Brooke Siffrinn & Aricia Skidmore-Williams of “Even the Rich”: 5 Things You Need To Know To Create A Very Successful Podcast

Jason Hartman
Authority Magazine
Published in
9 min readJul 19, 2020


Honestly, I just hope that listening to Even The Rich helps people escape this crazy world for a little while. We are just two friends talking about rich families and dynasties in a light-hearted way and we want listeners to feel like they are hanging out with us.

I had the pleasure of interviewing Brooke Siffrinn & Aricia Skidmore-Williams, Hosts of Wondery’s “Even the Rich”

Brooke Siffrinn: Brooke is a comedian, improviser, and alumna of the iO West Improv School where she performed on two house teams. Her love comedy started at an early age when her parents taught her the art of sarcasm and quick wit. Podcasting is her favorite thing to do because she loves chatting the day away with Aricia, and of course, not having to do her makeup for work.

Aricia Skidmore-Williams: Aricia is a Los Angeles-based comedian. She performs improve on multiple teams, including one of the house teams at the Upright Citizens Brigade. She hails from Chicago suburb by way of Maryland suburb, so some could say her comedy spans the country. Her comedy career officially started when she signed up for her first improv class in Baltimore, and unofficially started when her brother was born and she realized making people laugh was the only way she could steal attention away from a baby.

Thank you so much for joining us Aricia. Can you tell us a bit of your “personal backstory? What is your background and what eventually brought you comedy and podcasting?

I’ve always been a fan of comedy and found early on that making people laugh is one of the greatest feelings in the world. I started improv at the Baltimore Improv Group and started taking classes at the Upright Citizens Brigade within days of moving out to LA. I went through the core program and eventually got put on a house team last spring and then again last fall. Podcasting has always been a peripheral interest of mine, a way to perform comedy without too much of the trappings, if you will, so it’s been great getting to marry the two.

Can you share a story about the most interesting thing that has happened to you since you started podcasting?

Our associate producer emailed us saying that Even the Rich was #23 in the charts and #6 in Society and Culture…and that it was ahead of Conan’s AND Oprah’s podcasts. I mean, beating out titans like Conan and Oprah for a week? Doesn’t get much cooler than that!

Can you share a story about the biggest or funniest mistake you made when you were first starting? Can you tell us what lesson or takeaways you learned from that?

Haha, probably referring to Diana as a commoner. People got really upset about that, so I’d say the lesson is to not under-embellish the status of royal family members. That, and to avoid reading reviews.

How long have you been podcasting and how many shows have you aired?

Unofficially, I’ve been podcasting for a total of a year, and officially it’s been almost 6 months. Brooke and I had an amateur short-lived podcast about The Bachelor (we did it for a season), and we started recording Even the Rich at the end of January.

What are the main takeaways, lessons, or messages that you want your listeners to walk away with after listening to your show?

I want our listeners to walk away feeling like they spent the past hour hanging with their good friends. Our show is meant to be light and so while I definitely hope they learn a little more than what’s shown in the headlines, I hope most of all they had fun and felt like they were there with us.

In your opinion what makes your podcast binge-listenable? What do you think makes your podcast unique from the others in your category? What do you think is special about you as a host, your guests, or your content?

I think people listen for the way we deliver the content. We’re the first dual-hosted storytelling show at Wondery and since we came into this as friends, our relationship showcases well in each episode. Plus, we have fun which I think is obvious to listeners and makes them want more.

Doing something consistently is not easy. Podcasting every work-day, or even every week can be monotonous. What would you recommend to others about how to maintain discipline and consistency? What would you recommend to others about how to avoid burnout?

Oh yeah, consistency is key but also so challenging! We’re very fortunate in that we have Wondery producing Even the Rich’s episodes, so a lot of the heavy lifting isn’t on us which certainly makes things easier. I think making sure you’re doing a show about something you’re passionate about is the most important thing.

Is there someone in the podcasting world who you think is a great model for how to run a really fantastic podcast?

I’m a big fan of Justin Long’s show Life is Short and I think it’s a fantastic show all-around.

What are the ingredients that make that podcast so successful? If you could break that down into a blueprint, what would that blueprint look like?

I love it because he has pretty open conversations with his guests where it seems like nothing is off limits. I love when people connect to each other — I truly believe everyone in the world has something in common with someone else — and I enjoy hearing him open his guests up, so to speak. Plus, the stories and memories he shares are always a lot of fun and make me feel like I know him, so I think feeling a connection to a host/show is important in its success.

Can you share some insight from your experience about the best ways to:

  • 1) book great guests
  • 2) increase listeners
  • 3) produce it in a professional way
  • 4) encourage engagement
  • 5) the best way to monetize it?

Brooke and I are very fortunate to have the team at Wondery working hard to check all of these boxes and make Even the Rich the best it can be.

For someone looking to start their own podcast, which equipment would you recommend that they start with?

I don’t know much about podcasting equipment, though in our pandemic-times, I’ve had to learn a little! I think it’s most important to do some research based on what kind of show you’re looking to launch. I also don’t think you need to get the most expensive equipment to create a quality show.

If you could inspire a movement that would bring the most amount of good to the greatest amount of people, what would that be?

I think there are plenty of movements already in existence that don’t need to be inspired, but need to be bought into. I feel very passionately about the Black Lives Matter movement and know that once this becomes a country that actually fully lives and believes in it, it will do incalculable good for every person in our society.

How can our readers follow you online?

I’m on Instagram and Twitter — both under the handle @ariciaskiddubs

Thank you so much for joining us Brooke. Can you tell us a bit of your “personal backstory? What is your background and what eventually brought you comedy and podcasting?

I grew up in a small town in Pennsylvania and I didn’t necessarily realize, at a young age, that I wanted to do comedy, but I grew up in a super funny household and knew that I loved to make people laugh. I truly started to pursue comedy when I moved to L.A. in 2012. Podcasting kind of came out of nowhere when a friend and I realized we both loved The Challenge on MTV and decided to start a recap podcast called The Right Reality. That show made me fall in love with podcasting.

Can you share a story about the most interesting thing that has happened to you since you started podcasting?

For two glorious weeks, Even The Rich was #23 on iTunes and we were actually ahead of Oprah and Conan O’Brien’s Podcasts.

Can you share a story about the biggest or funniest mistake you made when you were first starting? Can you tell us what lesson or takeaways you learned from that?

Before Even the Rich, Aricia and I actually hosted a Bachelor recap podcast together. One night in our apartment, we recorded for 3 hours and when we finished, we realized we never pressed record. Ever since then we are both hyper aware and very paranoid every time we record on our own.

How long have you been podcasting and how many shows have you aired?

I have been podcasting for 3 years now and have recorded over 100 episodes!

What are the main takeaways, lessons, or messages that you want your listeners to walk away with after listening to your show?

Honestly, I just hope that listening to Even The Rich helps people escape this crazy world for a little while. We are just two friends talking about rich families and dynasties in a light-hearted way and we want listeners to feel like they are hanging out with us.

In your opinion what makes your podcast binge-listenable? What do you think makes your podcast unique from the others in your category? What do you think is special about you as a host, your guests, or your content?

The stories we tell on Even the Rich are so juicy that you truly want to know what will happen in the next episode! We are the first dual hosted storytelling show at Wondery and we really are best friends. I think our genuine connection and banter makes our show special.

Doing something consistently is not easy. Podcasting every work-day, or even every week can be monotonous. What would you recommend to others about how to maintain discipline and consistency? What would you recommend to others about how to avoid burnout?

I would say most importantly, make sure your podcast is about a topic you truly care about and have a genuine interest in. Also a good co-host that you can not only rely on, but talk to about anything will make anything less monotonous.

Is there someone in the podcasting world who you think is a great model for how to run a really fantastic podcast?

I love Whitney Cumming’s podcast! I love a funny host who is unapologetically themselves! She’s obviously hilarious, but she keeps listeners engaged even when she doesn’t have a guest. That’s a skill!

What are the ingredients that make that podcast so successful? If you could break that down into a blueprint, what would that blueprint look like?

Aside from being a comedic genius who is used to keeping a crowd entertained with only her words, she makes listeners a priority. I think an appreciation for your listeners is really important and I personally love when listeners of Even the Rich reach out.

Can you share some insight from your experience about the best ways to:

  • 1) book great guests
  • 2) increase listeners
  • 3) produce it in a professional way
  • 4) encourage engagement
  • 5) the best way to monetize it?

Even the Rich is an original idea from Wondery that Aricia and I were chosen to host! We are truly lucky to have that team behind us to really get the show out to the masses and work all of their behind the scenes magic. For independent podcasts, I fully believe in the power of social media to reach out to prospective guests and connect with potential listeners.

For someone looking to start their own podcast, which equipment would you recommend that they start with?

I truly believe anyone can start a podcast. There are several great USB microphones on Amazon that won’t break the bank. You can also download a free audio program called Audacity and find a great hosting site. Podbean is very user friendly!

If you could inspire a movement that would bring the most amount of good to the greatest amount of people, what would that be?

This might sound corny, but I would love to inspire a movement of kindness and equality. I think this world would be a far better place if we were all just a little easier on each other.

How can our readers follow you online?

You can find me on Instagram and Twitter at @brookesiffrinn. Come say hi!

