Brigitte Millar of Harry Potter: “Let’s all agree to stop closing our eyes and do something (no matter how small) to help a homeless person get back on their feet”

Yitzi Weiner
Authority Magazine
Published in
8 min readMay 6, 2019


If we all cared more about those who are less fortunate and actively worked towards helping them find a better life then that would eliminate so much suffering in the world. Nobody should be forced to sleep on the streets and go without food, shelter and medical care. Let’s all agree to stop closing our eyes and do something (no matter how small) to help a homeless person get back on their feet or an abandoned animal to get into a shelter, where they can be looked after and rehomed.

As a part of my series about rising stars, I had the pleasure to interview Brigitte Millar. Brigitte is an English/European, bilingual award winning actress best known for her role as Dr Vogel in Spectre and Emmeline Vance in Harry Potter. Her ancestry goes back to the painter Emil Nolde and although her artistic talent was heavily discouraged, she decided to follow her dreams



Yitzi Weiner
Authority Magazine

A “Positive” Influencer, Founder & Editor of Authority Magazine, CEO of Thought Leader Incubator