C-Suite Perspectives On AI: MaryRose Reaston Of Segen-Health On Where to Use AI and Where to Rely Only on Humans

An Interview With Kieran Powell


In my experience, the decision between utilizing AI or human expertise hinges significantly on considering unintended consequences. While AI offers tremendous potential, its reliance on training data introduces the risk of bias — a critical consideration often overlooked. Additionally, AI requires substantial time to adapt to unnecessary changes, lacking the creative and inventive capabilities inherent in human cognition.

As artificial intelligence (AI) continues to advance and integrate into various aspects of business, decision-makers at the highest levels face the complex task of determining where AI can be most effectively utilized and where the human touch remains irreplaceable. This series seeks to explore the nuanced decisions made by C-Suite executives regarding the implementation of AI in their operations. As part of this series, we had the pleasure of interviewing MaryRose Reaston, Ph.D.

Dr. Reaston is the CEO of Segen-Health. She is an inventor, successful author and considered an expert on medical technologies, healthcare, wellness and innovation. She has devoted the majority of her career to developing new technologies to assist people to manage their Musculoskeletal Conditions, thereby preventing unnecessary surgeries, reliance on medications and leading a more productive life.

Thank you so much for your time! I know that you are a very busy person. Our readers would love to “get to know you” a bit better. Can you tell us a bit about your ‘backstory’ and how you got started?

Even from a very young age, I always knew I wanted to make a difference in people’s lives within the realm of healthcare. Initially, my aspirations leaned towards becoming a surgical oncologist, driven by a desire to directly treat and alleviate suffering. However, during my time at UCLA, my perspective shifted as I delved deeper into Public Health. Serving as a teaching assistant in the Graduate School of Public Health, I began to appreciate the significance of preventive measures in healthcare. This detour in my educational journey opened my eyes to the importance of addressing health issues proactively rather than reactively. As my career evolved, I became increasingly cognizant of society’s tendency to approach health and wellness from a reactive standpoint. This realization prompted me to redirect my focus towards one of the leading causes of illness and healthcare expenditure: Musculoskeletal Conditions (MSK). Despite being poorly understood and lacking innovation, MSK conditions can have a profound impact on individuals’ well-being, making it an area ripe for improvement and innovation in the field of health and wellness.

It has been said that our mistakes can be our greatest teachers. Can you share a story about the funniest mistake you made when you were first starting? Can you tell us what lesson you learned from that?

As an entrepreneur, one of the earliest lessons I learned was the importance of focus — focus, focus, focus. Especially in the medical field, where the temptation to cater to every need and solve every problem can be overwhelming, it’s crucial to resist the urge to be all things to everyone. There’s no magic bullet in medicine, just as there isn’t in life. Every good idea and technological advancement has its place, but overreaching can lead to inefficiency and dilution of efforts. The key is to pinpoint the problem you’re aiming to solve and then devise a specific solution. A humorous anecdote from my journey illustrates this point vividly. While exploring approaches to targeting back pain with biosensors, an orthopedic surgeon proposed examining the impact of equestrian training on low back issues. Eager to gather empirical data, I enthusiastically agreed. However, our attempt at scientific experimentation took an unexpected turn when, instead of evaluating humans, he directed me to assess the back end of a horse. It was a moment of realization that we had strayed far from our focus. We eventually compromised and redirected our efforts towards testing the riders, not the horses. This experience underscored the importance of taking small steps and maintaining focus when introducing new technology to the market.

Are you working on any exciting new projects now? How do you think that will help people?

We are embarking on an exciting journey with a new venture that promises to be a game-changer in the Health and Wellness Space — Segen-Health, Corp. Our vision for Segen-Health is bold: to create a company that transforms how people feel and significantly enhances the well-being of all individuals. Founded by a passionate group of like-minded individuals, Segen-Health is driven by a shared mission to leave a positive impact on society by revolutionizing the healthcare model from reactive to proactive. We believe in empowering individuals to take control of their health and well-being, fostering a sense of accountability for their own state of wellness. With Segen-Health, we aim to inspire a paradigm shift in healthcare that prioritizes prevention and holistic well-being, ultimately leading to happier, healthier lives for everyone. At Segen, our primary focus is on musculoskeletal (MSK) health and well-being, recognizing the immense impact these conditions have on quality of life. Musculoskeletal disorders stand as the foremost cause of disability in the United States, exerting a profound impact on both quality of life and longevity. These disorders encompass a diverse spectrum of conditions that disrupt normal activity, stemming from injuries, pain, or diseases affecting bones, joints, ligaments, muscles, and tendons. The breadth of their impact is staggering, affecting individuals across all demographics and contributing significantly to healthcare burdens. Addressing musculoskeletal health is paramount in enhancing overall well-being and reducing the societal burden associated with disability and diminished quality of life. With over 1.71 billion people worldwide affected by MSK issues, and a staggering 30% of individuals over 45 grappling with related conditions, the need for innovative solutions has never been more pressing. Segen emerges as a beacon of hope in this fragmented landscape, offering a holistic approach that transcends basic tracking to address the total mind-body connection. Segen emerges as a beacon of hope in this fragmented landscape, offering a holistic approach that transcends basic tracking to address the total mind-body connection. Our proprietary biometric sensors, seamlessly integrated into our cutting-edge application, enable advanced monitoring and diagnostic capabilities, setting us apart as leaders in the wellness market. What truly distinguishes Segen is our commitment to patient interaction, bridging the gap between fitness and healthcare with live virtual classes, video libraries, and physician oversight. Through our outcome value-based model of care, we deliver tangible benefits, from cost savings to improved diagnostics and management of MSK conditions. With Segen, we are not just redefining wellness; we are reshaping the future of healthcare. Segen’s journey is to bring proactive well-being management, where technology, innovation, and compassion converge to create a healthier world for all.

Thank you for that. Let’s now shift to the central focus of our discussion. In your experience, what have been the most challenging aspects of integrating AI into your business operations, and how have you balanced these with the need to preserve human-centric roles?

When we embarked on our journey with AI, it was a collaborative effort involving experts from Harvard Medical School, and it proved to be an enlightening experience. Our goal was to utilize AI in conjunction with Surface EMG readings, particularly in a diagnostic context. Surface EMG interaction is inherently intricate and typically requires the expertise of an EMG specialist for accurate interpretation. With each patient generating voluminous data points, we believed AI could streamline and expedite the interpretation process. However, we quickly learned that AI is far more complex than initially perceived. Analyzing muscle activity entails considerations of various factors, including muscle groups evaluated, baseline expectations of muscle activity, and integration into both time and space dimensions. This complexity is further compounded when diagnosing conditions, underscoring the invaluable nature of human guidance. While AI shows promise, it’s essential to recognize its limitations — it’s only as good as the data inputted and the management of the algorithm, which requires continuous monitoring and updates, particularly in the medical realm. Factors such as medical history, age, race, and weight must also be taken into account in EMG activity analysis. Achieving an accurate algorithm capable of minimal human interaction would necessitate years of refinement. Thus, our experience has underscored the necessity of human involvement, especially in medical settings, where the nuances of patient care demand a personalized touch alongside technological advancements.

Can you share a specific instance where AI initially seemed like the optimal solution but ultimately proved less effective than human intervention? What did this experience teach you about the limitations of AI in your

AI has evolved into a category of its own, representing machines or computers taking over processes traditionally exclusive to humans. Over the past two decades, we’ve witnessed machines learning in ways previously associated with human cognition, a trend increasingly prevalent in the medical field. While AI algorithms often outperform humans, particularly in processing vast amounts of new data at remarkable speeds, they lack the essential qualities of empathy and creativity inherent to human decision-making. The ultimate goal of AI is to replicate human behavior and complete tasks traditionally performed by humans, raising questions about its feasibility, especially in fields like medicine where responsible AI practices are paramount. Instead of viewing AI as a replacement for human expertise, we should consider it as a synergy between humans and computers, leveraging the strengths of both. Humans possess a unique capacity for learning, continually evolving through formal education and professional experience. Just as humans require ongoing training and education to adapt and grow, AI algorithms also necessitate human guidance to train and maintain their effectiveness. Unlike medical devices or drugs, AI software is dynamic and constantly evolving, posing challenges for regulatory bodies like the FDA to monitor and oversee. While the FDA and Congress grapple with regulatory oversight, proposals for public-private assurance labs to monitor AI in healthcare have emerged, highlighting the urgent need for ethical considerations in AI development. My early introduction to AI in the context of MSK conditions underscored the complexity of developing AI in medicine. Our early work as outline above clearly illustrated to me that developing AI in the medical field is a complex process because there are many variables and issues to understand in rendering a diagnosis of a medical condition or for example in the case of MSK conditions coordination of EMG functions with range of motion and functional abilities. Then once those are identified factors such as medical history, age, race height and weight need to be considered. Physicians and other medical personally access multifaceted information that must be broken down first with a clear understanding of each step of the process before AI can be considered. Once AI is developed there must be human oversight and guidance as they are essential throughout the AI development process to ensure accuracy, reliability, and ethical decision-making. In conclusion, my experience has taught me the evolution of AI in healthcare necessitates ongoing human involvement and oversight to navigate the complexities of medical diagnosis and treatment effectively.

How do you navigate the ethical implications of implementing AI in your company, especially concerning potential job displacement and ensuring ethical AI usage?

As we prepare to integrate AI into Segen-Health’s operations, we’re fortunate to have the expertise of our Medical Director, Dr. Imam, and our Chief Technology Officer, Phil Reaston, guiding us every step of the way. Drawing from our collective experiences, we’ve come to recognize the importance of establishing a detailed requirements document and securing buy-in from all stakeholders before diving into the implementation process. At Segen, we understand the significance of taking incremental steps in this journey, ensuring thorough feasibility assessments for each parameter to guarantee optimal outcomes. With a commitment to maintaining the highest standards, we’ll exercise strong oversight throughout the development and integration phases, ensuring that our AI initiatives align seamlessly with our mission to revolutionize healthcare delivery.

Could you describe a successful instance in your company where AI and human skills were synergistically combined to achieve a result that neither could have accomplished alone?

At the core of our AI integration roadmap lies a fundamental understanding of the intricate parameters and complexities involved in EMG integration and medical indications. Our approach emphasizes collaboration between experts in these domains, leveraging their collective expertise to inform the development of AI algorithms. We recognize that this process will unfold in phases, allowing for iterative refinement and adaptation as we gain deeper insights and understanding. By combining the strengths of human expertise with the capabilities of computer learning, we aim to create a symbiotic relationship that maximizes the benefits of both. As we embark on this journey, we remain committed to continuous improvement and evolution, ensuring that our AI initiatives align seamlessly with our mission to revolutionize healthcare delivery.

Based on your experience and success, what are the “5 Things To Keep in Mind When Deciding Where to Use AI and Where to Rely Only on Humans, and Why?” How have these 5 things impacted your work or your career?

In my experience, the decision between utilizing AI or human expertise hinges significantly on considering unintended consequences. While AI offers tremendous potential, its reliance on training data introduces the risk of bias — a critical consideration often overlooked. Additionally, AI requires substantial time to adapt to unnecessary changes, lacking the creative and inventive capabilities inherent in human cognition. Humans possess a unique ability to exercise sound judgment, multitask effectively, and process information in nuanced ways that machines cannot replicate. What emerges from this dynamic is a complementary relationship, wherein human interaction remains indispensable alongside AI assistance. This isn’t to discount the growth potential of AI in analyzing complex data; rather, it underscores the necessity of human oversight. As we integrate AI into our processes at Segen, our approach emphasizes incremental steps — breaking down each function of the EMG signal and gradually integrating simple patterns into the algorithm before tackling more complex integrations. By taking small steps, we aim to achieve better outcomes while ensuring that human expertise remains at the forefront of our endeavors.

Looking towards the future, in which areas of your business do you foresee AI making the most significant impact, and conversely, in which areas do you believe a human touch will remain indispensable?

In contemplating the future of healthcare, I firmly believe that it lies in the integration of AI and the human touch. Just as humans evolve, grow, and learn, so too must AI continuously adapt and improve. As medicine advances, the complexity of AI algorithms will undoubtedly increase to keep pace with emerging challenges and opportunities. However, despite AI’s remarkable capabilities, it will always require human oversight and guidance to ensure ethical decision-making and optimal outcomes. The synergy between human expertise and AI innovation holds immense potential to revolutionize healthcare delivery, offering the best of both worlds — advanced technology and compassionate care. As we navigate this ever-evolving landscape, it’s essential to recognize the indispensable role that human insight and intuition play in shaping the future of healthcare.

You are a person of great influence. If you could start a movement that would bring the most amount of good to the most amount of people, what would that be? You never know what your idea can trigger. :-)

For me, initiating a movement of kindness begins with fostering self-compassion and extending that kindness outward to others. Each morning, I make it a priority to start my day with an act of self-love, whether it’s through affirmations, meditation, or simply taking a moment to appreciate myself. From there, I focus on spreading kindness to others, no matter how small the gesture may seem. The profound impact of kindness resonates deeply within me; it not only enhances one’s own sense of positivity and well-being but also has the power to create a ripple effect, generating even more goodness with each act of kindness shared.

How can our readers further follow your work online?




This was very inspiring. Thank you so much for joining us!

About The Interviewer: Kieran Powell is the EVP of Channel V Media a New York City Public Relations agency with a global network of agency partners in over 30 countries. Kieran has advised more than 150 companies in the Technology, B2B, Retail and Financial sectors. Prior to taking over business operations at Channel V Media, Kieran held roles at Merrill Lynch, PwC and Ernst & Young. Get in touch with Kieran to discuss how marketing and public relations can be leveraged to achieve concrete business goals.



Kieran Powell, EVP of Channel V Media
Authority Magazine

Kieran is the EVP of Channel V Media, a Public Relations agency based in New York City with a global network of agency partners in over 30 countries.