Body Builder, Little Person Advocate, Allison Warrell: “I Can Do Anything With The Right Mindset.”

An Interview With Bianca L. Rodriguez

Bianca L. Rodriguez Ed.M, LMFT
Authority Magazine


I recently had the pleasure to attend the Kroger’s Wellness Your Way Festival (WYWF). I had the opportunity of interviewing Allison Warrell, bodybuilder, trainer, entrepreneur and little person with achondroplasia dwarfism who defies the odds every day to pursue the healthy life of her dreams. Standing at 3’11, Allison realized late in life that extra weight was putting undue stress on her petite frame. With proper training help, she devoted herself to becoming as fit as possible and was the shortest woman to compete in the NPC bodybuilding federation in the women’s physique division. Allison has also created a support group for Little People (H.E.L.P.- Health and Exercise for Little People) to encourage others to embrace their fitness potential, no matter the challenge, and she has had the opportunity to transform two very obese little people in a documentary series called Big & Little on TLC.

Thank you so much for joining us, Allison. This festival is about “Wellness Your Way”. What does the term “Wellness Your Way” mean to you?

This festival is providing people with an opportunity to combine their physical, emotional and spiritual well-being. I think there’s a…



Bianca L. Rodriguez Ed.M, LMFT
Authority Magazine

Bianca L. Rodriguez is an expert in the field of spiritual psychology and personal transformation. Learn more: