Author Janet Luongo: “Let’s learn who we are and express ourselves in an authentic way; We don’t need more fake personas in the world, we do need to honor our own experience with honesty and compassion”

Authority Magazine Editorial Staff
Authority Magazine
Published in
6 min readJan 29, 2021


Let’s learn who we are and express ourselves in an authentic way. We don’t need more fake personas in the world, we do need to honor our own experience with honesty and compassion. It’s critical for us to understand the power of resiliency we possess. Situations can change for the better, if we can envision it. We can grow and heal. We know people, even the young, who became desperate and turn to substance abuse, or want to take their own lives. Let’s tell people, You are not alone; you are perfect in your imperfection; love yourself and never give up.

As part of my interview series on the five things you need to know to become a great author, I had the pleasure of interviewing Janet Luongo.

