Author John David Latta On How To Write A Book That Sparks A Movement

An Interview With Sara Connell

Sara Connell
Authority Magazine
7 min readAug 14, 2022


Be true to yourself and your message.

As part of my series about “How to write a book that sparks a movement” I had the pleasure of interviewing John David Latta.

John David Latta is a mystic, author, teacher, and former founder and CEO of a multimillion-dollar consumer products company.” Terrified and stalked by an oppressive fear of death, John David Latta was a single dad with two children facing rock bottom, loneliness and bankruptcy. Hard work, arguments and logic were getting him nowhere, the competition was tough, and he was in over his head. In his new book, The Synchronicity of Love, John shares his extraordinary stories of what happened when, while at rock bottom, he threw himself into Unconditional Love with sincerity and earnestness.

Thank you so much for joining us! Can you share the “backstory” about how you grew up?

I grew up in Long Beach, CA and later Seattle, WA. My father was an engineer and researcher, and my mother was a stay-at-home mom. I was the oldest of 3 kids. I grew up with a love of reading. I would devour books and magazines obsessively. I was one of those kids who would ride his bike to the library once a week and would somehow ride back with 8 books in one arm and my handlebars in the other!

When you were younger, was there a book that you read that inspired you to take action or changed your life? Can you share a story?

I was only a teenager when I read THINK AND GROW RICH and THE MAGIC OF THINKING BIG. They both opened my eyes to the reality that for most of us, the limitations we place on ourselves are entirely our own. We could choose to think big or think small — it was entirely up to us.

What was the moment or series of events that made you decide to bring your message to the greater world? Can you share a story about that?

I loved books where authors shared their true stories. I learn best from the experiences and stories of others and decided to do the same as my way of giving back to the world. Michael Crichton’s book TRAVELS was one of Crichton’s only non-fiction books, but it was one of my favorites. I wanted to write a book like Crichton’s book.

What impact did you hope to make when you wrote this book?

I hoped to reach all those rigid rational men and show them that even they can open up in beautiful and unimaginable ways and that I am proof! I wanted them to see what they were missing!

Did the actual results align with your expectations? Can you explain?

Yes and no. It seems like the process of handing someone a book like mine and expecting them to embrace it in its entirety is a matter of timing. When they are ready, the book is a wonderful opening into miracles and new possibilities. But if the individual is not ready and/or the mind is closed, it won’t get read.

What moment let you know that your book had started a movement? Please share a story.

Weirdly, it is mostly women who are applauding. I hear something like this all the time: “A man who is both masculine and highly structured and also heart centered and intuitive and having beautiful and unusual spiritual experiences and sharing them with the world? That is very unusual!” So you might say the women love the book and the message in it and are trying to get their men to read it!

What kinds of things did you hear right away from readers? What are the most frequent things you hear from readers about your book now? Are they the same? Different?

The most common comment by far is that this is a book for people who are “thirsty” or who are looking for some new sense of possibilities, magic or enchantment in their lives. The most common “negative” comment about the book is that it should have had more “practices” for the readers so that they could have the same experiences I did. I’m working on a second book right now that addresses exactly that! It is called “PRACTICING THE SYNCHRONICITY OF LOVE”

What is the most moving or fulfilling experience you’ve had as a result of writing this book? Can you share a story?

Getting emails and positive reviews from people I don’t even know! Or people I’d met decades ago and had entirely forgotten. One woman, who I had not seen in almost 20 years, was in one of my stories and somehow, she found my book, then somehow found me and wrote me to say that she was the woman in one of my stories and that she loved my book and even wrote a nice review! What is nice surprise! Here is what she wrote:

I thoroughly enjoyed this book! It is both a gripping story and a compelling invitation to love more courageously. John David Latta strikes just the right tone in his self-revealing candor about his journey to being more deeply and unrelentingly loving. We can relate to his struggles to love himself and others unconditionally without making excuses or blaming or giving up. His revelations invite us to feel deeply our own challenges, failures, and triumphs as we consider how our own “Love story” is unfolding. We learn how our life might include more joy, more forgiveness, more insight, more connection, with more ease and grace. Although it’s not a “how to” book, The Synchronicity of Love is a potent catalyst for more personal experiences of Love’s fulfilling power.

Have you experienced anything negative? Do you feel there are drawbacks to writing a book that starts such colossal conversation and change?

Not really. It is always a risk to put out a book that has some shocking material in it but so far there has nothing significantly negative. The people that love it, REALLY LOVE IT. The others I have not really heard from.

Can you articulate why you think books in particular have the power to create movements, revolutions, and true change?

Somehow, a book feels like a map to something entirely new. And it is true that books carry a certain energy that goes far beyond just the words. Books that are destined to create movements and revolutions and significant change will often be inspiring in ways that are both grand and dramatic and subtle and unseen.

What is the one habit you believe contributed the most to you becoming a bestselling writer? (i.e. perseverance, discipline, play, craft study) Can you share a story or example?

I stayed true to me and my subject matter. I was not trying to write a bestseller. I was trying to be true, authentic, vulnerable and honest. I wrote about the great accomplishments and the humbling struggles as well. Here is the last chapter in my book:

I’m lying-in bed.

I can feel many beings standing over me.

One of them says to the others: “He is still a work in progress.”

The journey is enthralling.

And humbling”.

What challenge or failure did you learn the most from in your writing career? Can you share the lesson(s) that you learned?

Editing is time consuming! Even the best writers need help with editing, and it is a grueling job. I have great respect and compassion for all the editors in the world! The lesson I have learned is that even when I have completed a book, I need to stay open to the amount of time needed to edit a book. And editing isn’t just about language or spelling or punctuation. It is about layout and flow and order and keeping a reader interested and engaged.

Many aspiring authors would love to make an impact similar to what you have done. What are the 5 things writers need to know if they want to spark a movement with a book?

  1. Be true to yourself and your message.
  2. Be honest.
  3. Share a bit of your life story as well.
  4. Be open to feedback from editors.
  5. Allow lots of time for editing! LOL!

The world, of course, needs progress in many areas. What movement do you hope someone (or you!) starts next? Can you explain why that is so important?

I would like others to consider breaking old and outworn habits and to open their minds and hearts to entirely new possibilities in all areas of their lives. And I would encourage everyone to embrace Compassion — for both yourself and for others. It isn’t always easy to be human! Living in a world with a range of duality that is extreme. Living out patterns and karma and roles and archetypes. Billions of people somehow all living together and all with their own unique perceptions and beliefs. It really is a crazy, beautiful, horrible, and amazing journey to live a human life!

How can our readers follow you on social media?

Thank you so much for these insights. It was a true pleasure to do this with you.



Sara Connell
Authority Magazine

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