Author Lisa Dimino White: How To Learn To Finally Love Yourself

Kristin Marquet
Authority Magazine
Published in
14 min readMar 2, 2021


Morning mindset: Every morning before your feet hit the floor think of at least one thing you’re looking forward to that day. You’ll start your day off with a dose of positive momentum!

As a part of my series about “How To Learn To Finally Love Yourself” I had the pleasure to interview Lisa Dimino White. Most people are pretty darn amazing and too often don’t recognize their own greatness….Lisa’s on a mission to change that. With over 20 years of experience in marketing, communications, and event management, Lisa now focuses solely on her passion — inspiring others to actively seek out and create more joy for themselves, their communities, and all of humankind. She does this through her speaking engagements, coaching programs, her recently released book Bursting with Happiness, and Bursting with Happiness: The Podcast. Learn more here.

Thank you so much for joining us! I’d love to begin by asking you to give us the backstory as to what brought you to this specific career path.

I’ve always loved helping others. I would get the most satisfaction at work when I was able to ease someone else’s burden, solve their problem, or provide an idea that they hadn’t previously…



Kristin Marquet
Authority Magazine

Publicist and author based in New York City. Founder and Creative Director of and