Bret Talley of Talley Digital Media: Five Things I Wish Someone Told Me When I First Launched My Business or Startup

Authority Magazine
Authority Magazine
Published in
10 min readNov 12, 2023


Networking and Collaboration: Collaboration with others in the field opens doors to opportunities. Our story of discovering new partnerships and ideas through networking illustrates this point.

Taking the risk to start a company is a feat few are fully equipped for. Any business owner knows that the first few years in business are anything but glamorous. Building a successful business takes time, lessons learned, and most importantly, enormous growth as a business owner. What works and what doesn’t when one starts a new business? What are the valuable lessons learned from the “University of Adversity”? As part of this interview series, I had the pleasure of interviewing Bret Talley.

Bret Talley is the founder and pioneering force behind Talley Digital Media, a premier full-service digital marketing agency that specializes in Digital PR, Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and comprehensive online strategies. With a career spanning over two decades in the media sphere, Bret first accumulated rich expertise both in sales and management roles at prominent media conglomerates. However, it was in 2012 that he fully channeled his passion and proficiency into the digital domain by founding Talley Digital Media.

Over the years, Bret hasn’t just stopped at establishing his agency. He has expanded his horizons by launching several brands in the digital and tech arena, each echoing his commitment to innovation and excellence. His dual degrees in Marketing and Information Technology from Penn State University amplify his unique skill set, allowing him to seamlessly integrate marketing strategies with tech solutions, delivering results that resonate.

Hailing from Pennsylvania, Bret’s journey began with a Marketing degree, after which he ventured to the sun-soaked shores of Florida, setting the stage for his illustrious career. His early years in the Sunshine State saw him play pivotal roles in several large media companies. But as the dawn of the digital age approached, Bret, with his characteristic foresight, perceived the monumental shift and steered his career towards the digital world. From sales and management positions at digital marketing firms, he self-imbibed the intricacies of the digital space, culminating in the birth of Talley Digital Media in 2012.

Now, over a decade later, Bret’s vision transcends geographical boundaries. Based in South Florida, he collaborates with a diverse high-profile clientele, personalities, and businesses, helping them enhance their online footprint and revenue streams. Whether in the realms of finance, healthcare, entertainment or any other industry, Bret’s proven track record stands as a testament to his versatility and efficacy.

Beyond business, Bret’s altruistic side shines bright. In 2022, he initiated several non-profit endeavors, notably the Bret Talley Scholarship and Bret Talley Grant, aimed at fueling the dreams of budding entrepreneurs with transformative ideas, and the Bret Talley Comeback Award, which aims to reward students who have overcome adversity to return to a path of success.

Thank you so much for joining us in this interview series! Can you tell us a story about what brought you to this specific career path?

Absolutely. My journey into digital marketing and technology began during my time at Penn State University. I was always intrigued by the intersection of marketing and technology, and during my studies, I realized the immense potential of this field. This realization prompted me to pursue degrees in both Marketing and Information Technology.

After my formal education, I continued to grow my skills and expertise by working for several large media companies. These experiences provided me with valuable insights into the world of marketing, and they were instrumental in honing my abilities. It was during this time that I witnessed the rapid evolution of digital marketing and advertising, and I realized the significant impact it could have on businesses.

My years of working in various roles at these media companies served as a practical foundation for the launch of Talley Digital Media in 2012. This agency became the culmination of my passion for digital marketing and my desire to provide businesses with effective strategies to thrive in the digital landscape.

Can you tell us a story about the hard times that you faced when you first started your journey?

Absolutely. Launching Talley Digital Media in a niche market presented us with several unique challenges. The digital marketing landscape was highly specialized and competitive.

We overcame this by becoming experts within a niche market. One of the most significant hurdles we faced was establishing credibility and recognition within this niche. Niche markets often have well-established players who have been serving the industry for years. Convincing potential clients to choose our agency, which was relatively new and specific to their niche, required a strategic approach.

Financially, we had to carefully allocate resources to cater to the unique needs of our niche market. This meant investing in specialized tools, industry-specific expertise, and tailoring our services accordingly. It was a delicate balancing act, as we needed to provide top-notch services while managing limited startup resources.

Building a client base within the niche was challenging as well. Niche markets tend to have a tightly-knit community where word-of-mouth referrals and established relationships play a significant role. Gaining the trust of clients who were accustomed to working with established providers was a gradual process. We had to showcase our deep understanding of their niche, adapt our strategies accordingly, and consistently deliver outstanding results to earn their confidence.

Despite the challenges of entering a niche market, our unwavering belief in the potential of digital marketing within that specific industry and our commitment to delivering exceptional, tailored solutions kept us motivated during these initial hurdles.

In response to the evolving digital landscape and the growing importance of online reputation management, we have expanded our services to include digital PR as a core offering. Recognizing the vital role that public relations plays in shaping a brand’s online image and credibility, we have integrated comprehensive digital PR strategies into our portfolio. Our approach includes online reputation management, influencer relations, media outreach, crisis management, and content distribution. By leveraging various online platforms and channels, we assist our clients in building and maintaining a positive brand image, reaching wider audiences, and establishing themselves as industry experts. This expansion reflects our commitment to staying at the forefront of digital marketing trends and offering holistic solutions that align with the ever-changing needs of our clients in the digital age.

Where did you get the drive to continue even though things were so hard?

My determination to continue came from my belief in the value of digital marketing and the impact we could have on businesses. I recognized that in challenging times, businesses needed effective marketing strategies more than ever. Additionally, I had a supportive network of friends and mentors who encouraged me to persevere. The drive to help clients succeed and the support of my network kept me focused during the tough times.

So, how are things going today? How did grit and resilience lead to your eventual success?

Things are going exceptionally well today at Talley Digital Media. We’ve seen consistent growth year after year, which is a testament to our team’s dedication and our clients’ trust in our services. One exciting development is our increasing collaboration with high-profile businesses and individuals to enhance their online presence and PR efforts. We’ve had the privilege of working closely with these clients to elevate their web presence and reputation management strategies. This has allowed us to apply our expertise to a diverse range of industries and further solidify our position as a trusted partner in the digital marketing and PR space.

Can you share a story about the funniest mistake you made when you were first starting? Can you tell us what lesson you learned from that?

Absolutely, one of the funniest mistakes I made early on was a classic case of trying to grow too big too quickly. In my eagerness to expand Talley Digital Media’s reach early on, I decided to purchase digital media domains for practically every U.S. city, naming them “” The idea was to establish offices and cater to clients in each of these cities.

However, reality had other plans. As time went on, it became evident that the rapid expansion I had envisioned wasn’t sustainable. The lesson I learned from this amusing endeavor was that growth should ideally happen organically and at a pace that aligns with the actual needs and opportunities. While I still own those domains to this day, but they remain unused, and they serve as a quirky reminder that sometimes, it’s better to let things unfold naturally and not force them into existence.

What do you think makes your company stand out? Can you share a story?

What truly sets Talley Digital Media apart is our boutique approach to client relationships, especially when working with high-profile clients. We understand that these clients often have unique and demanding needs.

For instance, we recently collaborated with a prominent figure in the entertainment industry who required an extraordinary level of discretion and personalized attention. We tailored a digital marketing and reputation management strategy that not only met their specific requirements but also exceeded their expectations.

Our boutique service extends to being readily accessible to our high-profile clients. We provide a level of service that ensures they can reach us at any time, knowing that their concerns and objectives are our top priority. This dedication to personalized, high-touch service is what distinguishes us as a go-to agency for high-profile individuals and businesses in the digital marketing and PR arena.

Which tips would you recommend to your colleagues in your industry to help them thrive and not “burn out”?

To thrive and avoid burnout in the digital marketing industry, I would recommend:

  1. Prioritizing Work-Life Balance: Make time for personal life and self-care.
  2. Continuous Learning: Stay updated with industry trends and technologies.
  3. Delegating and Building a Strong Team: Share responsibilities and trust your team.
  4. Setting Realistic Goals: Avoid overcommitting and spreading yourself too thin.
  5. Taking Breaks: Regular breaks boost productivity and creativity.

None of us are able to achieve success without some help along the way. Is there a particular person who you are grateful towards who helped get you to where you are? Can you share a story?

Absolutely. The individuals I’m most grateful for are my parents. Throughout my journey, especially during challenging times, they never wavered in their support and belief in me. Their unwavering faith, encouragement, and steadfast love provided me with the strength and resilience to navigate difficult moments and pursue my career with determination and confidence. Their influence has been immeasurable in shaping the person I am today, and I owe a significant part of my success to their unwavering support.

How have you used your success to bring goodness to the world?

I firmly believe in using my success as a means to create a positive impact in the world. Over the years, I’ve launched several funds and initiatives aimed at fostering growth, empowerment, and resilience. These include the Bret Talley Scholarship for Tech Entrepreneurs, the Bret Talley Grant for Student Entrepreneurs, and the Bret Talley Comeback Award.

The Bret Talley Scholarship for Tech Entrepreneurs provides aspiring tech innovators with the financial support they need to turn their ideas into reality. It’s a way for me to give back to the tech community that has been instrumental in my own journey.

The Bret Talley Grant for Student Entrepreneurs nurtures the entrepreneurial spirit among young students. By offering funding and mentorship, we help them kickstart their ventures, encouraging innovation from a younger age.

The Bret Talley Comeback Award holds a special place in my heart. It recognizes students who have faced setbacks in life but have shown extraordinary resilience to get back on track towards success. These individuals inspire us all with their determination, and I’m honored to support their journey toward brighter futures.

These initiatives are my way of giving back and helping others realize their potential, providing opportunities for growth and success to those who might not have had them otherwise. It’s about creating a ripple effect of goodness in the world, one scholarship, grant, or award at a time.

What are your “5 things I wish someone told me when I first launched my business” and why?

  1. The Importance of Adaptability: I wish I had known earlier that being adaptable in the ever-changing tech and marketing landscape is critical. The story I shared earlier about pivoting a client’s strategy during a crisis underscores this point.
  2. Building a Strong Team: Early on, I underestimated the power of a talented and diverse team. As our agency grew, assembling a skilled team became a key factor in our success, as exemplified by our ability to handle complex projects.
  3. Continuous Learning: Staying updated with the latest industry developments is vital. A story that emphasizes this is our successful adoption of emerging platforms and strategies, thanks to our commitment to continuous learning.
  4. Client Communication: Effective communication with clients is paramount. I learned this lesson through experiences where clear communication led to trust and long-lasting relationships.
  5. Networking and Collaboration: Collaboration with others in the field opens doors to opportunities. Our story of discovering new partnerships and ideas through networking illustrates this point.

Can you share a few ideas or stories from your experience about how to successfully ride the emotional highs & lows of being a founder?

Embracing the emotional highs and lows of entrepreneurship is a journey. It’s essential to celebrate your successes, no matter how small, and use them to fuel your motivation during tough times. Surround yourself with a support system of friends, mentors, and peers who can provide guidance and encouragement. Remember that challenges are opportunities for growth and learning, and maintaining a positive mindset can make all the difference.

You are a person of great influence. If you could start a movement that would bring the most amount of good to the most amount of people, what would that be, and why?

I would start a movement focused on enhancing digital literacy and access to technology education, especially for underserved communities. In today’s digital age, these skills are essential for economic empowerment. By providing resources and education, we can bridge the digital divide, empower individuals, and create more opportunities for success in the digital world.

How can our readers further follow your work online?

Readers can connect with me and stay updated on our work through our website, Talley Digital Media, and our social media channels. If anyone is interested in discussing their goals and digital needs, they can schedule a consultation through our website, and our team will be in touch to assist them with their inquiries.

This was very inspiring. Thank you so much for joining us!

Thank you for having me.



Authority Magazine
Authority Magazine

In-depth interviews with authorities in Business, Pop Culture, Wellness, Social Impact, and Tech