Author Jerrold Jenkins On How to Get a Publisher to Publish Your Book

An Interview With Teri Gault

Teri Gault
Authority Magazine
8 min readJun 30, 2024


Staying motivated and disciplined in my writing practice is deeply rooted in the joy of helping people bring their ideas to life. Each time I connect with authors and explore their projects, it’s truly fulfilling. The process of guiding their visions from concept to publication energizes me and keeps me committed to every writing session. It’s incredibly rewarding to be part of their journey, contributing to the creation of something meaningful and impactful.

Navigating the publishing industry can be a daunting task for many aspiring authors. From crafting a compelling manuscript to understanding the intricacies of book marketing, the journey to getting published is filled with important decisions and steps. As a part of this series, I had the pleasure of interviewing Jerrold Jenkins.

Jerrold Jenkins has over 35 years of experience in the book publishing industry, specializing in book packaging, marketing, and distribution. In 1988, he founded Jenkins Group, Inc., a leading independent publishing services firm, and has since guided over 1,000 authors from concept to completion. Jenkins launched a series of book awards programs in 1996, now encompassing six contests, including the Independent Publisher Book Awards and Moonbeam Children’s Book Awards. He has authored several books on publishing and started the web-based magazine, Independent Publisher.

Thank you so much for joining us in this interview series! Before we dive in, our readers would love to “get to know you” better. Can you tell us a bit about you and your backstory?

My name is Jerrold Jenkins, and I’ve been in the book publishing industry for over 35 years. A known entity in the publishing world, I’ve been involved in book packaging, marketing, and distribution for over 35 years. In the 1980s, while helping some people with their book marketing, I learned about self-publishing. This inspired me to start Jenkins Group, Inc. in 1988, a leading publishing services firm that assists individuals and corporations with custom solutions to fit a variety of budgets and timelines. Since then, I have proudly guided over 1,000 authors from concept to completion.

With the incentive to honor the year’s best books and their authors and publishers, I launched a series of book awards programs in 1996. There are now six book awards contests presented by Jenkins Group: Independent Publisher Book Awards, Moonbeam Children’s Book Awards, Living Now Book Awards, Axiom Business Book Awards, ELit Book Awards, and Illumination Christian Book Awards.

Over time, I felt inspired to share my knowledge and have written several books based on the publishing business, including Publish To Win, Inside the Bestsellers, and SuperCharge Your Brand. I also started a web-based electronic magazine, Independent Publisher, which contains “news, reviews, and how-to’s” for and about independent authors and publishers.

What was your inspiration to become an author?

After helping other authors for years, I realized I had valuable knowledge to share. People frequently asked me how they could sell their own books, so I initially published Publish To Win to educate authors about the business of self-publishing. The success of my first book helped me see the potential to further establish credibility and positioning in the publishing market through my own publications.

Can you share the story of your publishing journey from the genesis of an idea to the fruition of becoming a published author?

Being in the business of book publishing, I found it seamless to bring my idea to fruition by leveraging the Jenkins Group team from start to finish. Since I had the knowledge but not the writing skills, I coauthored the books with industry experts rather than choosing a ghostwriter. This collaborative approach allowed me to work closely with author Anne M. Stanton to bring the story to life. Once the manuscript was complete, we worked with the production manager and the editorial team at Jenkins Group to refine the text.

Next, we collaborated with the creative director to craft illustrations, cover design, and overall layout that would resonate with our audience and provide an unforgettable reading experience. Before going to press, we determined the book’s usage and the number of copies needed. The books were then printed, distributed from the Jenkins office, and marketed effectively to authors interested in self-publishing their own knowledge.

Let’s break it down into steps. Based on your experience, what are 5 main steps that you would recommend for someone to get their first book published with a publisher?

  1. Understand your audience and your purpose.
  2. Assess the pros and cons of self-publishing versus traditional publishing to determine the best way to make your content public.
  3. Evaluate your return on investment before starting your manuscript or hiring a ghostwriter.
  4. Find the right partner who supports you.
  5. Leverage your platform to sell your books effectively.

What are your thoughts about the pros and cons of signing with a Literary Agent?

Well, first off, literary agents bring invaluable connections with acquisition editors and have established relationships within the industry. They’re adept at shaping a compelling book proposal that stands out in the market. Plus, their negotiation skills can secure favorable deals. Since agents work on a commission basis, their success is directly tied to yours, ensuring they’re fully invested in your project. Their support throughout the publishing journey is invaluable.

However, it’s important to consider that agents typically take a royalty fee, usually around 15% of advances and royalties, which is standard practice. They also wield significant influence over which publishers your manuscript is pitched to, which might limit your options. As an author, you’re reliant on their decisions and timing, and there’s a risk of being dropped if your book doesn’t gain immediate traction in the market.

What are your thoughts on the pros and cons of self-publishing versus traditional publishing?

One of the biggest advantages of self-publishing is that you retain full rights to your work (copyright, TV/Film rights, foreign rights, subsidiary rights, etc). Second, you have complete control over the editorial, creative, and timeline aspects of your book. Third, self-publishing allows you to start and work at your own pace, and you get to keep 100% of all net profits generated from sales. Lastly, you can choose exactly who you want to collaborate with, from editors to cover designers.

However, it’s important to consider the costs involved. Self-publishing typically requires you to bear the financial burden upfront, covering expenses like editing, cover design, and marketing. This means it’s your risk and investment. Additionally, as a self-published author, you’re solely responsible for the success of your book, including distribution and promotion efforts.

Can you share your most thrilling moment as an author? Was it when you signed up with your publisher or received a box of your books? Something else? Please share the story with us!

After assisting other authors for years, it was exhilarating to see my own idea come to life. The most thrilling moment for me was when I opened the first box of my books, specifically Publish to Win. Seeing my name on the cover marked a significant milestone and positioned us as a credible authority and voice in the industry.

Thank you for sharing that fun story! Do you have any new or exciting projects coming up?

After publishing four titles, we’ve established credibility in the publishing space. I’m excited to continue helping others publish their first or subsequent books. Currently, I’m collaborating with several privately held companies and Fortune 500 companies to publish commemorative anniversary books. Every story is important, and our goal is to bring each one to life.

Can you share some of the most surprising things you’ve learned about the publishing industry?

One of the most surprising aspects has been the dominance of Amazon. The decline of many brick-and-mortar bookstores amidst the rise of e-commerce has been notable. While there’s a nostalgic appeal to browsing in a bookstore and physically interacting with books, it’s fascinating to see how much e-commerce has revolutionized the industry.

What do you think are the most important qualities of a successful author?

The most important qualities of a successful author, in my view, include tenacity, discipline, creativity, a drive for success, ambition, and enthusiasm for engaging with people. These qualities not only help in consistently producing quality work but also in navigating the challenges and opportunities that come with being an author.

How do you handle feedback and criticism about your writing?

I’ve always been receptive to all kinds of feedback. Everyone offers a unique perspective, and it has been instrumental in evolving my writing.

I’m pretty sure that most of us have experienced writer’s block. Is there any particular book, quote, or concept that has helped you overcome obstacles along the way?

Over time, I’ve learned to rely on a simple yet effective habit: I keep a notepad on my nightstand. Whenever inspiration strikes, whether it’s in the middle of the night or during the day, I jot down ideas immediately. This practice not only captures fleeting thoughts but also serves as a catalyst for overcoming writer’s block.

How do you stay motivated and disciplined in your writing practice?

Staying motivated and disciplined in my writing practice is deeply rooted in the joy of helping people bring their ideas to life. Each time I connect with authors and explore their projects, it’s truly fulfilling. The process of guiding their visions from concept to publication energizes me and keeps me committed to every writing session. It’s incredibly rewarding to be part of their journey, contributing to the creation of something meaningful and impactful.

None of us are able to achieve success without some help along the way. Is there a particular person who you are grateful towards who helped get you to where you are? Can you share a story about them?

I’m grateful to Dan Poynter, whose self-publishing manual, The Self-Publishing Manual, profoundly influenced my journey. I first encountered his insights through his book and later had the privilege of meeting him at annual meetings. His mentorship and support played a pivotal role in guiding me through the complexities of the publishing industry. One particular instance stands out: during a critical decision-making phase, Dan’s advice provided clarity and confidence, ultimately shaping the direction of my career. His dedication to empowering authors left a lasting impression on me, inspiring me to pay it forward by helping others navigate their publishing aspirations.

You are a person of enormous influence. If you could start a movement that would bring the most amount of good to the most amount of people, what would that be? You never know what your idea can trigger. :-)

If I could start a movement to bring the most good to the most people, it would focus on empowering individuals to share their knowledge and ideas with the world. This movement would provide accessible tools, resources, and support for anyone to publish their work, regardless of their background or financial situation. You never know what impact a single idea can have. Let’s make “Publishing for All” a reality.

How can our readers follow your work online?

They can follow me on LinkedIn at and subscribe to the Jenkins Group newsletter at

Thank you so much for joining us. This was very inspirational.

About the Interviewer: Teri Gault is a published Author of Shop Smart Save More with Sheryl Berk, published by HarperCollins. As founder of The Grocery Game, Teri has been seen on Good Morning America, Today Show, ABC 20/20 and more. Teri is currently a Publicist and a Purveyor of Hope and Health at



Teri Gault
Authority Magazine

Teri Gault is a published Author of Shop Smart Save More with Sheryl Berk, published by HarperCollins