Publicist Josh Nass: “Demonstrate that you truly care to create a fantastic work culture”
Demonstrate that you care and be genuine: It might sound obvious; but it’s incredibly important for executives to demonstrate that they truly care about their staff’s abilities to develop their skills and make invaluable contributions to the company’s output.
I had the pleasure to interview Josh Nass. Josh is an award winning public relations executive and attorney specializing in crisis communications and reputation management. Nass has built a thriving practice that has grown to include a diverse portfolio of clients in a wide range of different industries. Among the fields Nass PR caters to are the healthcare, financial services, media and nonprofit sectors. Over the years the firm has represented the nation’s largest nursing home chains and their respective executives; a number of different venture capital firms in the financial sector, numerous high profile individuals; and several different media outlets. Clients have included The New York Observer, NYC based NGN Capital, the London Center for Policy Research, SW Management and many more. Nass PR has also been involved in providing media counsel to political campaigns…