library, for instance, has become a source of immense joy, satisfying my passion for books without necessitating the addition of more physical items in my home or workspace. Additionally, the internet, coupled with the ability to work from home, has allowed me to nurture my career growth while enjoying the comfort of my pajama pants (yes, I wholeheartedly value comfort clothing!). This blend of local community values and technology has transformed the way I cultivate relationships, engage with literature, and pursue professional growth, ensuring a harmonious and contented life in the South.

What advice would you give to younger people about “experiencing enough?”

Firstly, take time to discover your core values and priorities, as they will be your guiding stars. Cultivate gratitude, regularly appreciating the abundance already present in your life, and prioritize meaningful experiences, relationships, and personal growth over material possessions. Setting boundaries with technology and work-life balance is crucial, as it allows you to be present in the moment and nurture a connection with yourself. Embrace simplicity, decluttering both your physical and mental space, to invite clarity and peace. Dedicate yourself to lifelong learning and self-improvement, invest in your health and well-being, and cherish strong relationships with loved ones. Stay mindful of the comparison trap, and remember that each person’s path is unique. Be flexible and adaptable as life evolves, and above all, trust in your journey to find contentment and meaning in the life you create.

Based on your experience and research, can you share your “five ways we can simplify and declutter our lives to make us happier?”

1. Clarify Your Values: Begin by clarifying your core values and priorities. What truly matters to you? Understanding your values will help you make decisions that align with your authentic self, eliminating unnecessary pursuits and distractions.

2. Edit Your Environment: Assess your physical surroundings and eliminate items that no longer serve a purpose or bring you joy. Decluttering your space creates an environment that promotes clarity and mental peace, allowing you to focus on what matters most.

3. Manage Your Commitments: Evaluate your commitments and obligations. Learn to say “no” to those that do not align with your values or goals. By managing your commitments wisely, you free up time for what truly fulfills you.

4. Mindful Consumption: Be conscious of your consumption habits. Before acquiring new possessions, ask yourself whether they genuinely contribute to your well-being or serve a practical purpose. Mindful consumption reduces the accumulation of excess and fosters contentment.

5. Digital Detox: Take time to disconnect from the constant digital stimulation. Set boundaries with technology, create tech-free zones, and allocate time for unplugged activities. This helps you stay present, improve your relationships, and reduce mental clutter.

By applying these five strategies, you can simplify and declutter your life, leading to greater happiness, a deeper sense of fulfillment, and a renewed appreciation for the things that truly matter. It’s a journey of self-discovery and conscious living, ultimately fostering a more content and meaningful existence.

You are a person of great influence. If you could inspire a movement that would bring the most amount of good to the most amount of people, what would that be? You never know what your idea can trigger. :-)

If I were to inspire a movement that could bring the most good to the greatest number of people, it would be centered on “Mindful Connection.” In our fast-paced, digital age, fostering authentic, meaningful connections with ourselves and others has never been more crucial. This movement would emphasize the importance of mindfulness in daily interactions, encouraging people to be fully present, listen empathetically, and engage with intention. It would encompass acts of kindness, compassion, and a genuine desire to understand and support one another, transcending boundaries of age, culture, and background. By nurturing these mindful connections, we can combat feelings of isolation, promote mental well-being, and strengthen the fabric of our communities. This movement would inspire individuals to prioritize human connection and understanding as a fundamental source of happiness, empathy, and positive change in the world.

How can our readers further follow your work online?

Thank you so much for this opportunity. I would love to connect! You can download my free 30-Days of Self-Care Guide at Also, you may find me on IG @theashlieprice and LinkedIn

Thank you so much for these insights. This was so inspiring, and so important!

Thank you so much for this opportunity to share!

About The Interviewer: For 30 years, Drew Gerber has been inspiring those who want to change the world. Drew is the CEO of Wasabi Publicity, Inc., a full-service PR agency lauded by PR Week and Good Morning America. Wasabi Publicity, Inc. is a global marketing company that supports industry leaders, change agents, unconventional thinkers, companies and organizations that strive to make a difference. Whether it’s branding, traditional PR or social media marketing, every campaign is instilled with passion, creativity and brilliance to powerfully tell their clients’ story and amplify their intentions in the world. Schedule a free consultation at



Drew Gerber, CEO of Wasabi Publicity
Authority Magazine

For 30 years, Drew Gerber has been inspiring those who want to change the world