Author Laine Lawson Craft On How to Get a Publisher to Publish Your Book

An Interview With Teri Gault

Teri Gault
Authority Magazine
13 min readJul 17, 2024


Take a Dare and Submit: Don’t let fear hold you back! Once your proposal is ready, please take a deep breath and submit it to agents or publishers. Be prepared for rejections — they’re a natural part of the process. But with perseverance and being at the right place at the right time, you’ll find the right partner to bring your book to life.

Navigating the publishing industry can be a daunting task for many aspiring authors. From crafting a compelling manuscript to understanding the intricacies of book marketing, the journey to getting published is filled with important decisions and steps. As a part of this series, I had the pleasure of interviewing Laine Lawson Craft.

Laine Lawson Craft is a best-selling and award-winning author, revered host of the Warfare Parenting Podcast, and leading parenting expert. Her acclaimed book, “The Parent’s Battle Plan,” was honored as the 2023 Nonfiction Book of the Year, highlighting her innovative strategies and deep spiritual insights. Her best-selling book and accompanying journal, Enjoy Today Own Tomorrow: Discover the Power to Live the Life You Love, has helped thousands find healing through her “Three R Process” and online courses. Laine continues to empower others across various challenges, blending practical advice with her steadfast faith to guide the hurting toward healing and family unity.

Thank you so much for joining us in this interview series! Before we dive in, our readers would love to “get to know you” better. Can you tell us a bit about you and your backstory?

Storytelling has always been my passion, deeply rooted in my heart. As a child, I would lose myself in my imaginary worlds, spinning tales of adventure and intrigue. Writing became my chosen medium for helping others. Over time, I honed my craft by publishing a nationally circulated magazine, furthering my mission of sharing stories of hope that brought God glory.

My path to becoming a published author was unexpected. During my first years as a magazine publisher, I felt led to share my message in a book. So, my first books were self-published: Feeling God’s Presence Today: A 365-Day Devotional and Start Again From Scratch: A No-Fail Recipe to Revive Your Marriage.

Then, I attended my first-ever writer’s retreat, where I pitched several traditional publishers. I learned how to create proposals and quickly submitted them to the publishers who asked for them. I was offered a contract, and then I was on my way to being traditionally published.

What was your inspiration to become an author?

My inspiration to become an author stems from a deep-seated belief in sharing the power of hope in stories, which connect us, inspire us, and give God glory. I’ve always been captivated by how words can guide us to new places, introduce us to new ways to better our lives, make us feel hopeful, and find healing.

But beyond the sheer joy of storytelling, I also see writing as a means of making a difference. Whether it’s sparking conversations, challenging new ways of living, or simply offering a moment of hope, authors have a unique opportunity to leave a positive mark on the world.

Can you share the story of your publishing journey from the genesis of an idea to the fruition of becoming a published author?

My publishing journey has been a winding road filled with unexpected twists and turns. The genesis of my first published book began with a simple spark of inspiration — a vivid scene that played out in my mind like a movie trailer. I started jotting down notes, creating a title, and building a world around that initial idea.

The writing process itself was both exhilarating and challenging. There were days when the words flowed effortlessly and others when I felt like I was staring at a blank page for an eternity. But I persevered, fueled by my passion for the story and the ideas that had come to life in it.

Once the outline was complete, the real journey began. I signed up for my first writer’s retreat. There, I learned how to write queries, meet agents, face rejections, revise my manuscript countless times, and even consider self-publishing again. Finally, submitting my first proposal, I received an offer from a traditional publisher. The moment I signed that contract was a dream come true, validating all the hard work and dedication I had poured into my writing.

But the journey didn’t end there. The publication process brought its own set of challenges and learning experiences, from navigating the editorial process to promoting my book. It was a whirlwind of excitement and nerves, but ultimately, seeing my book on bookstore shelves and in the hands of readers was indescribable.

Let’s break it down into steps. Based on your experience, what are 5 main steps that you would recommend for someone to get their first book published with a publisher?

My publishing journey was unique, and I’d love to share the five key steps that led to my success, which I believe can guide aspiring authors on their path:

1. Capture the Essence: Every book begins with an inspiring experience that we want to capture. Whether it’s a vivid scene, a compelling character, or a thought-provoking question, embrace that initial essence and idea and let it ignite your imagination. Jot down notes, brainstorm a title, and start building the world of your story. This is the easy part of creating the story and making an impact.

2. Put Your Vision to Paper: An outline is like a blueprint for your book, providing structure and direction. It helps you organize your thoughts, establish the key plot points, and ensure a logical flow. Don’t be afraid to experiment with different outlining methods until you find one that resonates with you.

3. Expand Your Circle: Writer’s retreats and conferences offer vital opportunities to sharpen your craft, learn from publishing professionals, and connect with fellow writers. Embrace these experiences as a chance to network, gather feedback, and expand your knowledge of the publishing landscape.

4. Create a Winning Proposal: A well-crafted book proposal is your key to unlocking the door to traditional publishing. This document is your chance to showcase your story’s unique premise, target audience, and marketing potential. Invest time in refining your proposal, making it as polished and persuasive as possible.

5. Take a Dare and Submit: Don’t let fear hold you back! Once your proposal is ready, please take a deep breath and submit it to agents or publishers. Be prepared for rejections — they’re a natural part of the process. But with perseverance and being at the right place at the right time, you’ll find the right partner to bring your book to life.

Remember, every publishing journey is unique, but these steps can serve as a helpful roadmap as you navigate the exciting and sometimes challenging path to becoming a published author.

What are your thoughts about the pros and cons of signing with a Literary Agent?

Literary agents play a crucial role in the traditional publishing landscape. They act as advocates for authors, negotiating contracts, pitching to publishers, and navigating the often complex world of rights and royalties.

Pros of Signing with a Literary Agent:

Expertise: Agents have in-depth industry knowledge and can guide you through the publishing process.

Access: They have established relationships with editors and publishers, increasing your chances of seeing your manuscript.

Negotiation Power: Agents are skilled negotiators who can secure better deals for you than you might be able to on your own.

Advocate: They protect your interests and ensure you’re treated fairly throughout the publishing journey.

Cons of Signing with a Literary Agent:

Commission: Agents take a percentage of your earnings, typically 15%.

Competition: Finding an agent who believes in your work can be challenging, as they receive countless submissions.

Limited Control: You may have less direct control over certain aspects of the publishing process, as your agent will decide on your behalf.

Ultimately, the decision of whether or not to sign with an agent depends on your personal goals and preferences. If you’re seeking a traditional publishing deal and value the expertise and connections an agent can offer, then it may be a worthwhile investment. However, if you’re comfortable navigating the industry on your own and prefer to retain complete control over your work, then self-publishing may be a better option.

What are your thoughts on the pros and cons of self-publishing versus traditional publishing?

The choice between self-publishing and traditional publishing is a personal one, with each path offering distinct advantages and disadvantages.

Pros of Self-Publishing:

Control: You retain complete creative control over your work, from cover design to pricing.

Speed: You can publish your book quickly without waiting for a publisher’s timeline.

Royalties: Self-published authors often earn higher royalties per book sale.

Cons of Self-Publishing:

Upfront Costs: You’re responsible for all publishing expenses, including editing, formatting, and marketing.

Marketing: You’ll need to invest time and resources in marketing your book to reach readers.

Distribution: Getting your book into bookstores can be challenging without a traditional publisher’s support.

Pros of Traditional Publishing:

Validation: Landing a deal with a reputable publisher is significant and can lend credibility to your work.

Professional Support: Publishers provide editorial, design, and marketing expertise.

Distribution: Your book will be more widely available in bookstores and online retailers.

Cons of Traditional Publishing:

Competition: Landing a publishing deal is highly competitive, and rejections are common.

Time: The traditional publishing process can be slow, taking months or even years to get your book to market.

Royalties: Traditionally published authors typically earn lower royalties per book sale than self-published authors.

The best path for you depends on your priorities. If you value control, speed, and higher royalties, self-publishing may be the way to go. But if you desire the validation, professional support, and broader distribution of a traditional publisher, then pursuing that route might be worth the wait.

Can you share your most thrilling moment as an author? Was it when you signed up with your publisher or received a box of your books? Something else? Please share the story with us!

While signing my first publishing contract and receiving that first box of books were undoubtedly exhilarating experiences, my most thrilling moment as an author came more unexpectedly.

I was at a book signing event, nervously chatting with a small group of readers who had purchased my book. One woman approached me with tears in her eyes, clutching my book to her chest. She told me that my story had touched her deeply and that it had resonated with her own life experiences in a way she never thought possible. She thanked me for writing the book and for giving voice to emotions and struggles she had long kept bottled up inside.

At that moment, I realized the true power of storytelling. It wasn’t just about the accolades or the sales figures; it was about connecting with readers, touching their hearts and minds meaningfully, and helping others find healing. That encounter reminded me why I became an author in the first place, and it remains one of the most cherished memories of my career.

Thank you for sharing that fun story! Do you have any new or exciting projects coming up?

Yes. I have two new books being released. The first book released nationwide will be in February 2025, published by Broadstreet Publishing, “Warfare Parenting,” a 365-day Devotional sharing life-giving Scripture, hope-filled insight, and battle-cry prayers that helped me rise above discouragement as God restored my family. This will help strengthen your journey, help you seek God’s comfort, restore your faith, and entrust your child to the Lord. My second book will be released nationally in late 2025 or early 2026, “Before You Were Born,” written for little ones aged 0–6 that goes beyond cute rhymes. It’s a cuddle in book form, a gentle whisper that assures kids they are purposefully made and endlessly loved. In a world where little hearts have big questions, this book is a parent’s go-to for instilling faith and self-worth from day one.

Can you share some of the most surprising things you’ve learned about the publishing industry?

One of the most surprising things I’ve learned is how much of the publishing process involves factors beyond the writing itself. It’s not just about crafting a great story; it’s also about understanding the market, building a platform, and networking with industry professionals.

Another surprising aspect is the sheer amount of collaboration involved. From editors and designers to publicists and marketers, a whole team works together to bring a book to life. It’s a humbling experience to realize that your work is just one piece of a much larger puzzle.

I was also surprised by the importance of building a strong author platform. In today’s digital age, authors need to be more than just writers; they need to be savvy marketers and engaging communicators. Building a loyal following on social media, blogging, and speaking at events can be just as important as the quality of your writing.

What do you think are the most important qualities of a successful author?

Persistence is key. The publishing industry can be tough, with rejections and setbacks along the way. Successful authors are those who persevere and continue to write, learn, and grow, even in the face of adversity.

Adaptability is also crucial. The publishing landscape constantly evolves, with new technologies and trends emerging continually. Successful authors embrace change and are willing to adapt their strategies to stay relevant.

Of course, a passion for storytelling is essential. Successful authors are driven by a deep love of words, characters, and the worlds they create. They write not just for fame or fortune but because they have stories to tell that they believe in.

Finally, a strong work ethic is vital. Writing is a craft that requires dedication, discipline, and a willingness to put in the hours. Successful authors are those who treat writing like a job, showing up consistently and putting in the effort to produce their best work.

How do you handle feedback and criticism about your writing?

Feedback and criticism are an inevitable part of the writing process. While it can be difficult to hear negative comments about your work, it’s important to remember that feedback is a valuable tool for growth.

When receiving feedback, I try to approach it with an open mind and a willingness to learn. I separate constructive criticism from personal attacks, focusing on specific suggestions and how they can help me improve my writing.

I also seek feedback from trusted sources, such as beta readers, writing groups, and editors. These individuals can offer valuable insights and help me identify areas where my writing can be strengthened.

Ultimately, the key is not to take criticism personally but rather to use it as fuel for improvement. You can refine your craft and become a better writer by embracing feedback.

I’m pretty sure that most of us have experienced writer’s block. Is there any particular book, quote, or concept that has helped you overcome obstacles along the way?

I love the scripture Jeremiah 30:2: “Thus says the Lord, the God of Israel, ‘Write all the words which I have spoken to you in a book.’” This verse has always inspired and motivated me to keep writing and sharing messages of hope, particularly when I have faced writer’s block and challenges.

I believe every story and word we write has the potential to be divinely inspired. It’s not about being perfect but about staying close to God’s heart. Listen carefully, my friends, and the stories He wants to tell through you will flow onto the page. Don’t compare your journey to anyone else’s — your voice is unique and needed!

How do you stay motivated and disciplined in your writing practice?

Staying motivated and disciplined requires a combination of strategies and being kind to yourself:

Setting Daily Goals: I set a particular amount of writing to be completed each day to finish the book project in a designated amount of time.

Designing My Day: When I am under a writing contract, I schedule writing time each day and treat it as the highest priority.

Finding Other Authors: Connecting with other writers through writing groups or online communities can provide support, encouragement, and accountability.

Celebrating Small Steps: I acknowledge and celebrate even the small steps along the way, whether completing a chapter or sharing ideas with a peer.

Embracing Flexibility: I know life happens, and sometimes unexpected distractions occur. I have learned that my writing routine may need to adjust at times. I am consistent but also allow myself flexibility when needed.

Most importantly, I remind myself why I write in the first place. Reconnecting with my passion for storytelling and helping others helps me stay motivated, even when faced with challenges or setbacks.

None of us are able to achieve success without some help along the way. Is there a particular person who you are grateful towards who helped get you to where you are? Can you share a story about them?

I am deeply grateful for the unwavering support of my husband, Steve. He has been my rock throughout this entire journey, believing in me even when I doubted myself.

I vividly remember one particularly challenging period when I faced writer’s block. I was feeling discouraged and questioning my abilities as a writer. One evening, Steve was gracious and helped me gather my thoughts and get back on track with my writing. He reminded me of all the hard work I had put in, the countless hours of writing and revising, and my passion for my stories. He encouraged me to keep going, to push through the obstacles, and to never give up on my dreams.

His words of encouragement ignited a renewed sense of determination within me.

I am eternally grateful for Steve’s belief in me, his unwavering support, and his ability to lift me up during those inevitable moments of doubt. He is my biggest cheerleader, my most trusted confidant, and the love of my life.

You are a person of enormous influence. If you could start a movement that would bring the most amount of good to the most amount of people, what would that be? You never know what your idea can trigger. :-)

My movement would focus on fostering open and honest dialogue, creating spaces where people can share their experiences, listen to others without judgment, and find common ground. It would be a movement that celebrates our shared humanity and reminds us that we are all more alike than different.

I believe that cultivating empathy and understanding can bridge divides, heal wounds, and build a more compassionate and inclusive society. It all starts with listening to each other’s stories and recognizing that we all have something valuable to contribute.

How can our readers follow your work online?

You can follow me and connect with me to grab free resources at

Thank you so much for joining us. This was very inspirational.

About the Interviewer: Teri Gault is a published Author of Shop Smart Save More with Sheryl Berk, published by HarperCollins. As founder of The Grocery Game, Teri has been seen on Good Morning America, Today Show, ABC 20/20 and more. Teri is currently a Publicist and a Purveyor of Hope and Health at



Teri Gault
Authority Magazine

Teri Gault is a published Author of Shop Smart Save More with Sheryl Berk, published by HarperCollins