Creativity Is Contagious

Brands and Culture for the Common Good

Sally O'Dowd
Authority Magazine
Published in
3 min readSep 20, 2018


Letter from the Editor

· Amanda wants to help African communities build strong economies using solar panels.

· Samantha hopes to invent, manufacture and market a product that will broaden access to purified water in India.

· Kim plans to study the bacteria and viruses living in and on humans so she can spread a message of unity — we are all the same, down to microbes. She wants to campaign on her humanitarian message during a U.S. presidential run.

These South Florida high school seniors represent the global zeitgeist — a ubiquitous belief that innovation should help all stakeholders in society, not an elite few.

The teenagers’ dreams are the perfect way to illustrate the message in “Creativity Is Contagious: Brands and Culture for the Common Good,” my second multimedia, video-infused publication. My first magazine, Creativity Is Risky: Free Speech in a Charlie Hebdo World, explores threats to free speech and the media in the wake of the 2015 murders of 11 French journalists by two members of Al Queda.

Just as journalists and professors in “Creativity Is Risky” discussed fundamental human rights, dozens of communications pros and concerned citizens come together on these pages to discuss the role of business in a society wrought with complex problems.

· Does your company have an informed point of view on a social issue?

· Do you create products and services that tangibly improve people’s lives?

· Are you sincere and authentic in all you say and do?

If not, it’s time for a reset, argue Harvard and University of Virginia scholars. On the other hand, if the common good is inherent in your DNA, then the world wants to hear about it.

You might be asking: Why is Sally-Ann O’Dowd doing this?

As with Creativity Is Risky, I believe it’s the right thing to do. Moreover, people are hungry for stories that heal, not divide. From a commercial standpoint, “Creativity Is Contagious, Brands and Culture for the Common Good” marks the relaunch of my consultancy, Sally On Media. My partners and I are eager to promote innovative, socially conscious companies through advertising, website design, brand merchandise, multimedia video and written content, social media, and reporter outreach generating positive media coverage.

On behalf of my team, I hope you will enjoy this interactive experience and share your thoughts.

“Creativity is contagious. Pass it on.” – Albert Einstein

#CreativityIsContagious #CommonGood

This article is from the multimedia e-zine, “Creativity Is Contagious: Brands and Culture for the Common Good” published on by Sally-Ann O’Dowd. Sally-Ann is the founder of Fort Lauderdale-based Sally On Media, a strategic communications and content marketing consultancy. She writes about health and science for South Florida’s Lifestyle magazine, business for South Florida Business and Wealth, and technology and advertising for Write her at and check out her case studies and testimonials at Additional creative projects are on



Sally O'Dowd
Authority Magazine

multimedia content production and marketing, magazine self-publisher and poet