Barbara Pietron On The 5 Things You Need To Be A Successful Author or Writer
Develop a thick skin. If you want to put your work out into the world, you need to accept criticism. First, you’ll have feedback from beta readers. Then, when you think your novel is good enough, you will send out queries to agents. You’ll be rejected over and over and over again. Eventually, your work may go into print.
Some writers and authors have a knack for using language that can really move people. Some writers and authors have been able to influence millions with their words alone. What does it take to become an effective and successful author or writer?
In this interview series, called “5 Things You Need To Be A Successful Author or Writer” we are talking to successful authors and writers who can share lessons from their experiences.
As part of this series, I had the pleasure of interviewing Barbara Pietron. Barbara writes young adult urban fantasy and is the author of the Legacy in Legend series as well as the standalone novel, Soulshifter. Thunderstone, book one of the Legacy in Legend series was awarded Book of the Year Finalist by Foreward…