Classroom…Trade Show Floor…Board Room…Mosh Pit

Oh, the Places Denise Rosplock has Been! (And Where She’s Going)

Nancy A. Shenker
Authority Magazine


…and in rocker mode

Denise Rosplock (now 52) had young kids when she became a single mother and majority bread-winner. Everything centered on that reality, including her career decisions.

Upward mobility meant financial stability. “Don’t get me wrong,” she says, “I learned a lot and am proud of what I accomplished, but NEED won over WANT most of the time.”

Fast Forward…

She was just shy of 50 when Denise paid her youngest kid’s last college bill, and something clicked. “I literally felt my internal pendulum begin to swing in the other direction. That big chapter was closing. The compromise formula? Out the window! I could be — gasp — selfish in how I wrote my next chapter. That’s what I set out to do.”

New Goal? Three Things…

  1. Head of marketing
  2. Back to Manhattan (from the burbs)
  3. Direct revenue impact.

So, after 20 years at a great company, she left. She continues, “I was without a job, but I had a lot of…



Nancy A. Shenker
Authority Magazine

I am a brand-builder, rule-breaker, professional writer, and speaker. Former C-level executive, mom, nana, and eternal bad-ass. Never too busy to laugh.