Author Eleonor Marklund: “I wish for everyone to have the courage to understand that they own their reality; That what others think or do does not matter in the end, because we always have the choice to create the life we want to live”

Authority Magazine Editorial Staff
Authority Magazine
Published in
11 min readMay 21, 2021


The common theme in everything I write leads to the power of sovereignty that everyone possesses. I wish for everyone to have the courage to understand that they own their reality. That what others think or do does not matter in the end, because we always have the choice to create the life we want to live.

As part of my interview series on the five things you need to know to become a great author, I had the pleasure of interviewing Eleonor Amora Marklund. Eleonor Amora Marklund is esteemed internationally as the forefront coach for spiritual warriors known as Indigos. Renowned for her groundbreaking work in esotericism, Eleonor is an Amazon Best-Selling Author who has published over ten bestsellers. Her entrepreneurial success and dedication to help others earned a 2020 Brainz Global Award, among distinguished honorees Elon Musk, Kamala Harris, Greta

