Beating Burnout: Shawn Sefton Of Hospital IQ On The 5 Things You Should Do If You Are Experiencing Work Burnout

Authority Magazine Editorial Staff
Authority Magazine
Published in
22 min readJan 26, 2022


Self-awareness and self-recognition are crucial in acknowledging burnout and beginning to mitigate its impacts. Burnout can look and feel different for every person, while some may experience a decrease in motivation or performance, others who thrive under high-pressure situations may have the opposite reaction. Since everyone has their own threshold, understanding our own limits as nurses and as human beings is so crucial to identifying and working to reduce burnout and our own drivers of it.

Millions of Americans are returning back to work after being home during the pandemic. While this has been exciting for many, some are feeling burned out by their work. What do you do if you are feeling burned out by your work? How do you reverse it? How can you “get your mojo back”? What can employers do to help their staff reverse burnout?

