Clay Space on Five Pros and Cons about Crypto

Charles Wu
Authority Magazine
Published in
3 min readJun 5, 2018

I had the pleasure of interviewing Clay Space

Clay Space, founder of Blockspace Media and creator of the multi-platform storyworld BACK TO EARTH.

Thank you so much for doing this with us! What is your “backstory”

I come from the world of entertainment. I’ve been an actor and writer since I was 17. I got into the blockchain space around the same time in 2014 and, like most, was amazed by its potential. Since then, I’ve been constantly looking for ways to meld these two interests of mine.

Can you tell me about the most interesting projects you are working on now?

The Back to Earth story world is definitely top of the list. We’re bringing a whole new monetization model to entertainment, and so it’s been exciting to watch that unfold. And of course, eye opening as well.

What are the 5 things that most excite you about crypto? Why?

The things that excite me the most are
(1) the ease of global access to the crypto markets creating trillions of dollars in value over the next few years
(2) true, verifiable digital ownership that was impossible until now
(3) its affect on entertainment
(4) decentralized aspects that take control out of the hands of the oligarchs and dictators (both nations and businesses)
(5) US regulators are also optimistic about the tech and are approaching the space in a way that will aide its growth in the long run.

What are the 5 things worry you about crypto? Why?

Things that scare me
(1) cryptocurrencies have worse distribution than almost any national currency
(2) good people not understanding the technology and starting businesses in the space because they’ve seen others make money
(3) the lack of education for new entrants into the industry (low barrier to entry, high barrier to understanding — I’d argue most of who’ve been around for years STILL don’t get it),
(4) the tech is still in its infancy, and a lot of what we want to do won’t be possible for a long time still.

What 3 things would you advise to someone who wanted to emulate your career? Can you share an example for each idea?

1. Take risks and follow your passions. I dropped out of college to pursue this because I felt it was the thing I needed to do. I was a semester from graduating.

2. I read a lot. Everything I’ve learned has come from reading. I would not be here today if I never picked up books or magazines.

3. Going to conferences. I’ve met some amazing people at conferences, and the opportunities that have sprung from that have been life changing (and fun).

Some of the biggest names in Business, VC funding, Sports, and Entertainment read this column. Is there a person in the world, or in the US whom you would love to have a private breakfast or lunch with, and why? He or she might just see this.

Ashton Kutcher is always top of my list. He’s someone who understands blockchain, finance, and the world of entertainment.

Watch the full interview below:

