Bert Albertse Of JETSET Pilates: How My Experience in Athletics Trained Me to Become a Better Leader

An Interview With Vanessa Ogle

Vanessa Ogle
Authority Magazine
14 min readJul 24, 2024


Consistency and Discipline: Athletics taught me the importance of maintaining a consistent and disciplined approach to training and performance. This consistency ensures steady progress and helps build trust and reliability within a team. In my leadership role at JETSET Pilates, maintaining discipline in our daily operations and long-term strategies has been crucial for achieving sustained success.

The world of sports is not just about physical prowess or competition; it’s an incubator for leadership qualities such as discipline, teamwork, strategic planning, and resilience. Athletes, from amateur levels to professional arenas, often encounter situations that test their limits and require them to step up in ways that mirror the challenges faced by leaders in various fields. As part of this series, we had the pleasure of interviewing Bert Albertse.

Bert Albertse, CEO of JetSet Pilates. In this episode, we delve into the innovative aspects of JetSet Pilates that set it apart in the fitness industry. Bert shares his journey, the challenges faced, and the success stories that have defined his brand. We talk about the physical and (sometimes more importantly) the mental benefits of this workout. How JetSet uses music to create meditative setting that’s yields transformative results for your body and mind. (We all need to de-stress)

Whether you’re a fitness enthusiast or a budding entrepreneur looking for a new business venture, this episode offers valuable insights and inspiration.

Thank you so much for joining us in this interview series. Before we dive in, our readers would love to “get to know you” a bit better. Can you share with us the backstory about what brought you to your specific career? What athletics did you participate in?

My career journey is deeply intertwined with my athletic background, which has shaped who I am today. Growing up, I was deeply involved in long-distance running, specifically the 800m and 1500m track events and rugby. These sports taught me the importance of endurance, teamwork, and strategic thinking. At 15, I discovered weightlifting at boarding school and fell in love with it. This passion led me to become a multiple junior South African bodybuilding champion and compete at the junior IFBB world championships. In 2012, I was honored to win the Mr. Physique South African Champion title.

The discipline and commitment required for these achievements have been instrumental in my transition into the business world, especially in the fitness industry. Long-distance running, in particular, prepared me for the rigors of business leadership. The countless hours spent on the road in training were not just about physical endurance; they were also a mental test. Every step and every bit of pain during training is unseen, culminating in the one-day event where all the hard work pays off.

However, I learned that effort alone isn’t enough. The secret to success is combining effort with strategy. Initially, I believed that the more I trained and the harder the intensity, the better my times would get. But that’s not true. I had to develop a strategy that incorporated strength work, shorter distance explosive training, and crucial rest days with proper nutrition. This holistic approach not only improved my performance but also prevented burnout and injuries. This lesson has been invaluable in my business career, where strategic planning, balanced efforts, and proper recovery are just as important as hard work. It’s the combination of effort and strategy that leads to true success, both in athletics and in business.

Can you share the most interesting story that happened to you since you started your career?

One of the most fascinating parts of my career journey was how I stumbled into business almost by accident, navigating through trial and error to eventually founded a global fitness franchise brand. Most of my success is a result of failing forward. After closing down my supplement stores, I stumbled upon a technology that I thought could revolutionize the way we think about fitness, and I started training friends and family in my living room. I didn’t first develop a business plan or have any clear path to success, only a vision backed by passion and determination.

At that time, I had a young family to support, which made the risks of diving into a new venture particularly high. Many people in my situation would have stuck with the safe, albeit modestly successful business or job. But I believed in taking risks to reap greater rewards before the ‘’golden handcuffs’’ tighten the older you get, and the more responsibilities pile up. I always tell young entrepreneurs that if they want to be successful, they need to put themselves in a situation where they have something at stake, as fear can be a powerful motivator.

In 2013, I took a bold step and launched my first globally successful franchise business from my living room, investing my savings to get started.

Taking risks and learning from the challenges of scaling that business has been one of the most rewarding experiences of my career. These experiences have taught me invaluable lessons that I now apply at JETSET Pilates. Strategic planning, resilience, and the ability to adapt to different markets are crucial for success. By leveraging the knowledge and skills I gained, I’m able to navigate the complexities of the fitness industry with a more refined approach, ultimately shaping JETSET Pilates into a leading global fitness franchise.

Which three character traits do you think were most instrumental to your success? Can you please share a story or example for each?

1. Resilience: Resilience has been a cornerstone of my success. My journey into business was filled with challenges and setbacks. For example, when I launched my first global success from my living room, I faced significant financial constraints and the uncertainty of a new venture. Yet, I persisted, using every setback as a learning opportunity. This resilience allowed me to pay back my initial investment loan within a year and set the foundation for expanding the franchise globally. At JETSET Pilates, this trait continues to help me navigate the complexities of scaling a business and adapting to new markets.

2. Strategic Thinking: An important lesson I learned from my athletic and business endeavors is that effort alone isn’t enough; it must be combined with strategy. Initially, I believed that the more I trained, the better my athletic performance would be, but this wasn’t true until I developed a strategic approach that included strength training, explosive exercises, rest days, and proper nutrition. This lesson translated to my business ventures. At JETSET Pilates, strategic thinking drives our growth, from developing operational systems to supporting our franchisees effectively. We have a culture of constant and never-ending innovation, which is fueled by a mindset of ‘’first yes, before no’’ — there are no bad ideas. Either we win, or we learn.

3. Extreme Ownership: In athletics, you have no one else to blame; your results are objective and directly reflect your preparation. This principle of extreme ownership has been instrumental in my success. During my bodybuilding and running career, every victory or defeat was a direct result of my efforts, diet, and training regimen. There was no room to abdicate responsibility for my successes or failures. This mentality carried over into my business life. I took full ownership of every decision and outcome. This approach ensures accountability and drives me to improve and adapt continually. By taking extreme ownership, I empower myself and my team to focus on solutions rather than excuses, empowering a culture of continuous improvement and excellence.

Ok, thank you for that. Let’s now jump to the primary focus of our interview. Can you share a pivotal moment in your athletic career that taught you a leadership lesson you’ve applied outside of sports?

A pivotal moment in my athletic career that taught me an invaluable leadership lesson happened when I overtrained too close to a major race. I was so determined to perform at my best that I pushed myself relentlessly, neglecting the importance of rest and recovery. On race day, I found that my performance was significantly impacted; my legs felt heavy, my energy levels were depleted, and I couldn’t achieve the times I had trained for.

This experience taught me that while hard work and dedication are crucial, they must be balanced with adequate rest and recovery. Overtraining had not only drained my physical resources but also affected my mental sharpness and overall performance. This lesson has had a profound impact on how I lead my team at JETSET Pilates.

In business, just like in athletics, preparation and hard work are essential. However, I’ve learned that leaving enough room for rest is equally important. It’s during these periods of rest that we can engage in inspirational, creative, and strategic thinking. I encourage my team to work hard but also to take breaks, reflect, and recharge. This balance ensures that we are not only productive but also innovative and strategic in our approach.

This philosophy has even influenced our corporate PTO policy at JETSET Pilates. We offer unlimited PTO to high performers, recognizing that their ability to recharge and find balance is crucial to their continued success and creativity. By fostering an environment that values both hard work and rest, I’ve found that my team is more motivated, creative, and effective. This balance has been crucial in driving our success and maintaining a high level of performance.

How has your experience in team dynamics within athletics influenced your approach to leadership in the workplace?

My experience in team dynamics within athletics has profoundly shaped my approach to leadership in the workplace. One of the key lessons I’ve learned is that you can’t be an effective leader unless you understand that high standards are contagious. In sports, if you want to inspire your teammates to work harder and achieve more, they need to see your commitment and dedication first.

I realized that my actions set the tone for the entire team. If I showed up early, gave my best effort in every training session, and maintained a disciplined lifestyle, my teammates were more likely to follow suit. The same principle applies in business. At JETSET Pilates, I lead by example, demonstrating the dedication and work ethic I expect from my team. We uphold the QQS principles and assess our work based on the quality, quantity, and spirit of cooperation we bring to it.

Furthermore, understanding team dynamics in sports has taught me the importance of recognizing and utilizing the strengths of each team member. In rugby, every player has a specific role, and success depends on everyone performing their part while working towards a common goal. I apply this understanding to my leadership approach by developing a collaborative environment where each team member’s contributions are valued and important to our collective success.

Overall, my athletic background has instilled in me the importance of leading by example, setting high standards, and fostering a team-oriented mindset, all of which are essential for effective leadership in the workplace.

In what ways has facing defeat or challenges in sports prepared you for handling failure and setbacks in your professional life?What role does resilience play in long term career success?

Facing defeat and challenges in sports has been instrumental in preparing me for handling failure and setbacks in my professional life. As I said before, we either win or learn! In athletics, every race or match brings the possibility of defeat, and it’s the failure experiences that have taught me more valuable lessons about resilience and perseverance

In the context of JETSET Pilates, resilience means maintaining a positive outlook and staying committed to our goals, even when faced with setbacks. It’s about analyzing what went wrong, learning from it, and coming back stronger. This mindset has allowed us to adapt and grow, continuously improving our processes and strategies.

How do you apply the discipline and training regimen from your athletic pursuits to your current leadership role?

The discipline and training regimen from my athletic pursuits have been foundational in shaping my leadership role at JETSET Pilates. One key lesson I’ve learned is that when you prioritize high quantity in your efforts — starting early, staying late, and putting in the necessary work — your quality will naturally improve over time. This principle has guided my approach both in athletics and business.

In athletics, success isn’t achieved overnight. It requires consistent, disciplined effort. Early mornings, late nights, and pushing through the pain are all part of the process. The same applies to business. When I first started, there were many aspects I didn’t fully understand, but I didn’t let that stop me. Instead of being overly focused on what I didn’t know, I concentrated on putting in the work. I started early, stayed late, and dedicated myself to learning and improving every day.

This approach has taught me that clarity comes from moving forward. In the beginning, it might feel like you’re crawling, then walking, and eventually running as the “mist clears.” Each step you take, no matter how small, brings you closer to your goals and provides greater insight and understanding

Reflecting on your journey, what specific skills or attributes developed through athletics do you believe are most essential for effective leadership?

  • Consistency and Discipline: Athletics taught me the importance of maintaining a consistent and disciplined approach to training and performance. This consistency ensures steady progress and helps build trust and reliability within a team. In my leadership role at JETSET Pilates, maintaining discipline in our daily operations and long-term strategies has been crucial for achieving sustained success.
  • Strategic Planning: In sports, particularly in competitive bodybuilding and running, strategic planning is vital. You can’t just train hard; you need a well-thought-out plan that includes proper nutrition, rest, and varied workouts. This strategic mindset has been instrumental in business as well. At JETSET Pilates, we carefully plan our growth strategies, operational processes, and market approaches to ensure we are always moving towards our goals effectively.
  • Mental Toughness: The mental challenges of athletics, such as pushing through fatigue and handling competition pressure, have strengthened my mental toughness. This attribute is critical in business leadership, where challenges and setbacks are inevitable. Maintaining a strong, positive mindset helps me navigate difficult situations and keep the team motivated.
  • Adaptability: Sports require quick thinking and adaptability. Whether it’s adjusting a game plan in rugby or modifying a training routine in bodybuilding, being adaptable is key to overcoming obstacles. In the business world, adaptability allows us to respond to market changes, client needs, and unexpected challenges swiftly and effectively.
  • Team Cohesion and Leadership by Example: Playing rugby taught me the value of team cohesion and the importance of leading by example. High standards are contagious; when the teammate next to you does great work, you want to emulate and replicate it. If your team sees your commitment and dedication, they are more likely to mirror those qualities. At JETSET Pilates, I strive to embody the values and work ethic I expect from my team, fostering a collaborative and high-performing culture.

Based on your experience, can you please share “5 Ways That Athletics Can Help Train Great Leaders?”

  1. Consistency and Discipline: Athletics taught me the importance of maintaining a consistent and disciplined approach to training and performance. This consistency ensures steady progress and helps build trust and reliability within a team. In my leadership role at JETSET Pilates, maintaining discipline in our daily operations and long-term strategies has been crucial for achieving sustained success.
  2. Strategic Planning: In sports, particularly in competitive bodybuilding and running, strategic planning is vital. You can’t just train hard; you need a well-thought-out plan that includes proper nutrition, rest, and varied workouts. This strategic mindset has been instrumental in business as well. At JETSET Pilates, we carefully plan our growth strategies, operational processes, and market approaches to ensure we are always moving towards our goals effectively.
  3. Mental Toughness: The mental challenges of athletics, such as pushing through fatigue and handling competition pressure, have strengthened my mental toughness. This attribute is critical in business leadership, where challenges and setbacks are inevitable. Maintaining a strong, positive mindset helps me navigate difficult situations and keep the team motivated.
  4. Adaptability: Sports require quick thinking and adaptability. Whether it’s adjusting a game plan in rugby or modifying a training routine in bodybuilding, being adaptable is key to overcoming obstacles. In the business world, adaptability allows us to respond to market changes, client needs, and unexpected challenges swiftly and effectively.
  5. Team Cohesion and Leadership by Example: Playing rugby taught me the value of team cohesion and the importance of leading by example. High standards are contagious; when the teammate next to you does great work, you want to emulate and replicate it. If your team sees your commitment and dedication, they are more likely to mirror those qualities. At JETSET Pilates, I strive to embody the values and work ethic I expect from my team, fostering a collaborative and high-performing culture.

You are a person of great influence. If you could start a movement that would bring the most amount of good to the most amount of people, what would that be? You never know what your idea can trigger. :-)

Fit for Life! Having experienced firsthand the profound impact of physical fitness and mental toughness on my life, I am passionate about sharing these benefits with others. From my days as an athlete to my journey as a business leader, I have seen how a holistic approach to well-being can transform lives. Fit for Life would be my way of giving back and helping others achieve their fullest potential, both physically and mentally.

By starting this movement, we could inspire a global shift towards a healthier, more connected world, where individuals are empowered to take charge of their well-being and support each other in the journey towards a better life.

This movement would focus on integrating physical fitness, mental health, and community building to create a holistic approach to well-being.

The Vision of Fit for Life:

  1. Accessible Fitness Programs: Partner with local gyms, schools, and community centers to provide free or low-cost fitness programs. These programs would cater to all age groups and fitness levels, ensuring everyone has the opportunity to improve their physical health. Incorporating a variety of activities — from traditional workouts to innovative approaches like EMS training — would keep the programs engaging and inclusive.
  2. Mental Health Awareness and Support: Collaborate with mental health professionals to offer workshops and resources that emphasize the connection between physical activity and mental well-being. This aspect of the movement would include mindfulness training, stress management techniques, and counseling services to help individuals develop a positive mental outlook and resilience.
  3. Community Fitness Challenges: Organize community-wide fitness challenges that encourage people to participate in regular physical activities while fostering a sense of camaraderie and support. These challenges could include group runs, cycling events, and team sports tournaments, with an emphasis on fun and inclusivity rather than competition.
  4. Corporate Wellness Programs: Work with businesses to implement comprehensive wellness programs that promote a healthy work-life balance. These programs would include fitness classes, mental health days, and educational seminars on nutrition and wellness. Encouraging companies to offer flexible schedules and unlimited PTO for high performers would further support employees’ well-being.
  5. Youth Empowerment Through Sports: Establish partnerships with schools and youth organizations to create sports and fitness programs that empower young people. By teaching discipline, teamwork, and leadership through athletics, we can help the next generation develop the skills and confidence needed to succeed in all areas of life.

How can our readers further follow you online?

Business & Personal


Instagram: @jetsetpilates @bertusalbertse

LinkedIn: JETSET Pilates Bertus Albertse

Thank you for the time you spent sharing these fantastic insights. We wish you only continued success in your great work!

About The Interviewer: Vanessa Ogle is a mom, entrepreneur, inventor, writer, and singer/songwriter. Vanessa’s talent in building world-class leadership teams focused on diversity, a culture of service, and innovation through inclusion allowed her to be one of the most acclaimed Latina CEO’s in the last 30 years. She collaborated with the world’s leading technology and content companies such as Netflix, Amazon, HBO, and Broadcom to bring innovative solutions to travelers and hotels around the world. Vanessa is the lead inventor on 120+ U.S. Patents. Accolades include: FAST 100, Entrepreneur 360 Best Companies, Inc. 500 and then another six times on the Inc. 5000. Vanessa was personally honored with Inc. 100 Female Founder’s Award, Ernst and Young’s Entrepreneur of the Year Award, and Enterprising Women of the Year among others. Vanessa now spends her time sharing stories to inspire and give hope through articles, speaking engagements and music. In her spare time she writes and plays music in the Amazon best selling new band HigherHill, teaches surfing clinics, trains dogs, and cheers on her children.

Please connect with Vanessa here on linkedin and subscribe to her newsletter Unplugged as well as follow her on Substack, Instagram, Facebook, and X and of course on her website VanessaOgle.



Vanessa Ogle
Authority Magazine

Vanessa Ogle is an entrepreneur, inventor, writer, and singer/songwriter. She is best known as the founder of Enseo